A simple Boolean Search Engine using Python and Flask
Site deployed on pythonanywhere
: ashishu007.pythonanywhere.com
Site deployed on heroku
: https://rgu-soc-bool-ir.herokuapp.com/
To run the application using docker
, use the following steps:
Pull the image from docker-hub using:
docker pull ashishu007/rgu-soc-boolean-ir:latest
Run the docker image:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 ashishu007/rgu-soc-boolean-ir:latest
in your browser
To stop the running image, follow these steps:
List the active images using:
docker ps
Copy the unique
(let's say, containerid) for the imageashishu007/rgu-soc-boolean-ir
docker stop containerid
It assumes, you've docker installed.
Assuming you have docker
installed and an app created on heroku
Suppose the app created on heroku is:
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/ashishu007/IR-Engine.git
Build the docker-container:
docker build -t ir-eng:latest .
Tag the docker-container:
docker tag ir-eng registry.heroku.com/rgu-soc-bool-ir/web
- If getting
authentication required
message, run this:heroku container:login
- If getting
Push the tagged container to the heroku-registry:
docker push registry.heroku.com/rgu-soc-bool-ir/web
Release the container on heroku:
heroku container:release -a rgu-soc-bool-ir web
Goto the browser, and type: rgu-soc-bool-ir.herokuapp.com
- This post on Medium.