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NQ-NQP-rx - Not Quite NQP-rx

NQP is Copyright (C) 2009 by The Perl Foundation. See LICENSE for licensing details.

This project is mostly a learning exercise for me to try to learn more about compilers. However, as a long term goal, it would be nice to develop a bison or yacc like program that can be used to develop a parser for a dynamic grammar.


This project requires the llvm, bison, flex, and cmake. Currently, I am using:

llvm: version 2.7 
bison: version 2.5.35
flex: version 2.4.1
cmake: version 2.8.1

This may work with other versions of bison, flex or cmake, but because of the tight integration with the llvm, you will need the same version I am using. See the llvm website for more details on building the llvm.


CMake takes care of all of the configuratoins, so simply run:

cmake . 