A PHP language extension that provides an efficient alternative to Symfony's Normalizer.
You'll need to add extension=normalizer.so
to your primary php.ini file.
# To see where .ini files are located
php -i | grep "\.ini"
You can also enable the extension temporarily using the command line:
php -d extension=normalizer.so
$ phpize
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
make test
class MyObj
#[Groups(['group1', 'group2'])]
public string $foo;
public string $anotherProperty;
public function getBar() // is* methods are also supported
return $this->bar;
$normalizer = new Normalizer\ObjectNormalizer();
$obj = new MyObj();
$obj->foo = 'foo';
$obj->anotherProperty = 'property';
$array = $normalizer->normalize($obj, [Normalizer\ObjectNormalizer::GROUPS => ['group1', 'group4']]);
// Will return ['foo' => 'foo', 'anotherProperty' => 'property]
The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.