Please see the mwc_demo directory in at_demos.
This repo holds the files for Atsign and Zariot demo for MWC 2022 and IoTExpo 2022.
For background take a look at the press release and the white paper Flipping The Internet of Things (IoT).
There's a short video overview followed by some Q&A in this episode of Flutter Humpday.
A simple script to use the at_cli tool to read from MQTT and send updates to an Atsign.
This is no longer used in the demo, but left in place as an example.
A dart app to read from MQTT and send to an Atsign.
First put the sending atSign .atKeys file in ~/.atsign/keys. If you do not have the .atKeys file then register an atSign in an Atsign app and save your keys this will give you the needed key file.
cd dart/iot_sender
dart pub get
dart run ./bin/iot_sender.dart -a "@sendingatsign" -o "@receivingatsign"
When the sender is going to be used repeatedly it should be compiled:
cd dart/iot_sender
dart pub get
dart compile exe ./bin/iot_sender.dart -o sender
The systemd units expect to find a compiled sender
A dart app to read from the MAX30101 sensor and place values onto MQTT topics.
cd dart/iot_sender
dart pub get
dart run ./bin/iot_sensor_publisher.dart
When the publisher is going to be used repeatedly it should be compiled:
cd dart/iot_sender
dart pub get
dart compile exe ./bin/iot_sensor_publisher.dart -o spub
The systemd units expect to find a compiled spub
A flutter app to receive data from dart/iot_sender and display it on dials.
To run the Windows version:
cd flutter/iot_receiver
flutter pub get
flutter run -d windows
Details of using a SIM card to store keys, and config files for ppp connection with the cellular modem.
Of course you'll need a SIM, which can be ordered from ZARIOT's test now page.
Reads data from MQTT (sent by spub) and displays it on the local LCD display using pygame.
Reads data from MAX30101 sensor then puts it onto MQTT queue whilst also printing out values to local LCD display using pygame.
This is no longer used, but has been left as an example. was used during testing to place O2 values onto an MQTT topic.
Unit definitions to start the demo as a set of services running in detached GNU screens.
- Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (2GB or 4GB)
- Raspberry Pi 4 Power Supply
- Heatsink Case for Raspberry Pi 4
- SIM7600X 4G HAT
- SSD to USB 3.0 Cable
- 120GB 2.5" SSD
- Adafruit PiTFT 2.4" HAT Mini Kit
- MAX30105 Breakout NB MAX30101 supplied
- Extra-Tall Push-Fit Stacking GPIO Header for Raspberry Pi
- Anker PowerCore Essential 20,000 PD Power Bank
Raspberry Pi OS Buster 2021-05-28 is needed for compatibility with the PiTFT HAT. To get it to boot from SSD the /boot/start4*.elf files are needed from a more recent Bullseye image.
Enable SSH, I2C, SPI, Uart (disable console on Uart).
apt packages
sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt install i2c-tools git python3-pip curl libsdl2-mixer-2.0-0 \
libsdl2-image-2.0-0 libsdl2-2.0-0 libgles2-mesa-dev libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0 \
mosquitto mosquitto-clients minicom jq screen ppp
pip3 packages
sudo pip3 install smbus max30105 smbus2 pygame paho-mqtt i2cdevice
sudo pip3 install --upgrade adafruit-python-shell click
The resultant config in /boot/config.txt is something like:
# --- added by adafruit-pitft-helper Tue Feb 8 14:31:08 2022 ---
# --- end adafruit-pitft-helper Tue Feb 8 14:31:08 2022 ---
Also add these lines to avoid console being shown on TFT and hogging framebuffer device when no HDMI monitor is connected:
install Dart
From the Dart SDK archive:
Stable channel : Linux : Armv7