The Command Palette provides access to many commands. You can execute commands, search for commands and use shortcuts.
- Search Commands
- Sub Commands
- Execute Commands via shortcuts
You can access the app at CommandPalette
Alternatively, You may clone the repository and run the app locally to use
- Clone the repository
- Navigate to the project directory cd command-palette
- Install the dependencies using yarn install
- Run yarn start to start the application.
- The app will start on your local server.
- Run tests with: yarn test
React and ReactDOM: These were developed by Facebook and are used for building web pages that are structured as a collection of components. These components are kept as independent as possible. See this link.
ECMAScript 11: Also known as ES2020,it is latest javascript language, EcmaScript 2020 released in 2020 year. ES11. TC39 is the approving committe, to add features to javascript.he same features already ported to javascript engines like V8(Nodejs) and spidermonkey
NodeJS: NodeJS is a server-side JavaScript runtime engine built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It is lightweight, efficient and greatly used in building web apps. Please visit this link for more details.
TypeScript: TypeScript is an open-source language which builds on JavaScript, one of the world’s most used tools, by adding static type definitions.
Sass/Scss: Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is an extension of CSS, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It's translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a web-framework plugin.
Jest: Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity.
Enzyme: Enzyme is a JavaScript Testing utility for React that makes it easier to assert, manipulate, and traverse your React Components' out
- Fork this repositry to your account.
- Clone your repositry: git clone
- Create your feature branch: git checkout -b feature/feature-id/<3-4 word feature description>
- Commit your changes: git commit -m "feature(scope): (subject) (body) (footer)"
- Push to the remote branch: git push origin new-feature
- Open a pull request.
- Commit Message Convention
scope should be something specific to the commit change e.g logo
subject text should:
- use present tense: "save" not "saved" or "saving"
- not capitalize first letter i.e no "Carry to safety"
- not end with a dot (.)
Message body (optional) If a body is to be written, it should:
- written in present tense.
- include reason for change and difference in the previous behaviour
Message Footer This should be used for referencing the issues using the following keywords: Start, Delivers, Fixes and Finishes. It should be written as:
- [Start #345]
This project is authored by Philips Blessing and is licensed for your use, modification and distribution under the MIT license.