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Docker image for aergo node

docker pulls docker size docker layers

The docker image aergo/node contains the main server binary, aergosvr.

All runtime files are in the /aergo directory inside the Docker container. The easiest way to set this up is to override this directory with a local volume (e.g. -v $(pwd)/:/aergo/). Of course you can also override only specific files (-v $(pwd)/config.toml:/aergo/config.toml).

When requested, the container exposes the ports 7845 7846 6060 8080. Please refer to the Aergo documentation for details about their usage. You need to bind ports that you want to use to your Docker host (e.g. -p 17845:7845 to bind the internal port 7845 to the host port 17845). Avoid opening ports on nodes connected to a public network, accounts within the node may be accessible from the outside.


docker run -p 7845:7845 aergo/node

# Override config file
docker run -p 7845:7845 -v $(pwd)/config.toml:/aergo/config.toml aergo/node aergosvr --config /aergo/config.toml

# Override all runtime files
docker run -p 7845:7845 -v $(pwd)/:/aergo/ aergo/node

# Run server in test mode
docker run --rm -p 7845:7845 aergo/node aergosvr --config /aergo/config.toml --testmode

Available configurations

You can either supply your own config file or use one of the included configurations.

Public testnet

docker run --rm -p 7845:7845 aergo/node
(shortcut for: docker run --rm -p 7845:7845 aergo/node aergosvr --config /aergo/testnet.toml)

Private local net

docker run --rm -p 7845:7845 aergo/node aergosvr --config /aergo/local.toml

Private local net with testmode

docker run --rm -p 7845:7845 aergo/node aergosvr --config /aergo/testmode.toml

Data persistence

Using docker run by default uses ephemeral storage, i.e. all data will be deleted after the server quits. To persist the data, mount a volume to the data directory, e.g. -v $(pwd)/data/:/aergo/data/.


Generate genesis block

docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/:/aergo/ aergo/node aergosvr init /aergo/genesis.json --dir /aergo/data --config /aergo/config.toml

Docker image for aergo tools

docker pulls docker size docker layers

The docker image aergo/tools contains the binaries for aergocli, aergoluac, brick.


# Run the cli
docker run --rm aergo/tools aergocli version
docker run --rm aergo/tools aergocli -H host_name -p host_bound_port blockchain

# Run the brick tool
docker run --rm -i --tty --workdir /tools aergo/node brick

Build and push a new version to Docker Hub


docker build --build-arg GIT_TAG=v0.8.3 -t aergo/node:0.8.3 node
docker image push aergo/node:0.8.3


docker build --build-arg GIT_TAG=v0.8.3 -t aergo/tools:0.8.3 tools
docker image push aergo/tools:0.8.3

GIT_TAG can refer to either a tag or commit hash.

You may need to run docker login before pushing to docker hub.

To build the latest master for testing, assign the next version with the -rc tag:

docker build --build-arg GIT_TAG=latest_git_hash -t aergo/node:0.8.2-rc .
docker image push aergo/node:0.8.2-rc

BE CAREFUL when pushing already existing versions again. Docker Hub doesn't check what you push. Make sure you don't inadvertenly override an image that people already use. DO NOT run docker image push aergo/node, it pushes all tags that you have locally. Always push a specific tag.

latest should always point to a stable version, so only re-assign it AFTER a version has been tested and released. We're trying to follow the "stable release" best practices.

Versioning scheme