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639 lines (405 loc) · 22.8 KB

File metadata and controls

639 lines (405 loc) · 22.8 KB


Phase 1: Environment and Initial Application Setup

Docker Deployment

  • Set up a dedicated EC2 instance (minimum large instance with 16GB storage) to install and configure Docker.

  • Use the docker-compose.yml file available in the GitHub repository to bring up the service

    • User Data specification for EC2 instance to clone the Github Repo, install Docker and Docker Compose, and build the images

      #! /bin/sh
      sudo yum update -y
      sudo yum install git -y
      sudo git clone
      sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker -y
      sudo service docker start
      sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user # Adds the ec2-user to the docker group to allow running Docker commands without sudo
      sudo chkconfig docker on # Configures Docker to start automatically when the system boots.
      sudo curl -L$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
      sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
      cd opentelemetry-demo/
      docker-compose up --force-recreate --remove-orphans --detach
  • Validate that all services defined in the docker-compose.yml are up and Ensure this by:

    • Running Docker commands like docker ps and docker-compose logs.
    • Accessing application endpoints (if applicable) and confirming service
  • Once the deployment is validated, delete the EC2 instance to clean up


  • Screenshot of the EC2 instance details (instance type, storage).

    EC2 Config

    EC2 Security Config

  • Screenshots of the services running (docker ps).

    docker ps

  • Screenshots of Docker logs showing the application's startup

    • To view last n logs from every service : docker-compose log --tail n

    docker-compose log --tail 5 (1)

    docker-compose log --tail 5 (2)

  • Screenshot of accessible application

    • Web Store

    web store

    • Grafana


    • Load Generator UI

    Load Generator UI

    • Jaeger UI

    Jaeger UI

    • Flagd configurator UI

    Flagd configurator UI

Kubernetes Setup Tasks

  • Set up an EKS Cluster in AWS with:

    • At least 2 worker
    • Instance type: large for worker nodes.
  • Deploy the application to the EKS cluster using the provided opentelemetry-demo.yaml manifest file.

  • Use a dedicated EC2 instance as the EKS client to:

    • Install and configure kubectl, AWS CLI, and eksctl for cluster

    • Run all Kubernetes commands from the EC2 instance (not from a local machine).

      • Create an IAM policy (say, EksAllAccess) to provide complete access to EKS Services
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": "eks:*",
                  "Resource": "*"
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": [
                  "Effect": "Allow"
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "*",
                  "Effect": "Allow"
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "*",
                  "Effect": "Allow"
      • Create an IAM policy (say, IamLimitedAccess) to provided limited access to AWS IAM
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": [
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": [
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": "*",
                  "Condition": {
                      "StringEquals": {
                          "iam:AWSServiceName": [
      • Create an IAM role (say, EKSClientRole) with the following policies, and attach it to the EC2 instance, serving as the EKS client

        • IamLimitedAccess
        • EksAllAccess
        • AWSCloudFormationFullAccess (AWS Managed Policy)
        • AmazonEC2FullAccess (AWS Managed Policy)
      • Create a security group for the EC2 instance allowing inbound SSH traffic

      • Launch the EC2 Instance (EKS Client), with the following configs

      aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-0166fe664262f664c --instance-type t2.medium --key-name SSH1 --security-group-ids sg-013069d9f0783aca5 --iam-instance-profile Name=EKSClientRole --tag-specifications "ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=EKSClient}]" --count 1 --region us-east-1 --user-data  file://./phase1/
      • SSH into the EC2 instance

      • Create the EKS Cluster using the following command

      eksctl create cluster -f  /EKS-and-Monitoring-with-OpenTelemetry/phase1/eks-cluster-deployment.yaml

      EKS Cluster creation

      • On occurrence of the warning while trying to access the cluster details from the AWS console as a root user

        Your current IAM principal doesn’t have access to Kubernetes objects on this cluster. This may be due to the current user or role not having Kubernetes RBAC permissions to describe cluster resources or not having an entry in the cluster’s auth config map. Learn more

      • Deploy the application to the EKS Cluster

      kubectl apply --namespace otel-demo -f /EKS-and-Monitoring-with-OpenTelemetry/phase1/opentelemetry-demo.yaml

      Kubectl Config

  • Validate the deployment:

    • Ensure all pods and services are running as expected in the otel-demo namespace.

      kubectl get all -n otel-demo
    • Access application endpoints through port-forwarding or service

      • Accessing the application

        • Forward a local port on the EKS Client to a port on a service running within a Kubernetes cluster. This command allows the port-forwarding to be accessed from any IP address, not just localhost
        kubectl port-forward svc/opentelemetry-demo-frontendproxy 8080:8080 --namespace otel-demo --address
        • Access the application
    • Collect the cluster details, including node and pod

      kubectl get nodes -o wide
      kubectl get pods -n otel-demo

      Kubectl get pods

      kubectl describe nodes
    • Do not delete the EKS cluster unless explicitly

    eksctl delete cluster -f  /EKS-and-Monitoring-with-OpenTelemetry/phase1/eks-cluster-deployment.yaml


  • Screenshot of the EKS cluster configuration details (number of nodes, instance type, ).

    Cluster Config

    Cluster Node Group Config

  • Screenshot of the EC2 instance used as the EKS client (instance type, storage, ).

    EKS Client

  • Screenshot of kubectl get all -n otel-demo showing the status of pods, services, and deployments.

    Kubectl Get All Namespace otel-demo

  • Screenshot of logs from key application pods to confirm success

    kubectl logs <pod-name> -n otel-demo
    • Telemetry Components

      • Grafana Pod logs
      kubectl logs <grafana-pod-id> -n otel-demo --tail=50

      Grafana Pod Log

  • Exported Kubernetes manifest (opentelemetry-demo.yaml).

  • Screenshot of accessible application follow the project documentation link.

    • Accessing Webstore

      • Port forwarding on the EKS Client to the service running Kubernetes

      Kubectl port forwarding - Frontend Proxy

      • Accessing the application Locally

      Grafana local access

Phase 2: YAML Splitting and Modular Deployment


Deploy the application by creating and organizing split YAML files, applying them either individually or recursively, and validating their functionality. Splitting the YAML file is crucial because if any service or pod is down, the corresponding YAML file can be reapplied to make it functional without affecting others. This approach simplifies debugging and deployment management.


  • Create folders for resource types to organize the split YAML files by resource type (e.g., ConfigMaps, Secrets, Deployments, Services). Ensure the folder structure is logical and reflects the Kubernetes resources being deployed.

  • Apply resources either individually or recursively:

    • Individually apply each file to ensure resources deploy successfully.

    • Alternatively, apply all files recursively from the root folder containing the organized files to deploy everything.

      • SSH into the instance and move to the following path : EKS-and-Monitoring-with-OpenTelemetry/phase2/deployment

      • Deploy the namespace.yaml file

      kubectl apply -f namespace.yaml
      • Apply all the resources recursively
      kubectl apply -f ./open-telemetry --recursive --namespace otel-demo
  • Validate resource deployment by checking the status of pods, services, and Debug any issues by reviewing pod logs or describing problematic resources.

    kubectl get all -n otel-demo
  • Compress the organized folder of split YAML files into a ZIP file


  • Screenshots of the created folder structure containing the split YAML

    Folder Structure 1

    Folder Structure 2

    Folder Structure 3

    • Folder Structure containing the split yaml file : link
  • Screenshots showing successful deployment of each resource (individually or recursively).

    Namespace deployment

    Recursive deployment

  • Screenshots showing all resources running successfully, including pods, services.

    Kubectl get all

  • Logs or screenshots verifying the initialization and proper functioning of application

    WebStore Access



    Jaeger UI

    Flag d

    • Frontend-proxy pod logs

    Frontend-proxy pod logs

    • Grafana pod log

    Grafana pod logs

  • A ZIP file containing the organized and split YAML

  • A short report explaining the purpose of each resource, steps followed during deployment, and resolutions to any challenges Note : Manage the namespaces properly while deploying the yaml files

Reasoning Behind Splitting YAML Files by Application Level

The decision to split the YAML files at the application level reflects an organizational strategy that aligns deployment artifacts with application-specific resources. Here's a detailed explanation of the rationale and steps followed during this process:

Purpose of Each Resource

  1. Namespace YAML:
    Defines logical segregation for resources, enabling streamlined management and isolation between applications or teams.
  2. OpenTelemetry:
    • OpenSearch: Manages data storage and retrieval for telemetry data using StatefulSets for persistence.
    • Jaeger: Provides tracing capabilities to debug distributed applications.
    • OpenTelemetry Collector: Gathers metrics and traces from services for analysis.
    • Prometheus: A metrics-based monitoring tool.
    • Grafana: Visualization of telemetry data and metrics.
  3. WebApplication:
    • Core: Contains Kafka and validation services.
    • Backend: Includes microservices like accounting, ad, cart, etc., for functional requirements.
    • Frontend: Handles user-facing components with a proxy for load balancing.

Steps Followed During Deployment

  1. Organizing Resources:

    • Resources are grouped by their function or application to ensure logical separation.
    • Example: All OpenTelemetry-related files (e.g., ConfigMaps, Deployments) are placed under open-telemetry for clarity.
  2. Applying YAML Files:

    • Individual Application:
      Each YAML file is applied independently to validate its deployment in isolation. For instance:
      • Apply namespace.yaml first to ensure all resources deploy in the correct namespace.
      • Deploy ConfigMaps and Secrets before Deployments and Services to satisfy dependencies.
    • Recursive Deployment:
      A batch deployment is achieved by applying all YAML files recursively from the root directory if individual validation is not required.
  3. Validation:

    • Checked the status of resources (kubectl get pods, kubectl get services) to ensure successful deployment.
    • Used kubectl logs and kubectl describe commands for debugging failed deployments.
  4. Zipping Deployment Artifacts:

    • Compressed the entire folder for storage, version control, or portability.

Advantages of Splitting at Application Level

  1. Simplified Debugging:
    • Errors in one service (e.g., Jaeger) can be resolved by reapplying its specific YAML files without affecting other applications.
  2. Modularity and Reusability:
    • Components like ConfigMaps or Services can be reused across environments (e.g., staging, production).
  3. Parallel Development and Deployment:
    • Teams working on different applications can operate independently without conflict.
  4. Enhanced Scalability:
    • Facilitates scaling individual microservices or applications based on demand.

Challenges and Resolutions

  1. Dependency Issues:
    • Services failing due to unavailable ConfigMaps or Secrets.
      Resolution: Ensured ConfigMaps and Secrets were deployed before dependent resources.
  2. StatefulSet Failures (OpenSearch):
    • Pods stuck in Pending state due to insufficient storage.
      Resolution: Adjusted PersistentVolumeClaim configurations to match available storage.
  3. ClusterRole Binding Errors:
    • Missing permissions for service accounts.
      Resolution: Updated ClusterRoleBinding to correctly reference service accounts.


This structured approach ensures clear separation of concerns, facilitates smoother deployments, and enables efficient management of microservices. The folder hierarchy mirrors the application architecture, making it intuitive for developers and DevOps engineers to manage and troubleshoot resources

Phase 3: Integrating Helm for Deployment


Simplify the deployment and management of Kubernetes resources by leveraging Helm, a package manager for Kubernetes, to manage configurations and enable easy upgrades, rollbacks, and customizations.


1. Use the Provided Helm Chart

  • Leverage the pre-configured Helm chart available in the OpenTelemetry Helm repository and the documentation specifically designed for the project. This chart provides all the necessary configurations for deploying the application.
  • Add the Helm repository and update it to ensure the latest version of the chart is accessible. This will guarantee that you are deploying the most stable and feature-complete version of the Helm chart.

2. Deploy the Application Using Helm (use a different namespace)

  • Use Helm commands to deploy the application resources in a structured manner. Helm will simplify the deployment process by managing multiple Kubernetes resources as a single unit.
  • Ensure the application is successfully deployed, and all associated pods, services, and other resources are running correctly.

3. Upgrade and Rollback

  • Use Helm’s upgrade feature to simulate updates to the application. For example, update resource configurations or increase the number of replicas, and then reapply the deployment to test the update process.
  • Practice rolling back the application to a previous stable version using Helm’s rollback feature. This ensures that you can quickly recover from issues introduced by faulty updates and maintain application stability.


  • Screenshots of the Helm repository being added and updated.
  • Screenshots of the application deployed successfully using Helm.
  • Screenshots or logs of the upgrade process showing changes being applied.
  • Screenshots or logs demonstrating a successful rollback to a previous version.

Helm Installation and Deployment Steps


$ curl | bash

$ helm version

Helm Added to Repo:

$ helm repo add open-telemetry

Creating new namespace:

$ kubectl create namespace otel-demo-helm


Check the Deployed Release:

helm list -n <namespace>

Identify the revision history for the deployed Helm release:

helm history otel-demo --namespace otel-demo-helm

Rollback to the Desired Revision

helm rollback otel-demo revisionNumber --namespace otel-demo-helm

Checking the deployment status:

kubectl get deployments -n otel-demo-helm

Check the Replica Count for frontendProxy:

kubectl get deployment otel-demo-frontendproxy -n otel-demo-helm