A LaTeX template I used for my various statements while applying for graduate studies. You can use it for a Statement of Purpose, a Personal History Statement, an Academic and Professional Goals Statement, and more.
This template is inspired by Swapnil Gandhi's template.
Here is how the main content looks (references are optional, and usually not added in SOPs):
School specific macros can be changed in a single file, to make things easier while editing your SOP for other applications.
% School specific macros
\newcommand{\school}{IKEA University\xspace}
\newcommand{\schoolLong}{University of IKEA, Sweden\xspace}
\newcommand{\depta}{Department of Assembly\xspace}
\definecolor{SchoolColorDark}{RGB}{1, 88, 168}
\definecolor{SchoolColorLight}{RGB}{251, 217, 21}
\newcommand{\programNameLong}{Master of Science in Industrial Engineering\xspace}
\newcommand{\programName}{MS in IE\xspace}
% professors
\newcommand{\drsm}{Dr. Swedish Meatball\xspace}
\newcommand{\drm}{Dr. Meatball\xspace}