This project have been tested on an ubuntu distro.
You need at least all this binaries:
- Taskfile to run all the steps
- Kind to create a local kubernetes cluster
- Kubectl to apply resources to kind
- Terraform to create index mappings in elasticsearch
- Helm to deploy eck operator
- Apache bench (ab) to generate load on nginx to get some logs in elasticsearch
At the root of the project run :
task all
You can clean your environement with
task clean
kubectl port-forward svc/elasticsearch-logs-es-http -n elastic-system 9200:9200 &
kubectl port-forward svc/kibana-logs-kb-http -n elastic-system 5601:5601 &
Open browser to localhost:5601 to access kibana, and auth with account elastic and password give by :
kubectl get secret elasticsearch-logs-es-elastic-user -n elastic-system -o jsonpath='{.data.elastic}' | base64 --decode