* Lab1_A which contains the xv6 version with process tracing
* Lab1_B which contains the xv6 version with halt system call implemented
* Lab2 which contains the xv6 version with Big data file implemented
* Lab4 which contains the xv6 version with shmget system call
* run `make`
* run `make qemu`
it will list the system call name and its return value
The files i changed:
* syscall.c
* run `make`
* run `make qemu`
* run `halt` to run the halt system call
The files i changed:
* Makefile
* Created halt.c
* sysproc.c
* syscall.h
* syscall.c
* user.h
* usys.S
* defs.h
* run `make`
* run `make qemu`
* run `shm_get` to run the shm_get system call
The files i changed:
* Makefile
* defs.h
* proc.c
* proc.h
* syscall.c
* syscall.h
* sysproc.h
* sysproc.c
* created shm_get.c
* user.h
* usys.S
* vm.c
* run `make`
* run `make qemu`
* run `big *`
The files i changed:
* Makefile
* mkfs.c
* fs.c
* fs.h
* param.h
* created big.c