Unit tests can be run with make test
or go test ./...
and don't require any environmental setup. All external interfaces are tested against mocks.
LXE has a --critest
option which prepares some default images to use in the critest
command since LXE uses LXD and that doesn't support OCI images. It also rewrites some image requests as the hardcoded image names in critest are just not available in LXD. If it does so it clearly writes this in the output like CRITest: %s
. This feature is considered experimental as the images might still not meet the wished requirments.
LXE will never pass all the critest cases due to the fact that LXD does not support OCI images and LXD might not offer all the runtime features docker provides. LXD does system containers, while docker and similiar OCI runtimes do application containers.
Run lxe in critest mode:
$ lxe --log-level info --critest
WARNING[06-08|13:44:35.631] starting lxe... builddate="Wed, 08 Jun 2022 13:44:34 +0200" buildnumber=undef gitcommit=3a8f4f75b2fe8d0d7742e66175a529e2ed67fee3 gittreestate=dirty packagename=lxe version=0.0.0
INFO [06-08|13:44:35.634] Connected to LXD lxdsocket=/var/lib/lxd/unix.socket
WARNING[06-08|13:44:35.634] CRITest mode enabled
INFO [06-08|13:44:35.638] downloading default image
INFO [06-08|13:44:38.713] default image ready: 'local:critest/default'
INFO [06-08|13:44:38.727] creating webserver image
INFO [06-08|13:44:55.801] webserver image ready: 'local:critest/webserver'
WARNING[06-08|13:44:55.802] CRITest ready: Use --test-images-file=/tmp/lxe-critest-images-file.yaml in your critest command
INFO [06-08|13:44:56.122] started lxe CRI shim socket=/tmp/lxe.sock
INFO [06-08|13:44:56.123] started streaming server baseurl="http://localhost:44124" endpoint="localhost:44124"
And use the prepared test images file as provided in the output in your critest command.
For the image specific tests:
$ critest --runtime-endpoint unix:///tmp/lxe.sock --test-images-file=/tmp/lxe-critest-images-file.yaml --ginkgo.focus "image" --ginkgo.skip "should not have Uid|Username empty" --ginkgo.slow-spec-threshold "30s"
critest version: v1.24.1
Running Suite: CRI validation - /root
Random Seed: 1654688963
Will run 6 of 79 specs
Ran 6 of 79 Specs in 16.681 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 6 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 73 Skipped
Or remove the focus and skips and just let it run over the full test suite:
$ critest --runtime-endpoint unix:///tmp/lxe.sock --test-images-file=/tmp/lxe-critest-images-file.yaml --ginkgo.slow-spec-threshold "30s"