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add func_caller + add versioning info + fix small bug in get_isoch_pa…
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Gabriel-p committed Aug 24, 2014
1 parent 86a0975 commit 50c9d54
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Showing 4 changed files with 314 additions and 286 deletions.
320 changes: 35 additions & 285 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,305 +1,55 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from os.path import join, realpath, dirname, exists, isfile
from os import getcwd, mkdir, rmdir, makedirs
import time
import shutil
from os.path import join, realpath, dirname
from os import getcwd
import traceback
import gc # Garbage collector.
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

# Import files with defined functions
# Import files with defined functions.
from functions.read_paths import read_paths as rp
from functions.get_in_params import get_in_params as gip
from functions.create_out_data_file import create_out_data_file as c_o_d_f
from functions.get_data_semi import get_semi as g_s
from functions.get_phot_data import get_data as gd
from functions.trim_frame import trim_frame as t_f
from functions.get_center import get_center as g_c
from functions.get_histo_manual import manual_histo as mh
from functions.get_field_dens import field_dens as gfd
from functions.get_dens_prof import get_dens_prof as gdp
from functions.get_radius import get_clust_rad as gcr
from functions.get_king_prof import get_king_profile as gkp
from functions.err_accpt_rejct import err_accpt_rejct as ear
from functions.get_in_out import get_in_out as gio
from functions.get_integ_mag import integ_mag as g_i_m
from functions.get_members_number import get_memb_num as g_m_n
from functions.get_cont_index import cont_indx as g_c_i
from functions.get_regions import get_regions as g_r
from functions.field_decont_bys import field_decont_bys as fdb
from functions.get_lf import lf
from functions.get_isoch_params import ip
from functions.reduce_membership import red_memb as rm
from functions.synth_cl_err import synth_clust_err as sce
from functions.best_fit_synth_cl import best_fit as bfsc
from functions.make_plots import make_plots as mp
from functions.add_data_output import add_data_output as a_d_o
from functions.cl_members_file import cluster_members_file as c_m_f
# Check if rpy2 package and R are installed, else skip get_p_value function.
rpy2_inst, R_inst = True, True
from functions.get_p_value import get_pval as g_pv
except ImportError:
rpy2_inst = False
# Now for R.
proc = Popen(["which", "R"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
exit_code = proc.wait()
if exit_code != 0:
R_inst = False
r_flags = [R_inst, rpy2_inst]
from functions.func_caller import ocaat_funcs as of

def ocaat_main(f_indx, sub_dir, out_file_name, gip_params, r_flags):
def main():
This is the main container which holds the calls to all functions for
a given photometric data file.
Main function. Reads input data files and calls the container function.

# Start timing this loop.
start = time.time()

# Unpack input parameters.
mode, in_dirs, gd_params, gc_params, cr_params, kp_flag, er_params,\
gr_params, pv_params, da_params, ps_params, bf_params, \
sc_params, ga_params, rm_params, pl_params, flag_move_file, axes_params =\
input_dir, output_dir, done_dir = in_dirs

# Check mode.
if mode not in {'auto', 'semi', 'manual'}:
print " WARNING: mode is incorrect. Default to 'manual'."
mode = 'manual'

# Generate output subdir.
output_subdir = join(output_dir, sub_dir)
# Check if subdir already exists, if not create it.
if not exists(output_subdir):

# Store name of file in 'myfile'.
myfile = dir_files[1][f_indx]
# Store cluster's name
clust_name = myfile[:-4]
print 'Analizing cluster %s.' % (clust_name)

# Get data from semi-data input file.
mode, semi_return = g_s(input_dir, clust_name, mode)

# Get cluster's photometric data from file.
phot_data = gd(input_dir, sub_dir, myfile, gd_params)
# If Manual mode is set, display frame and ask if it should be trimmed.
phot_data = t_f(phot_data, mode)
# Unpack coordinates, magnitude and color.
x_data, y_data, mag_data, col1_data = phot_data[1], phot_data[2], \
phot_data[3], phot_data[5]

# Get cluster's center values and errors, filtered 2D hist, non-filtered
# 2D hist, x,y bin centers and width of each bin
# used
center_params = g_c(x_data, y_data, mag_data, gc_params, mode, semi_return)
# Unpack values from list.
bin_width, h_not_filt, hist_xyedges, bin_center = center_params[0][0], \
center_params[1], center_params[2], center_params[4]
center_cl = [center_params[5][0][0], center_params[5][0][1]]

# Obtain manual 2D histogram for the field with star's values attached
# to each bin.
H_manual = mh(phot_data, hist_xyedges)
print 'Manual 2D histogram obtained.'

# Get density profile
rdp_params = gdp(h_not_filt, bin_center, bin_width)
radii, ring_density = rdp_params[:2]
print 'Radial density profile (RDP) calculated.'

# Get field density value in stars/px^2.
field_dens = gfd(ring_density)
print 'Field density calculated (%0.5f stars/px^2).' % field_dens

# Get cluster radius
radius_params = gcr(phot_data, field_dens, cr_params, center_params,
rdp_params, semi_return, mode, bin_width)
clust_rad = radius_params[0]

# Get King profiles based on the density profiles.
kp_params = gkp(kp_flag, clust_rad, field_dens, radii, ring_density)

# Get approximate number of cluster's members.
n_c, flag_num_memb_low, a_clust, n_clust = g_m_n(field_dens, clust_rad,
rdp_params, bin_width)
print 'Approximate number of members in cluster obtained (%d).' % (n_c)

# Get contamination index.
cont_index = g_c_i(field_dens, a_clust, n_clust)
print 'Contamination index obtained (%0.2f).' % cont_index

# Accept and reject stars based on their errors.
acpt_stars, rjct_stars, err_plot, err_flags, err_pck, er_params = \
ear(phot_data, axes_params, er_params, mode, semi_return)

# Get stars in and out of cluster's radius.
stars_in, stars_out, stars_in_rjct, stars_out_rjct = gio(center_cl,
clust_rad, acpt_stars, rjct_stars)
print "Stars separated in/out of cluster's boundaries."
print '-------------------------------------------'
print ' OCAAT Beta 1'
print '-------------------------------------------\n'

# Get cluster + field regions around the cluster's center.
flag_area_stronger, cluster_region, field_region = g_r(bin_center,
bin_width, h_not_filt, clust_rad, H_manual, stars_in, stars_out,
print 'Cluster + field stars regions obtained (%d).' % len(field_region)
# Path where the code is running
mypath = realpath(join(getcwd(), dirname(__file__)))

# Get the luminosity function and completeness level for each magnitude
# bin. The completeness will be used by the isochrone/synthetic cluster
# fitting algorithm.
lum_func, completeness = lf(flag_area_stronger, mag_data, cluster_region,
print 'LF and Completeness magnitude levels obtained.'

# Calculate integrated magnitude.
integr_return = g_i_m(center_cl, clust_rad, cluster_region, field_region,
print 'Integrated color magnitude distribution obtained (%0.2f).' % \
(integr_return[5] - integr_return[2])

# Only run if both R and rpy2 packages are installed.
if all(f is True for f in r_flags):
# R and rpy2 package are installed, call function.
# Get physical cluster probability based on p_values distribution.
pval_test_params, flag_pval_test = g_pv(cluster_region,
field_region, col1_data, mag_data, center_cl, clust_rad, pv_params,
if pv_params[0]:
# Something is not installed and function was told to run.
print ' WARNING: R or rpy2 not installed. Skipping function.'
# Something is not installed, but function was told not to run.
print 'Skipping p-value function.'
flag_pval_test, pval_test_params = False, [-1., [], [], [], [], [], []]

# Apply decontamination algorithm if at least one equal-sized field region
# was found around the cluster.
print 'Applying decontamination algorithm.'
decont_algor_return = fdb(flag_area_stronger, cluster_region, field_region,
center_cl, clust_rad, clust_name, sub_dir,
memb_prob_avrg_sort = decont_algor_return[0]

# Create data file with membership probabilities.
c_m_f(output_dir, sub_dir, clust_name, memb_prob_avrg_sort)
print 'Membership probabilities saved to file.'

# Store all isochrones in all the metallicity files in isoch_list.
# Store metallicity values and isochrones ages between the allowed
# ranges in isoch_ma; extinction and distance modulus values in isoch_ed.
# isoch_list, isoch_ma, isoch_ed = ip_list
# Only read files if best fit process is set to run.
# bf_flag = bf_params[0]
ip_list = ip(ps_params, bf_params[0])

# Reduce number of stars in cluster according to a lower membership
# probability or magnitude limit.
red_return = rm(decont_algor_return, bf_params, rm_params)
red_memb_prob = red_return[0]

# Obtain exponential error function parameters to use by the
# synthetic cluster creation function.
err_lst = sce(phot_data, err_pck)
# Obtain best fitting parameters for cluster.
bf_return = bfsc(err_lst, red_memb_prob, completeness, ip_list, bf_params,
sc_params, ga_params, ps_params)
# Read input parameters from ocaat_input.dat file.
gip_params = gip(mypath)
# Read input/output paths.
input_dir, output_dir = gip_params[1][:2]
# Read paths and names of all clusters stored in input_dir.
dir_files = rp(input_dir)
# Create output data file in output_dir (append if file already exists)
out_file_name = c_o_d_f(output_dir)

# New name for cluster? Useful when there's a single photometric file
# with multiple clusters in it.
if mode == 'manual':
wrong_answer = True
while wrong_answer:
answer_rad = raw_input('New name for cluster? (y/n) ')
if answer_rad == 'n':
wrong_answer = False
elif answer_rad == 'y':
new_name = str(raw_input('Input new name: '))
clust_name = new_name
wrong_answer = False
print 'Wrong input. Try again.\n'
# Iterate through all cluster files.
for f_indx, sub_dir in enumerate(dir_files[0]):

# Add cluster data and flags to output file
a_d_o(out_file_name, sub_dir, output_dir, clust_name, center_params,
radius_params, kp_params, cont_index, n_c, pval_test_params[0],
integr_return, err_flags, flag_num_memb_low, bf_return)
print 'Data added to output file.'
# Store name of file in 'myfile'.
myfile = dir_files[1][f_indx]

# Make plots
if pl_params[0]:
mp(output_subdir, clust_name, x_data, y_data, center_params, rdp_params,
field_dens, radius_params, cont_index, mag_data, col1_data,
err_plot, err_flags, kp_params, stars_in, stars_out,
stars_in_rjct, stars_out_rjct, integr_return, n_c,
flag_area_stronger, cluster_region, field_region, flag_pval_test,
pval_test_params, memb_prob_avrg_sort, lum_func, completeness,
bf_params, red_return, err_lst, bf_return, ga_params, er_params,
axes_params, ps_params, pl_params)
print 'Plots created.'
# Read input parameters from ocaat_input.dat file again to reset params
# lists.
gip_params = gip(mypath)

# Move file to 'done' dir.
if flag_move_file:
dst_dir = join(done_dir, sub_dir)
# If the sub-dir doesn't exist, create it before moving the file.
if not exists(dst_dir):
shutil.move(join(input_dir, sub_dir, myfile), dst_dir)
# Also move *memb_data.dat file if it exists.
if isfile(join(input_dir, sub_dir, clust_name + '_memb.dat')):
shutil.move(join(input_dir, sub_dir, clust_name + '_memb.dat'),
# If sub-dir left behind is empty, remove it.
rmdir(join(input_dir, sub_dir))
except OSError:
# Sub-dir not empty, skip.
print 'Photometric data file moved.'

elapsed = time.time() - start
m, s = divmod(elapsed, 60)
print 'End of analysis for %s in %dm %02ds.\n' % (clust_name, m, s)

# Force the Garbage Collector to release unreferenced memory.

# Begin code.
print '-------------------------------------------'
print ' OCAAT Beta 1'
print '-------------------------------------------\n'

# Path where the code is running
mypath = realpath(join(getcwd(), dirname(__file__)))

# Read input parameters from ocaat_input.dat file.
gip_params = gip(mypath)
# Read input/output paths.
input_dir, output_dir = gip_params[1][:2]
# Read paths and names of all clusters stored in input_dir.
dir_files = rp(input_dir)
# Create output data file in output_dir (append if file already exists)
out_file_name = c_o_d_f(output_dir)

# Iterate through all cluster files.
for f_indx, sub_dir in enumerate(dir_files[0]):

# Read input parameters from ocaat_input.dat file again to reset params
# lists.
gip_params = gip(mypath)
# Call function that calls sub-functions sequentially.
of(myfile, sub_dir, out_file_name, gip_params)
except Exception, err:
print 'FATAL: %s could not be processed. ' % myfile[:-4]
print 'Error:', str(err), '\n'
print traceback.format_exc()

# Call main function for this cluster.
ocaat_main(f_indx, sub_dir, out_file_name, gip_params, r_flags)
except Exception, err:
print 'FATAL: %s could not be processed. ' % dir_files[1][f_indx][:-4]
print 'Error:', str(err), '\n'
print traceback.format_exc()
print 'Full iteration completed.'

print 'Full iteration completed.'
if __name__ == "__main__":
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,6 +85,21 @@ The isochrones can be downloaded manually or the package [ezPadova-2][8] can be
* High priority [issues][11].
* All open [issues][12].


## Versioning

Version numbering follows the [Semantic Versioning]( guidelines. Releases will be numbered with the following format:


Constructed with the following guidelines:

* A new *major* release indicates a large change where backwards compatibility is broken.
* A new *minor* release indicates a normal change that maintains backwards compatibility.
* A new *patch* release indicates a bugfix or small change which does not affect compatibility.
* A new *build* release indicates this is a pre-release of the version.

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