An example ViewModel & UI to control a Pan/Tilt behavior of homemade servo brackets. Utilizes a MVVM code pattern with Prism.
The UI:
A Pan/Tilt Servo Bracket being controlled by this app:
The initial release of the ServoDemo files contians three projects:
PanTiltServoVM - A full ViewModel built to support a Pan/Tilt assembly using most features of the Pololu Maestro servo controller. Uses Prism properties and throws Movement events when enabled.
WPFApp - An example View including a 2d-graph control with direct mouse click & drag control of the connected servo. Built with WPF and VM dependency injection.
MovementTest - Unit tests of PanTiltServoVM where applicable.
The Pololu Maestro C# driver requires a lower-level USB call in order to fetch all properties of the driven servos. This project aims to simplify the translation from these drivers into a usable and practical app with MVVM considerations in mind.
This example includes the following features to build upon:
Simple getting/setting of movement/speed/accel properties with background management of device connection and cleanup (implements IDisposable)
Internal Task management of optional polling for live updates of movement/speed/accel properties to calling processes / UI
UI with 2D grid control of Pan/Tilt for easy debugging and testing of physical unit builds
Open-loop feedback of position negates the need for additional hardware (under certain conditions)
Position "goal"/"actual" properties reduce confusion of how the Pololu reports its position to the SDK
Automatic default connection of connected modules (with optional override for serial string and direct instance injection)
Build requires .NET 4.5.2, Prism Core and WPF, and Pololu USB DLLs
All position property feedback is open-loop and dependant on how the Pololu module returns its current servo data. It should not be relied on for anything with physical consequences
Position feedback will be "live" only when a realistic non-zero speed / accel value is set. Otherwise position updates will be 'instant' and not reflect real-world positions
WPFApp assumes defaults of 4000/8000 for min/max servo values, and channels 0/1 to Pan/Tilt respectively.