With transfer function in s-domain.
% Phase portrait plot for SECOND and THIRD order ODE
% sys is the system transfer function (in s-domain)
% intial_values is ithe initial states of th system (vector of nx1)
% where n is the order of the system
% range is the minimum and the maximum boundary for the states
% e.g: 3rd order system, with states: x1, x2, and x3
% [x1_min x1_max; x2_min x2_max; x3_min x3_max]
% simtime is the simulation time
% scale is used to adjust the dimension of the arrows
% this corresponds to the AutoScale property of the quiver function
% References:
% http://matlab.cheme.cmu.edu/2011/08/09/phase-portraits-of-a-system-of-odes/
With callback function to allow the use of nonlinear function.
function phase_plot2(f, intial_values, range, simtime, scale)
% Phase portrait plot for a SECOND order ODE
% f is the system function that will besolve using ode45, it must return
% a column vector (2x1).
% intial_values is ithe initial states of th system (vector of 2x1)
% simtime is the simulation time
% scale is used to adjust the dimension of the arrows
% this corresponds to the AutoScale property of the quiver function
% References:
% http://matlab.cheme.cmu.edu/2011/08/09/phase-portraits-of-a-system-of-odes/