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AutoCore simulation tool virtualizes the real world driving scenarios based on Unity physical engine.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Requirement
  3. Quick Start
  4. Simulator Instruction
  5. Interfaces


AutoCore simulation tool is developed based on Unity engine, which focuses kinematics principle of the vehicle and environment. It could simulate multi type of sensor inputs according to different driving cases and user configurable environmental conditions, so that the autonomous driving system could be tested and tuned in loop.

NOTE: This guideline works with Autocore SDK and Autocore Simulator. If you would like to run Autoware.AI with Autocore simulator, please refer to:
Simulation with Autoware.AI


Simulator PC Requirement

OS: Windows 10
CPU:Intel i5 9100 or higher
GPU:GTX 750Ti or higher
Free disk:>1GB

Simulation Environment

To use the simulator, you will need to build a simulation environment. In our case, we use one PC and two PCU dev boards.

Simulation Environment

  • PCU dev boards x 2
    • Roscore
    • Localization
    • LiDAR perception
    • Traffic light detection (optional with TPU accelerator)
    • Global planner
    • Local planner
    • Waypoint follower
  • Simulator PC (Windows)
    • Simulator
    • AutoCore IDE

Quick Start

Start Simulator

  1. Download the simulator archive file, and extract it to a customized destination.
    Download link: Resource Download

  2. Double click Simulator.exe to run the simulator.
    Simulation Folder

  3. Configure the ROSMaster IP and local IP, and choose the driving scenario, then click launch.
    Simulation Launch

  4. If the configuration is correct, you will see the main window of the simulator as below:
    Simulation Main

Once simulator is started and PCU is on,you will be able to see correct NDT location in IDE.

Simulator will send out /ndt_pose, /estimate_twist and the TF for map to base_link transform.

Start PCU 1 with SDK

After power on, PCU will automatically start runtime,and IDE tool is able to control the different functionalities. Roscore will start on PCU automatically.

Use IDE tool to start the following nodes, the nodes which are not listed in below shall not be started (Some nodes may be configured as auto start, but without actual function).

Simulation IDE

The following nodes are compulsory for simulation:

  • sim_map_city
  • voxel_filter
  • ndt_matching with init_pos_gnss enabled
  • pose_vel_connector

The following nodes are optional depending on functions:

  • ray_ground_filter, make sure to disable output_ring
  • cluster_dep
  • cluster_euc
  • gps_localizer
    To use this node, NDT node need to be stopped.

The following node is optional to use traffic light function:

  • feat_proj
    This node is provided in MPU image, but need to build before use. Google TPU is compulsory for this function.
    To build and launch this node:
    mkdir -p workspace/src
    cp ~/Camera-ROS-Git workspace/src/
    cd workspace/src
    cd ..
    # After build success
    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch traffic_light_detect traffic_light_detect.launch

Start PCU 2 with Autoware.AI

In our case we will use Autoware.AI running on PCU for planning features.

As optional, you could also run Autoware.AI on the Windows PC with VM or WSL2. In this way, the 2nd PCU will not be required.

  1. Change the Internal network IP of PCU 2 to a different one with PCU 1.
    For IP configuration, please refer to Advanced Network Settings

  2. Connect to PCU 2 via VNC using default user name and password.

  3. Set ROS_MASTER_URI according to PCU 1, ROS_IP according to PCU 2.

  4. Download the Autoware.AI source code to PCU or transfer through network.

  5. Build the project and source.

  6. Launch the required planning nodes by Runtime Manager GUI or ROS commands.

    The following three nodes are required to run the simulation.

    • Global Planner

    • Local Planner
      op_local_planner or lane_planner

    • Waypoint follower

Simulation process

Now you could check whether all the topics are correctly sent from PCU, simulator and Autoware.AI. If no issues, we could begin the first drive.

  1. Localization
    Reset the car location in the simulator, and check in localization result of PCU in IDE. If the localization result is not matching with the car location in the simulator, please manually set the location in IDE.

  2. Path planning Select a destination point in IDE, and wait for the global planner & local planner to calculate the route.

  3. Start the vehicle
    After enable the way point follower, you should see the car starts moving in both IDE and simulator.

Simulator Instruction


There are some buttons on the top of the main interfaces:

  1. Car Reset
    Click to reset the ego car location to the default starting point.

  2. Car Pose Set
    Click to pick a location for ego car, then move the mouse to set the orientation.

  3. Add Static Obstacle
    Click to drop a obstacle at target place.

  4. Add Human
    Click to add a pedestrian at the target place, multiple pedestrians could be added via multiple clicks. Right click to finish.

  5. Add CarAI
    Click to add a AI car at the target place, then click to add the destination for the AI car. AI car will run in the map according to the destination and follow traffic rules autonomously.

  6. Remove All Obstacle
    Click to remove all obstacles.

  7. Settings
    Click to open setting panel.

  8. Exit Simu
    To exit simulator and go back to the launch panel.


Simulation Monitor

The monitor shows the current ego vehicle information, and draws diagram with historic data. To hide the monitor,just click the button on the left top.

Other operations

  • Left click to select target
  • Right click to cancel
  • Press the wheel and drag to move camera
  • Move the wheel to zoom
  • Press Ctrl and move the wheel to change the size of target
  • Space: Reset camera
  • "C": Switch camera in simulator
  • "W": Move forward
  • "S": Move backward
  • "A": Left turn
  • "D": Right turn
  • "X": Brake


The log output is under StreamingAssets/TestData folder. The log file is named by time, with all the operations and accidents recorded.



  • /camera/camera_info [sensor_msgs/CameraInfo]
  • /estimate_twist [geometry_msgs/TwistStamped]
  • /gnss_pose [geometry_msgs/PoseStamped]
  • /image_raw [sensor_msgs/Image]
  • /ndt_pose [geometry_msgs/PoseStamped]
  • /points_raw [sensor_msgs/PointCloud2]
  • /tf [tf2_msgs/TFMessage]
  • /vehicle_status [autoware_msgs/VehicleStatus]


  • /ide_cmd [unknown type]
  • /twist_cmd [geometry_msgs/TwistStamped]