go-qrng is an extension for math/rand
package to use Australian National University's
Quantum Random Number Generator with the std
API. ANU QRNG API provides
true random data generated in real-time in a lab by measuring the quantum
fluctuations of the vacuum.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new `rand.Source` instance with QRNG implementation.
s := qrng.NewSource(&qrng.Config{PanicOnError: true, EnableBuffer: true})
// Create a new `rand.Rand` instance
r := rand.New(s)
// The following will trigger only two remote requests to the QRNG API since
// buffering is enabled. Buffer-enabled `Source` fetches max allowed data in
// a single remote request. It keeps serving future generate-number requests
// from the local buffer until it is exhausted. Once local buffer is empty,
// it requests for new data from the remote API to refill the buffer. Note:
// A singe remote API request fetches up to 1024 uint16s.
for i := 0; i < 128; i++ {
fmt.Println(r.Int(), "\t", r.Uint32(), "\t", r.Float32(), "\t", r.Float64())