ASW QR Code library is a customizable QR Code generator with options to add personalized design and logos, designed specifically for
Angular projects.
Contributing Guidelines
Submit an Issue
Install QR Code
to set up in the project by running the following command:
npm install @asoftwareworld/qrcode
Import the NgModule for each component you want to use:
import { AswQrCodeModule } from '@asoftwareworld/qrcode';
// ...
imports: [
// shown passing global defaults (optional)
// ...
export class AppModule {}
In your template, use the component selector:
<div class="card">
<div class="header">
<h2>QR code</h2>
<div class="body">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12 text-center">
<div class="qrcodeImage">
<asw-qr-code #parent [qrData]="qrdata" [width]="option.width" [height]="option.height"
[outerMargin]="option.outerMargin" [type]="option.type" [allowEmptyString]="true"
[density]="option.density" [backgroundColor]="option.backgroundColor"
[logoStyle]="option.logoStyle" [middleShape]="option.middleShape"
[cornerInnerShape]="option.cornerInnerShape" [cornerOuterShape]="option.cornerOuterShape">
<div class="downloadButton">
<button mat-icon-button [matMenuTriggerFor]="menu" matTooltip="Download QR Code">
<mat-menu #menu="matMenu">
<button mat-menu-item (click)="{extension: 'svg', name: 'asw'})">
<button mat-menu-item (click)="{extension: 'png', name: 'asw'})">
<button mat-menu-item (click)="{extension: 'jpeg', name: 'asw'})">
<button mat-menu-item (click)="{extension: 'webp', name: 'asw'})">
Define in your component to get published event :
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
title = 'ASW QR Code Demo';
option: any;
drawTpes = [
{ label: 'SVG', value: 'svg' },
{ label: 'Canvas', value: 'canvas' },
density: Density = {
errorCorrectionLevel: 'Q',
mode: 'Byte',
typeNumber: 0
logoStyle: LogoStyle = {
hideBackgroundCircle: true,
logoSize: 0.3,
logoMargin: 0
backgroundColor = '#ffffff';
middleShape: MiddleShape = {
color: '#000',
type: 'circle'
cornerInnerShape: CornerInnerShape = {
color: '#000',
type: 'circle'
cornerOuterShape: CornerOuterShape = {
color: '#000',
type: 'rounded'
public qrdata = '';
image = '';
ngOnInit(): void {
this.option = {
width: 200,
height: 200,
type: 'canvas',
logo: this.image,
outerMargin: 0,
density: this.density,
backgroundColor: this.backgroundColor,
logoStyle: this.logoStyle,
cornerInnerShape: this.cornerInnerShape,
cornerOuterShape: this.cornerOuterShape,
middleShape: this.middleShape
Input parameters | Default value | Description |
width: number (optional) | 200 | width refers to the horizontal measurement of the generated QR code, typically measured in pixels. |
height: number (optional) | 200 | height refers to the vertical measurement of the generated QR code, typically measured in pixels. |
type: string (canvas svg ) (optional) |
canvas | The type of element that will be rendered for QR code generation can be either a Canvas or SVG element. |
allowEmptyString: boolean (optional) | false | Allow qrdata to be an empty string. |
qrData: string (optional) | The data will be encoded to the QR code | |
outerMargin: number (optional) | 0 | Outer margin around a Canvas or SVG element. |
backgroundColor: string (optional) | #fff |
The background color of a QR code refers to the color of the empty space surrounding the QR code modules. By default, the background color is white, but it can be customized to any other color. |
density: Density (optional) | { typeNumber: 0, mode: 'Byte', errorCorrectionLevel: 'Q' } |
logoStyle: LogoStyle (optional) | { hideBackgroundCircle: true, logoSize: 0.4, logoMargin: 20, crossOrigin: 'anonymous', } |
middleShape: MiddleShape (optional) | { color: #000 , type: smooth } |
cornerInnerShape: CornerInnerShape (optional) | { color: #000 } |
color: A string value that represents the color of the inner corner shapes of the QR code. The inner corner shapes are the small squares or dots located at the corners of the QR code. In this case, the color is set to black #000 . |
cornerOuterShape: CornerOuterShape (optional) | { color: #000 } |
color: A string value that represents the color of the outer corner shapes of the QR code. The outer corner shapes are the large squares or dots located at the corners of the QR code. In this case, the color is set to black #000 . |
Input parameters | type | Default value | Description |
typeNumber | number (0 - 40) | 0 |
mode | string (Numeric Alphanumeric Byte Kanji ) |
'Byte' |
errorCorrectionLevel | string (L M Q H ) |
Q |
Input parameters | type | Default value |
color | string | #000 |
type | string (circle rounded smooth smooth-rounded square thin-rounded ) |
smooth |
Input parameters | type | Default value |
color | string | #000 |
type | string (circle square ) |
Input parameters | type | Default value |
color | string | #000 |
type | string (circle square rounded ) |
Input parameters | type | Default value | Description |
name | string | string | asw-qr |
extension | string (png jpeg svg webp ) |
png |
File extension |
Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ |
We use GitHub Issues as the official bug tracker for the ASW QR Code. Here are some advices for our users that want to report an issue:
- Make sure that you are using the latest version of the ASW QR Code.
- Providing us reproducible steps for the issue will shorten the time it takes for it to be fixed.
- Some issues may be browser specific, so specifying in what browser you encountered the issue might help.
If you have questions or need help please email
If you found value in ASW QR Code
or a contributor helped you out of a jam, consider becoming a contributor yourself.