macOS & windows dotfiles & post install scripts - better defaults, productive os, awesome tools.
This will initialize a freshly installed Mac OS (catalina) instance with all of my applications, cli tools, and adjust some basic operating system settings.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- mas
- Brew / bundle
- mackup
- git sync
- dockutil
- displayplacer
- defaults - convert user defaults (plist) into shell script with ease!
- sidebarutil
See software page for macOS packages, vsCode extensions, web extensions.
- 1password- ⌘⇧P
- Alfred- ⌘space prompt, ⌘⌥C view clip history
- Cheetsheet hold- ⌘
- Notion
- MonoSnap - ⌘⌥5 capture area, ⌘⌥6 capture fullscreen, ⌘⌥4 record video, toggle record fullscreen ⌘⌃⇧F, ⌃⇧space start/pause, ⌘⌥Q Stop
- Timer (horo) - ⌃⌥T
- Todoist - ⌃⌘T show/hide, ⌃⌘A Quick task
- yoink - ⌃⌥Y
- numi - ⌃⌥N
- VSCode, Alfred, Brave Sync Setup
- Signin to Apple Account, Mail|Contacts|Calendar, RescueTime (app,web plugin), Todoist (web plugin, app), Notion (web plugin, desktop), Spotify, Slack, Discord, Signal, Steam
- Override Spotlight with Alfred
- Install bypass-paywalls-chrome - possible solution
- Open all apps to deal with initial sys preferences and startup settings
- Lord-Kamina/SwiftDefaultApps#29 -> adjusts default apps, web app, programming -> vscode, video vlc, flac vox, ssh,telnet + others -> iterm.
- add dev apps to security, privacy "dev tools" category to avoid security policy.
- TODO: automate open here
- better .gitconfig or .gitconfig
- figureout t2 chip issue preventing vpn'd mac from using keyboard if route is not present. related hnews
- shellsync, search, backup, history persistence, search, sync
- desktop background + screen saver sync + setup per res
- awesome alfred workflows, more workflows
- awesome macos command line
- awesome-bash-alias
- awesome-dotfiles
- iCHAIT/awesome-macOS
- jaywcjlove/awesome-mac
- Mathias Bytnens dotfiles
- quick look plugins
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps
- shell startup file order
- vraravam os x defaults gist