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Geolocation API

Ruby API - Geolocation with external integration

How to run project in Docker container

1. build image

docker-compose build

2. create, migrate and seed DB

docker-compose exec api bin/rails db:rebuild

3. run image

docker-compose up

4. run tests (optional)

docker-compose exec api rspec spec

How to interact with API via Postman

  • first of all, need to export included in the repo Postman collection postman_collection.json into your Postman application
  • next you have to make a simple authentication, setting any persisted user's credentials via POST /login request with next JSON body schema {"email": "<email>", "password": "<password>"}.
  • it allows to login, generate and received JWT token, use it automatically on other requests via internal Postman collection variable;
    • it is possible to create new user in Rails console:
      • docker-compose exec api bin/rails c
      • FactoryBot.create(:user, email: '<>', password: '<password>')
    • or use default user, already existing in DB after seeding:
      • JSON body {"email": "", "password": "password"}
  • in case automated setting of JWT doesn't work, you should set it manually into each request in Postman:
    • copy JWT token value received in response body from GET /login endpoint on auth_token key;
    • paste it as new Header into every single request using next template Authorization: 'Bearer <JWT_token>'.
  • now, feel free to use any of four requests to manage geolocation records using next RESTfull endpoints using stored inside JWT token from previous step:
    • create geolocation POST /api/v1/geolocations a request to store new location data received from IPstack external service by provided from current user IP address or URL in JSON payload with next schema {"target": "<ip_or_url>"};
    • show geolocation GET /api/v1/geolocations/:target a request to fetch data about geolocation by given IP or URL set in path string, implementation provides ability to work not only with IP and domain format, but even to set the whole URL with prefixes without supporting this on IPstack integration;
    • delete geolocation DELETE /api/v1/geolocations/:target a request to remove geolocation from DB using the same payload schema as in previous one;
    • list geolocations GET /api/v1/geolocations the last extra request to have ability showing reduced data about all records via simple index endpoint.
  • here is a screen shot with all request in Postman application: postman_collection.png
  • last * ipstack request doesn't matter, it was technical one to help with integration in development.

Steps of implementation and developer's notes

1. Understand the Requirements:

  • carefully read and understood the problem definition.
  • identified the core functionalities the API should provide: managing doctor availabilities, patient booking/editing appointments, and viewing availability.

2. Select the Technology Stack:

  • chose the programming language and framework.
    • RoR, PostgreSQL, Docker-Compose, JWT, Pundit, DRY-validation, Alba, Faraday, Swagger, RSpec, FactoryBot

3. Design DB & implement Models:

  • determined the data models required for this system.
  • created Geolocation model with:
    • required ip string attribute;
    • optional url string attribute;
    • string type attribute;
    • float latitude and longitude attributes;
    • jsonb location attribute with all additional data received from 3rd party service.
  • url attribute will have a role like a caching layer to avoid redundant heavy call to external service in case if we already know which IP address is related.
  • perhaps, create separate related table to store location JSON data there, TBD...
  • created two indexes for ip and url (for second one only for cases when value is present) columns for faster searching.
  • created uniqueness index for ip column to avoid duplicated records in DB.
    • stored only uniq records by IP or URL value.
    • managed cases when there is already record with given IP but with empty URL value.
  • added default Rails validation on model layer via creating own validators.
  • implemented find_by_ip_or_url scope to search by target value in both attributes via one query.
  • created simple User model to be able use and show Pundit authorization.
  • implement main model for storing geospatial data using postgis gem.
  • designed and use Service Object to encapsulate and manage business logic in separate abstraction.
    • service objects represent a single system action such as adding a record to the database or sending an email.
    • service objects should contain no reference to anything related to HTTP, such as requests or parameters.
  • seeded DB with default data.
  • created complex db:rebuild rake task to run all DB related commands per one time.
  • final DB schema is next (see screenshot below):
    • database.png

4. API Endpoints:

  • defined the API endpoints based on the requirements.
  • ensured that the API follows RESTful principles (HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, status codes, etc.).
  • created couple of CRUD endpoints for ability to manage geolocations records.
  • it's first version V1 of API, so we added /v1 into path and moved controllers into V1 module according to the best practices of API design and implementation.
  • used :target params as default instead :id on show and destroy endpoints.
    • moreover, allowed target value to contain IP addresses, domains and even URLs with prefixes via set up the constraints,
    • note that integrated IPstack service works only with domain addresses in path, so ability to receive, validate and store whole URL addresses will be useful in the future,
      • use %2F combination instead single / in case when need to pass URL prefix, for instance https://<domain>.
    • need to dive deeper into ability to receive, validate and handle two separate properties in request payloads for IP and URL values instead one common target as is implemented now, TBD...
  • used Alba gem for serialization.
    • potentially we can convert all keys to lowerCamelCase adding one command in base serializer.
  • used JSON API standard for request payloads and response bodies.
  • used Swagger framework to test and create automatic-generated documentation.
    • attached screenshot of Swagger page and the link to interactive documentation.
    • swagger.png

5. Integration with IPstack 3rd party service:

  • created simple class to call IPstack 3rd party service using Faraday gem.
  • created separate class to handle errors and transform response.
  • implemented these classes as agnostic abstraction and used inside of only one service object for better potential replacing with another integration.

6. Authentication and Authorization:

  • implemented user authentication to ensure only authorized users can interact with Geospatial data.
  • used Pundit gem to authorise users permissions.
  • used JWT gem to authentication users.
  • created simple login endpoint to authenticate current user by JWT.
    • in Postman collection implemented smart request based via JS pre-request script to login in API from outside, receive JWT token, store in PM variable and automatically use it in all other endpoints for providing ability to make all endpoints secure, not available to public.

7. Validation and Error Handling:

  • added default Rails validation on model layer via creating own validators.
  • implemented robust error handling to provide meaningful error messages through whole API.
    • handled multi error cases according to JSON API specification, especially for contract and model validations when there might be several errors.
    • it is possible not pass error message to response body if we don't want to show any exactly internal errors in client side.
  • added validation for incoming data to prevent processing requests with invalid payloads.
    • used Dry-validation gem and created a short contract.
    • added addition DRY rule to verify if one property contains any of both value formats.

8. Documentation:

  • created this file that explains how to run and use the service.
  • added developer notes that were written during implementation.
  • included Postman collection postman_collection.json into project for sharing with other team members.
    • see more about all API endpoints described in section How to interact with API via Postman above.

9. Testing:

  • used FactoryBot gem and created factories for each model
  • wrote couple unit tests to ensure the reliability of the code.
    • created models specs.
    • added validators own specs.
    • created error handler and error objects unit tests.
    • added contract own specs.
    • created specs for IPstack lib classes.
    • added service object specs.
  • cover all happy and unhappy cases on all endpoints with own integration test using Swagger framework and generate very useful and helpful documentation.
    • visit <server>/api-docs you can see automatically generated API documentation like on screenshot above.
  • used simplecov gem to check amount of covered code with tests.
    • added screenshot about test coverage into documentation, current covarage is more than 98%.
    • coverage.png

10. Deployment:

  • built API application inside of docker container.
  • used Docker Compose tool to manage API container with DB in separate one.
  • created one common db:rebuild rake task for ability to create and migrate DB on the begging of set upping API on current environment or reseed DB any time in easy way.

11. Future Improvements:

  • Logging: Implement logging to track API requests and responses for debugging purposes.
    • use common Rails approach or integrate any 3rd party service, aka Rollbar or CloudWatch.
  • Rate Limiting: Consider implementing rate limiting to prevent abuse.
  • Caching: Implement caching for repeated requests to improve performance.
  • Notifying: Consider integrate emailing outside app to better notification of different events.
  • use secrets to manage important environment variables.
  • perhaps, create separate table to store location JSON data there and add one-to-one relation to geolocation table...
  • instead using self-written regexp for URLs, discover any solution out of the box for better contract and model validations.
  • consider ability to return list of records on searching by URL due to potentially possibility to have several records in DB with different IPs but related to the same domain.
  • add background job to fetch and store data about IP or URL not existing in DB in new geolocation record.
  • hide internal 500th errors and not send them in response body.
    • refactor base error class to work with the errors array more natively.
  • implement different user policy scopes according to new roles data modeling, for instance.
  • potentially implement ability to use other 3rd party service for receiving location data with managing whole URL addresses instead just domain part now.
  • maybe at least in V2 version of API it would be better to manage and process different properties in request payload for IP and URL values instead one common.
  • extent Swagger documentation with examples of request payloads and request bodies schemas foe every single endpoint.
  • add on index page at least pagination to avoid too long responses if there are a lot of records in DB.
  • consider postgis library to improve managing of geospatial data.


Ruby API - Geolocation with external integration







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