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Leon Ming edited this page Mar 1, 2021 · 10 revisions


Welcome to the Berkeleytime Wiki! This wiki is constantly being updated with documentation on how to get started working on BerkeleyTime.

To set up your local developer site, please follow this Quick Start Guide.

Important Links

  1. New Semester
  2. New Grades
  3. CI/CD
  4. What does the database look like?
  5. Updating API Docs
  6. Updating Members
  7. Updating Release Page
  8. Setting Up Kubernetes
  9. Setting Up Forms
  10. Frontend Development
  11. Kubernetes Architecture
  12. Kubernetes Playbook
  13. How Catalog Filters Work
  14. Development Flow and Practices
  15. Debugging the Backend

Reading Lists


Quick Start Guide, Frontend Development, Deployment and Jenkins CICD, Development Flow and Practices


Quick Start Guide, What does the database look like?, Debugging the Backend, How Catalog Filters Work, Deployment and Jenkins CICD, API Docs (the actual documentation), Development Flow and Practices

Infra Specific

Kubernetes Architecture, Kubernetes Playbook, Setting Up Kubernetes


New Semester, New Grades, Updating API Docs, Updating Members, Updating Release Page, Setting Up Forms, Kubernetes Playbook


Scheduler Resources (may be outdated)

  1. New Schedule
  2. Schedule
  3. Scheduler 101
  4. Scheduler URLs
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