This organization contains the repositories of AuthzForce (Attribute-Based Access Control framework) projects, including the following:
- AuthzForce Core: ABAC/XACML PDP engine (library);
- AuthzForce RESTful PDP conforming to XACML REST Profile: RESTful XACML PDP service compliant with REST and JSON Profiles of XACML 3.0;
- AuthzForce RESTful PDP conforming to OpenID AuthZEN API: RESTful XACML PDP service compliant with OpenID AuthZEN Authorization API;
- AuthzForce Server: Multi-tenant XACML PDP/PAP server (REST API);
- AuthzForce PDP extensions for JSON / JSONPath processing;
- Data model for JSON Profile of XACML 3.0, including JSON schemas;
- Python XACML Client SDK;
- Apache Kafka Authorizer (KIP-11) supporting both Kafka ACL and XACML (ABAC) policy evaluation.