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NetCDF Mappings

cheryldmorse edited this page Jan 14, 2015 · 4 revisions

Where does NcSOS get its Metadata?


  • Service Identification <sos:Capabilities><ows:ServiceIdentification>
    • Title <ows:Title>
      • Set from the global attribute 'title'
    • Abstract <ows:Abstract>
      • Set from the global attriubte 'summary'
    • Keywords <ows:Keywords><ows:Keyword>
      • Set from the global attribute 'keywords.' This attribute contains a comma separated list of keywords.
    • Fees <ows:Fees>
      • Set from the global attribute 'fees'
    • AccessConstraints <ows:AccessConstraints>
      • Set from the global attribute 'access_constraints'
  • Service Provider <sos:Capabilities> <ows:ServiceProvider>
    • ProviderName <ows:ProviderName>
      • Set from the global attribute 'publisher_name'
    • ProviderSite xlink:href attribute <ows:ProviderSite xlink:href>
      • Set from the global attribute 'publisher_url'
    • ServiceContact <ows:ServiceContact>
      • IndividualName <ows:IndividualName>
        • Set from the global attribute 'publisher_name'
      • Voice <ows:ContactInfo><ows:Phone><ows:Voice>
        • Set from the global attribute 'publisher_phone'
      • Email <ows:ContactInfo><ows:Address><ows:ElectronicMailAddress>
        • Set from the global attribute 'publisher_email'
  • Operation Metadata <sos:Capabilities><ows:OperationMetadata>
    • GetObservation <ows:Operation name="GetObservation">
      • Offering <ows:Parameter name="offering"><ows:AllowedValues><ows:Value>
        • Each offering for a station will have the following structure: urn:ioos:station:<authority>:<station_name> where <authority> is defined by the global attribute 'naming_authority' and station name is the name from the feature type
      • ObservedProperty <ows:Parameter name="observedProperty"><ows:AllowedValues><ows:Value> - The 'standard_name' attribute for each of the feature type's data variables
        • Procedure <ows:Parameter name="procedure"><ows:AllowedValues><ows:Value>
          • Each procedure for a station will have the following structure: urn:ioos:station:<authority>:<station_name> where <authority> is defined by the global attribute 'naming_authority' and station name is the name from the feature type
    • Describe Sensor <ows:OperationMetadata><ows:Operation name="DescribeSensor">
      • Procedure <ows:Parameter name="procedure"><ows:AllowedValues><ows:Value>
      • Each procedure for a station will have the following structure: urn:ioos:station:<authority>:<station_name> where <authority> is defined by the global attribute 'naming_authority' and station name is the name from the feature type


  • Observation <om:ObservationCollection><om:member><om:Observation>
    • Description <gml:description>
      • Set from the 'description' global attribute
    • ObservedProperty <om:observedProperty>
      • Component xlink Attribute <swe:CompositePhenomenon dimension="1" gml:id="observedProperties"><swe:component xlink:href>
        • Uses the 'standard_name' attribute on the variable to set the definiton to the URL of the corresponding IOOS vocabulary
    • Feature Collection <om:featureOfInterest><gml:FeatureCollection>
      • Name <gml:metaDataProperty><gml:name>
        • Set from the 'featureType' global attribute
    • Result <om:result>
      • Stations <swe2:DataRecord><swe2:field name="stations">
        • StationID <swe2:field><swe2:DataRecord><swe2:field name="stationID"><swe2:Text><swe2:value>
          • The stationID is the URN of the station and will have the following structure: urn:ioos:station:<authority>:<station_name> where <authority> is defined by the global attribute 'naming_authority' and <station_name> is the name from the feature type
        • Sensors <swe2:field name="sensors"><swe2:DataRecord>
          • Sensor <swe2:field><swe2:DataRecord><swe2:field><swe2:Text><swe2:value>
            • An entry for each variable associated with the station. Sensor names have the following structure: urn:ioos:sensor:<authority>:<station>:<sensor_name> where <authority> is defined by the global attribute 'naming_authority' and <station_name> is the name from the feature type and sensor_name is the name of the variable
      • Observations <swe2:field name="observationData"><swe2:DataArray><swe2:elementType name="observations">
        • Sensor Observations <swe2:DataRecord definition="">
          • Sensor <swe2:field name="sensor"><swe2:DataChoice><swe2:item><swe2:DataRecord"><swe2:field>
            • Quantity definition Attribute <swe2:Quantity definition>
              • Uses the 'standard_name' attribute on the variable to set the definiton to the URL of the corresponding IOOS vocabulary
              • Units code Attribute<swe2:uom code>
                • Set from the 'units' attribute of the variable
              • NilValues <swe2:nilValues><swe2:NilValues><swe2:nilValue>
                • Set from the 'fillValue' attribute of the variable

Describe Sensor Network

  • Description <sml:member><sml:System><gml:description>
    • Set from the global attribute 'description
  • Name <sml:member><sml:System><gml:name>
    • The network-all procedure name with the following structure urn:ioos:network:<authority>:all where <authority> is equal to the 'naming_authority' global attribute
  • Identifier List <sml:member><sml:System><sml:identification><sml:IdentifierList>
    • NetworkID <sml:identifier name="networkID"><sml:Term><sml:value>
      • The network-all procedure name with the following structure urn:ioos:network:<authority>:all where <authority> is equal to the 'naming_authority' global attribute
    • ShortName <sml:identifier name="shortName"><sml:Term><sml:value>
      • Set from the 'shortName' global attribute
    • LongName <sml:identifier name="longName"><sml:Term><sml:value>
      • Set from the 'longName' global attribute
  • Classifier List <sml:member><sml:System><sml:classification><sml:ClassifierList>
    • PlatformType <sml:classifier name="platformType"><sml:Term><sml:value>
      • Set from the 'platform_type' global attribute
    • OperatorSector <sml:classifier name="operatorSector"><sml:Term><sml:value>
      • Set from the 'operator_sector' global attribute
    • Publisher <sml:classifier name="publisher"><sml:Term><sml:value>
      • Set from the 'publisher' global attribute
    • ParentNetwork <sml:classifier name="parentNetwork"><sml:Term><sml:value>
      • Set from the 'institution' global attribute
    • Sponsor <sml:classifier name="sponsor"><sml:Term><sml:value>
      • Set from the 'sponsor' global attribute
  • Contact List <sml:member><sm:System><sml:contact><sml:contactList>
    • Responsible Party (Operator) <sml:member xlink:role=""><sml:ResponsibleParty>
      • OrganizationName <sml:organizationName>
        • Set from the 'creator_name' global attribute
      • Phone <sml:contactInfo><sml:phone><sml:voice>
        • Set from the 'creator_phone' global attribute
      • DeliveryPoint <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:deliveryPoint>
        • Set from the 'creator_address' global attribute
      • City <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:city>
        • Set from the 'creator_city' global attribute
      • AdministrativeArea <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:administrativeArea>
        • Set from the 'creator_state' global attribute
      • PostalCode <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:postalCode>
        • Set from the 'creator_zipcode' global attribute
      • Country <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:country>
        • Set from the 'creator_country' global attribute
      • ElectronicMailAddress <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:electronicMailAddress>
        • Set from the 'creator_email' global attribute
      • OnlineResource <sml:contactInfo><sml:onlineResource>
        • Set from the 'creator_url' global attribute
    • Responsible Party (Publisher) <sml:member xlink:role=""><sml:ResponsibleParty>
      • OrganizationName <sml:organizationName>
        • Set from the 'publisher_name' global attribute
      • Phone <sml:contactInfo><sml:phone><sml:voice>
        • Set from the 'publisher_phone' global attribute
      • DeliveryPoint <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:deliveryPoint>
        • Set from the 'publisher_address' global attribute
      • City <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:city>
        • Set from the 'publisher_city' global attribute
      • AdministrativeArea <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:administrativeArea>
        • Set from the 'publisher_state' global attribute
      • PostalCode <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:postalCode>
        • Set from the 'publisher_zipcode' global attribute
      • Country <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:country>
        • Set from the 'publisher_country' global attribute
      • ElectronicMailAddress <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:electronicMailAddress>
        • Set from the 'publisher_email' global attribute
      • OnlineResource <sml:contactInfo><sml:onlineResource>
        • Set from the 'publisher_url' global attribute
  • Component List <sml:member><sml:System><sml:components><sml:ComponentList>
    • Identifier List <sml:System><sml:identification><sml:IdentifierList>
      • StationID <sml:identifier name="stationID"><sml:Term><sml:value>
        • The stationID is the URN of the station and will have the following structure: urn:ioos:station:<authority>:<station_name> where <authority> is defined by the global attribute 'naming_authority' and <station_name> is the name from the feature type
      • ShortName <sml:identifier name="shortName"><sml:Term><sml:value>
        • Set from the 'shortName' global attribute
      • LongName <sml:identifier name="longName"><sml:Term><sml:value>
        • Set from the 'longName' global attribute
    • Outputs <sml:System><sml:outputs>
      • Output name attribute<sml:output name>
        • The short name of the variable
      • Quantity definiton attribute <sml:output><swe:Quantity definition>
        • Uses the 'standard_name' attribute on the variable to set the definiton to the URL of the corresponding IOOS vocabulary
      • Units <sml:output><swe:Quantity><swe:uom code>
        • Set from the 'units' attribute associated with the variable

Describe Sensor Station

  • Description <sml:member><sml:System><gml:description>
    • Set from the global attribute 'description
  • Name <sml:member><sml:System><gml:name>
    • The network-all procedure name with the following structure urn:ioos:network:<authority>:all where <authority> is equal to the 'naming_authority' global attribute
  • Identifier List <sml:member><sml:System><sml:identification><sml:IdentifierList>
    • StationID <sml:identifier name="stationID"><sml:Term><sml:value>
      • The stationID is the URN of the station and will have the following structure: urn:ioos:station:<authority>:<station_name> where <authority> is defined by the global attribute 'naming_authority' and <station_name> is the name from the feature type
    • ShortName <sml:identifier name="shortName"><sml:Term><sml:value>
      • Set from the 'shortName' global attribute
    • LongName <sml:identifier name="longName"><sml:Term><sml:value>
      • Set from the 'longName' global attribute
  • Classifier List <sml:member><sml:System><sml:classification><sml:ClassifierList>
    • PlatformType <sml:classifier name="platformType"><sml:Term><sml:value>
      • Set from the 'platform_type' global attribute
    • OperatorSector <sml:classifier name="operatorSector"><sml:Term><sml:value>
      • Set from the 'operator_sector' global attribute
    • Publisher <sml:classifier name="publisher"><sml:Term><sml:value>
      • Set from the 'publisher' global attribute
    • ParentNetwork <sml:classifier name="parentNetwork"><sml:Term><sml:value>
      • Set from the 'institution' global attribute
    • Sponsor <sml:classifier name="sponsor"><sml:Term><sml:value>
      • Set from the 'sponsor' global attribute
  • Contact List <sml:member><sm:System><sml:contact><sml:contactList>
    • Responsible Party (Operator) <sml:member xlink:role=""><sml:ResponsibleParty>
      • OrganizationName <sml:organizationName>
        • Set from the 'creator_name' global attribute
      • Phone <sml:contactInfo><sml:phone><sml:voice>
        • Set from the 'creator_phone' global attribute
      • DeliveryPoint <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:deliveryPoint>
        • Set from the 'creator_address' global attribute
      • City <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:city>
        • Set from the 'creator_city' global attribute
      • AdministrativeArea <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:administrativeArea>
        • Set from the 'creator_state' global attribute
      • PostalCode <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:postalCode>
        • Set from the 'creator_zipcode' global attribute
      • Country <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:country>
        • Set from the 'creator_country' global attribute
      • ElectronicMailAddress <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:electronicMailAddress>
        • Set from the 'creator_email' global attribute
      • OnlineResource <sml:contactInfo><sml:onlineResource>
        • Set from the 'creator_url' global attribute
    • Responsible Party (Publisher) <sml:member xlink:role=""><sml:ResponsibleParty>
      • OrganizationName <sml:organizationName>
        • Set from the 'publisher_name' global attribute
      • Phone <sml:contactInfo><sml:phone><sml:voice>
        • Set from the 'publisher_phone' global attribute
      • DeliveryPoint <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:deliveryPoint>
        • Set from the 'publisher_address' global attribute
      • City <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:city>
        • Set from the 'publisher_city' global attribute
      • AdministrativeArea <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:administrativeArea>
        • Set from the 'publisher_state' global attribute
      • PostalCode <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:postalCode>
        • Set from the 'publisher_zipcode' global attribute
      • Country <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:country>
        • Set from the 'publisher_country' global attribute
      • ElectronicMailAddress <sml:contactInfo><sml:address><sml:electronicMailAddress>
        • Set from the 'publisher_email' global attribute
      • OnlineResource <sml:contactInfo><sml:onlineResource>
        • Set from the 'publisher_url' global attribute
  • Component List <sml:member><sml:System><sml:components><sml:ComponentList>
    • Description <sml:System><gml:description>
      • Set from the 'description' attribute associated with the variable
    • Outputs <sml:System><sml:outputs>
      • Output name attribute<sml:output name>
        • The short name of the variable
      • Quantity definiton attribute <sml:output><swe:Quantity definition>
        • Uses the 'standard_name' attribute on the variable to set the definiton to the URL of the corresponding IOOS vocabulary
      • Units <sml:output><swe:Quantity><swe:uom code>
        • Set from the 'units' attribute associated with the variable
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