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# quaternion

> Ref & Credits:

### Basics about complex number

### Basics about complex number $\mathbb C$

i^2 = -1 \\
z = a + bi = \begin{bmatrix}a &-b \\ b & a\end{bmatrix} \\
z_1z_2=z_2z_1 \\
||z|| = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2} = \sqrt{z \bar z}

### 2D Rotation

Multiply with a complex number equals **scaling and rotating**.
2D rotation (counter-clockwise by $\theta$) can be represented by:
\mathbf{v'} = \begin{bmatrix}\cos\theta &-\sin\theta \\ \sin\theta & \cos\theta\end{bmatrix} \mathbf{v}
A complex number can represents a 2D vector.

Multiply it with a complex number equals **scaling and rotating** in the 2D plane:

let $\theta = \arccos \frac{b}{\sqrt{a^2+b^2}}, r=||z||=\sqrt{a^2+b^2}$:

z = \begin{bmatrix}a &-b \\ b & a\end{bmatrix} = \sqrt{a^2+b^2} \begin{bmatrix} \frac {a} {\sqrt{a^2+b^2}} & \frac {-b} {\sqrt{a^2+b^2}} \\ \frac{b}{\sqrt{a^2+b^2}} & \frac{a} {\sqrt{a^2+b^2}}\end{bmatrix} = r \begin{bmatrix}\cos \theta & - \sin \theta \\ \sin \theta & \cos \theta\end{bmatrix} \\
= r(\cos\theta + i\sin\theta) \\
= re^{i\theta}
= re^{i\theta}

Therefore, we also have $v' = zv$ if the scaling factor $r=||z||=1$.

### 3D Rotation

3D rotation can be represented by three **Euler angles** $(\theta, \phi, \gamma)$, but it relies on the axes system and can lead to Gimbal Lock.

\mathbf R_x(\theta) =
Expand All @@ -60,14 +71,299 @@ $$
\end{bmatrix} \\
Another representation is **axis-angle**, i.e., rotation $\theta$ degree along axis $\textbf {u} = (x, y, z)^T$. ($||\mathbf u|| = 1$ so there are still only 3 Degree of Freedom.)
Another representation is **axis-angle**: rotation $\theta$ degree along axis $\textbf {u} = (x, y, z)^T$, where $||\mathbf u|| = 1$.

(There are still only 3 Degree of Freedom)


which leads to the **Rodrigues' Rotation Formula**:
\mathbf v' = \cos\theta\mathbf v + (1 - \cos\theta)(\mathbf u \cdot \mathbf v)\mathbf u + \sin\theta(\mathbf u\times\mathbf v)

### Basics about Quaternion $\mathbb H$

q = a + bi + cj + dk = \begin{bmatrix}a,b,c,d\end{bmatrix}^T \quad (a, b, c, d \in \mathbb R) \\
||q||=\sqrt{a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2}

by left-multiplying $i$ or right-multiplying $k$ to $ijk$, we have:
ij=k, jk=i
further left-multiplying $i$ or right-multiplying $j$ to $ij$ and similar to $jk$, we have:
kj=-i, ik=-j,ji=-k
lastly right-multiplying $i$ to $ji$, we have:
which leads to an important difference with Complex number:
q_1q_2 \neq q_2q_1

The matrix formulation of multiplication:
q_1 = a + bi + cj + dk, q_2=e+fi+gj+hk \\
a & -b & -c & -d \\
b & a & -d & c \\
c & d & a & -b \\
d & -c & b & a
e \\ f \\ g \\ h
\end{bmatrix} \\
a & -b & -c & -d \\
b & a & d & -c \\
c & -d & a & b \\
d & c & -b & a
e \\ f \\ g \\ h
A more concise form can be represented by hybrid scalar-vector form (Grafman Product):
q_1 = [a, \mathbf v], q_2=[e, \mathbf{u}] \\
\mathbf v = [b, c, d]^T, \mathbf{u}=[f,g,h]^T \\
q_1q_2=[ae-\mathbf v \cdot \mathbf u,a\mathbf u+e\mathbf v+\mathbf v \times \mathbf u]

#### Pure quaternion

the real part equals 0.
v = [0, \mathbf v], u=[0, \mathbf u] \\
vu=[-\mathbf v\cdot\mathbf u, \mathbf v\times\mathbf u]

#### Inverse

qq^{-1} = q^{-1}q = 1

#### Conjugate

q=[s, \mathbf u] \rightarrow q^* = [s, -\mathbf u] \\
(q^*)^* = q \\
qq^*=q^*q=||q||^2=[s^2 + \mathbf u \cdot \mathbf u, 0] \\
||q||=||q^*|| \\

And we get a method to calculate the inverse:
q^{-1} = \frac {q^*} {||q||^2} = [\frac s {s^2 + \mathbf u \cdot \mathbf u}, \frac {-\mathbf{u}} {s^2 + \mathbf u \cdot \mathbf u} ]\\
which also indicates:
||q^{-1}|| = \frac 1 {||q||} \\
(q^{-1})^{-1} = q

### Quaternion for 3D Rotation

A pure quaternion can represent a 3D vector: $v=[0, \mathbf v]$

A unit quaternion can represent a 3D rotation: $||q||=1$

And we can rewrite the Rodrigues' Rotation Formula in a new form!

To rotate $\mathbf{v}$ for $\theta$ degree along axis $\textbf {u} = (x, y, z)^T$, where $||\mathbf u|| = 1$,

v = [0, \mathbf v], q=[\cos\frac\theta 2, \sin\frac\theta 2 \mathbf u] \\
note that $$||q||=1$$, we have:

> To understand it, we still need to decompose it:
> $$
> v'=q(v_{||}+v_{\perp})q^* = qv_{||}q^*+qv_{\perp}q^*=qq^*v_{||}+qqv_\perp = v_{||}+qqv_\perp
> $$
> where
> $$
> qq = [\cos\theta, \sin\theta \mathbf u]
> $$
> (rotate $\frac \theta 2$ twice equals rotate $\theta$)
Inversely, given a unit quaternion $q=[a, \mathbf b]$, we can get the rotation angle and axis by:
\theta = 2 \arccos a\\
\mathbf u = \frac {\mathbf {b}} {\sin\theta}

#### Matrix form

Very complicated form...


#### Composition of rotation

The Rodrigues' Rotation Formula:
Just do it sequentially,
\mathbf v' = \cos\theta\mathbf v + (1 - \cos\theta)(\mathbf u \mathbf v)\mathbf u + \sin\theta(\mathbf u\times\mathbf v)
v' = q_2(q_1vq_1^*)q_2^* = (q_2q_1)v(q_2q_1)^*
First apply $q_1$ then apply $q_2$ leads to equal rotation of $q_2q_1$.

Note that the order matters! $q_1q_2 \ne q_2q_1$.

#### Double cover

One 3D rotation can be represented with TWO quaternions: $q$ and $-q$.
(-q)v(-q)^*=qvq^* \\
-q = [-\cos\frac\theta 2, -\sin\frac\theta 2 \mathbf u] = [\cos(\pi - \frac\theta 2), \sin(\pi-\frac\theta 2) (-\mathbf u)]


Notice that the matrix form is exactly the same for $-q$ and $q$, since all of the elements are multiplication of two coefficients!

#### Euler power form

e^{\mathbf u \theta}=\cos \theta + \mathbf u\sin\theta \\
v' = e^{\mathbf u \frac\theta 2} v e^{-\mathbf u \frac \theta 2}

### Implementation

import torch

def norm(q):
# q: (batch_size, 4)

return torch.sqrt(torch.sum(q**2, dim=1, keepdim=True))

def normalize(q):
# q: (batch_size, 4)

return q / (norm(q) + 1e-20)

def conjugate(q):
# q: (batch_size, 4)

return[q[:, 0:1], -q[:, 1:4]], dim=1)

def inverse(q):
# q: (batch_size, 4)

return conjugate(q) / (torch.sum(q**2, dim=1, keepdim=True) + 1e-20)

def from_vectors(a, b):
# get the quaternion from two 3D vectors, such that b = qa.
# a: (batch_size, 3)
# b: (batch_size, 3)
# note: a and b don't need to be unit vectors.

q = torch.empty(a.shape[0], 4, device=a.device)
q[:, 0] = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(a**2, dim=1)) * torch.sqrt(torch.sum(b**2, dim=1)) + torch.sum(a * b, dim=1)
q[:, 1:] = torch.cross(a, b)
q = normalize(q)

return q

def from_axis_angle(axis, angle):
# get the quaternion from axis-angle representation
# axis: (batch_size, 3)
# angle: (batch_size, 1), in radians

q = torch.empty(axis.shape[0], 4, device=axis.device)
q[:, 0] = torch.cos(angle / 2)
q[:, 1:] = normalize(axis) * torch.sin(angle / 2)

return q

def as_axis_angle(q):
# get the axis-angle representation from quaternion
# q: (batch_size, 4)

q = normalize(q)
angle = 2 * torch.acos(q[:, 0:1])
axis = q[:, 1:] / torch.sin(angle / 2)

return axis, angle

def from_matrix(R):
# get the quaternion from rotation matrix
# R: (batch_size, 3, 3)

q = torch.empty(R.shape[0], 4, device=R.device)
q[:, 0] = 0.5 * torch.sqrt(1 + R[:, 0, 0] + R[:, 1, 1] + R[:, 2, 2])
q[:, 1] = (R[:, 2, 1] - R[:, 1, 2]) / (4 * q[:, 0])
q[:, 2] = (R[:, 0, 2] - R[:, 2, 0]) / (4 * q[:, 0])
q[:, 3] = (R[:, 1, 0] - R[:, 0, 1]) / (4 * q[:, 0])

return q

def as_matrix(q):
# get the rotation matrix from quaternion
# q: (batch_size, 4)

R = torch.empty(q.shape[0], 3, 3, device=q.device)
R[:, 0, 0] = 1 - 2 * (q[:, 2]**2 + q[:, 3]**2)
R[:, 0, 1] = 2 * (q[:, 1] * q[:, 2] - q[:, 0] * q[:, 3])
R[:, 0, 2] = 2 * (q[:, 1] * q[:, 3] + q[:, 0] * q[:, 2])
R[:, 1, 0] = 2 * (q[:, 1] * q[:, 2] + q[:, 0] * q[:, 3])
R[:, 1, 1] = 1 - 2 * (q[:, 1]**2 + q[:, 3]**2)
R[:, 1, 2] = 2 * (q[:, 2] * q[:, 3] - q[:, 0] * q[:, 1])
R[:, 2, 0] = 2 * (q[:, 1] * q[:, 3] - q[:, 0] * q[:, 2])
R[:, 2, 1] = 2 * (q[:, 2] * q[:, 3] + q[:, 0] * q[:, 1])
R[:, 2, 2] = 1 - 2 * (q[:, 1]**2 + q[:, 2]**2)

return R

def mul(q1, q2):
# q1: (batch_size, 4)
# q2: (batch_size, 4)
# return: q1 * q2: (batch_size, 4)

q = torch.empty_like(q1)
q[:, 0] = q1[:, 0] * q2[:, 0] - q1[:, 1] * q2[:, 1] - q1[:, 2] * q2[:, 2] - q1[:, 3] * q2[:, 3]
q[:, 1] = q1[:, 0] * q2[:, 1] + q1[:, 1] * q2[:, 0] + q1[:, 2] * q2[:, 3] - q1[:, 3] * q2[:, 2]
q[:, 2] = q1[:, 0] * q2[:, 2] - q1[:, 1] * q2[:, 3] + q1[:, 2] * q2[:, 0] + q1[:, 3] * q2[:, 1]
q[:, 3] = q1[:, 0] * q2[:, 3] + q1[:, 1] * q2[:, 2] - q1[:, 2] * q2[:, 1] + q1[:, 3] * q2[:, 0]

return q

def apply(q, a):
# q: (batch_size, 4)
# a: (batch_size, 3)
# return: q * a * q^{-1}: (batch_size, 3)

q = normalize(q)
q_inv = conjugate(q)

return mul(mul(q,[torch.zeros(q.shape[0], 1, device=q.device), a], dim=1)), q_inv)[:, 1:]


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