conda create -n gene_seq_extraction
conda activate gene_seq_extraction
conda install -c bioconda blast
conda install -c bioconda bedtools
cat *.fasta > concatenated_genomes.fasta
makeblastdb -in concatenated_genomes.fasta -out concatenated_genomes_db -dbtype 'nucl' -hash_index
mkdir concatenated_genomes_db
mv concatenated_genomes_db* concatenated_genomes_db
All gene sequence file names must have _gene.fasta extension
chmod +x *
This will make the files executable
dos2unix *
This will make sure that all the files are in unix format
Red="$(tput setaf 1)"
Green="$(tput setaf 2)"
Bold=$(tput bold)
reset=`tput sgr0` # turns off all atribute
for file in *_gene.fasta
echo ""
echo ""
echo "${Red}${Bold}Blastn ${reset}: "${file}""
base=$(basename ${file} .fasta)
blastn -query "${file}" -task blastn -db concatenated_genomes_db/concatenated_genomes_db -outfmt 6 -out ${base}_blastn_hits.tsv -evalue 1e-10 -num_threads 18
echo "${Green}${Bold}Done ${reset}: "${file}""
echo ""
echo "${Red}${Bold}Making bed file ${reset}: "${file}""
awk '{print $2,$9,$10,""$1"_"NR}' ${base}_blastn_hits.tsv > ${base}_blastn_hits.bed
echo "${Green}${Bold}Done ${reset}: "${file}""
echo ""
echo "${Red}${Bold}Sorting bed file ${reset}: "${file}""
cat ${base}_blastn_hits.bed | awk -v OFS='\t' '{ if ($2 < $3) {print $1,$2,$3,$4} else {print $1,$3,$2,$4} }' > ${base}_blastn_hits_sorted.bed
echo "${Green}${Bold}Done ${reset}: "${file}""
echo ""
echo "${Red}${Bold}Extracting blastn hit sequences ${reset}: "${file}""
bedtools getfasta -fi concatenated_genomes.fasta -bed ${base}_blastn_hits_sorted.bed -fullHeader > ${base}_blastn_hits.fasta
echo "${Green}${Bold}Done ${reset}: "${file}""
echo ""
echo "${Red}${Bold}Naming headers with the corresponding gene and genome names ${reset}: "${file}""
awk -v var=$(basename $file .fasta) '{ gsub(/contig/, var "_contig") } 1' ${base}_blastn_hits.fasta > ${base}_blastn_hits_seqs.fasta
echo "${Green}${Bold}Done ${reset}: "${file}""
echo ""
echo "${Red}${Bold}Removing the coordinates from the headers ${reset}: "${file}""
sed -r '/^>/s/:[0-9]+-[0-9]+//' ${base}_blastn_hits_seqs.fasta > ${base}_blastn_hits_seqs_together.fasta
echo "${Green}${Bold}Done ${reset}: "${file}""
echo ""
echo "${Red}${Bold}Splitting the blastn hit sequences into individual fasta files ${reset}: "${file}""
while read line
if [[ ${line:0:1} == '>' ]] # files starting with '>'
outfile=$(echo "${line#>}" | cut -d ':' -f1)${baseName}.fasta # '${line#>}' is the enter heading,
# 'cut' separates parts based on space
# '-f1' picks up the first part
echo $line > "$outfile"
echo $line >> "$outfile"
done < ${base}_blastn_hits_seqs_together.fasta
echo "${Green}${Bold}Done ${reset}: "${file}""
rm -r *.bed *.tsv *_blastn_hits_seqs.fasta *_gene_blastn_hits.fasta
echo ""
echo "${Green}${Bold}Find the blastn hits as individual fasta files. However, _together.fasta contains all of them ${reset}"
echo ""
echo ""
Figure 1: Output files for the rsmD_NZ_CP065044 gene.
The following file (rsmD_NZ_CP065044_gene_blastn_hits_seqs.fasta) contains the rsmD_NZ_CP065044_gene sequences from all the supplied genomes
Note how the headers of the blastn hits have been named using the corresponding gene and genome names
This is for the convenience of tracking information
Figure 2. rsmD_NZ_CP065044 gene sequences extracted from all the supplied genomes