This repo is for students who want to study / complete their CN assignments / submit code folders. It will also help students better understand which path to take while studying for the assignments by themselves. I am writing this when my practical exams are going on. Therefore, you can be sure that each program will surely run and perform the task it is supposed to do. Although, you must be aware that there might be some corner cases which might get left out.
If you just want the codes you can go to each assignment's folder and get it. If you are doing this while your lab is going on / you're studying for practicals, you might want to go through the study plan and look through the study folder for a better understanding of the practical.
- cable making
- connecting PCs
- connecting PCs
- wireshark
- 7-8 bit ASCII codes
- wireshark
- WAP for subnetting
- ip address
- subnet mask
- first & last address
- range
- WAP for sliding window protocol
- window size
- Number of packets to transfer
- drop or recieve
- sent / recieved
- wireshark
- transfer file
- Hello
- File Transfer
- Calculator ( Arithmatic / Trig )
- expression based. ( Must handle -10*54 )
- connect 2 machines
- SSH into another machine
- WAP ( c++ / JAVA / Python ) to install / remove software to / from remote machine
- 3 Nodes
- Monitoring traffic for the given topology.
- Analysis of CSMA and Ethernet protocols.
- Network Routing: Shortest path routing, AODV.
- Analysis of congestion control (TCP and UDP).
- Peer to Peer
- Multi User
Each topics will have additional study materials and links inside their respective folders.
- Error Detection. Hamming Codes. CRC Codes.
- Hamming & CRC ( C++ )
- Subnetting
- Subnetting Program ( Java )
- Sliding Window
- Go Back N ( C++ / Java )
- Selective Repeat ( C++ / Java )
- UDP Programming in C++
- UDP File Transfer
- TCP Programming in C++
- TCP File Transfer
- TCP Arithmatic
- UDP & TCP Programming in JAVA
- Peer to Peer Chat
- Multi User Chat
- What is TCL & Syntax of TCL
- NS2
- NS2 Basics
- Simple with 3 nodes: TCP/FTP
- Complex ( TCP as well as UDP )
- Star Topology
- Packet Tracer
- Simple topology
- Complex topology
- Installation
- SSH using terminal
- Analyzing wireshark packets using C++