Welcome to the codebase repository for the MCR-N course!
- Basic Idea
- Setting up the Environment
- Using ROS
- Installing our course materials
- Hardware Description
- Target Software Architecture
- Example Robot Behavior
- Uploading your Code
- Using the Master Control Node
Students shall program robots to navigate a pre-defined parcours. With given hardware specifications (Kobuki Robot), students should implement robot localization, task following and navigation.
We provide them with a well-defined environment that they should use. The goal is for the students to integrate their work into the given system.
There are three options to set up your programming workspace. The easiest way for most students will probably downloading our virtual machine image. For more advanced students, installing a native linux or WSL2 environment should allow them for smoother workflows due to better resource usage.
- Download VirtualBox
- Download our Ubuntu-20.04 image
- Add our image to your VB environment
- Configure the system resources for your VB
- Run the virtual machine
Installing a native linux on a machine requires atleast 40 GB of free disk space and a USB stick with atleast 16GB. If you plan to install linux alongside your regular OS (e.g. Windows), you should also be somewhat confident in what you are doing, since you can actually make your normal OS unusable.
- Download Ubuntu 20.04.6
- Create a bootable USB stick using that image
- (Optional for Dual-Boot) Allocate some free memory on your harddrive
- Install Linux on the dedicated partition
Using a WSL can be the easiest and most powerful way to use a linux environment in Windows. However, it natively provides only very limited graphical user interfaces, hence it is recommended for users who are somewhat familiar with linux and/or command line usage.
Taken from these install instructions, getting a Ubuntu 20.04 distro can be easily done by opening a Windows PowerShell and executing this command:
## Windows PowerShell
wsl --install -d Ubuntu-20.04
Once the installation is completed, you will be asked to configure your username and password. You will then be prompted with a linux terminal. Please update the system before doing any additional work:
## Linux Shell
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
You can refer to best practices during the setup to get some advice regarding the usage of the WSL. However, we recommend just using the regular terminal (you can add a shortcut in your task bar), the windows explorer (navigate to Linux/Ubuntu-20.04/..) and the VS Code integration.
For VS Code, first install from here and then follow the integration manual.
Please execute this command to install necessary dependencies when NOT using our VM.
## Linux Shell
sudo apt install htop ssh
You can follow these instructions to install ROS noetic. Usually, you will only need these commands:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
sudo apt install curl
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros/rosdistro/master/ros.asc | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-noetic-desktop-full
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
echo "source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
sudo apt install python3-rosdep python3-rosinstall python3-rosinstall-generator python3-wstool build-essential
sudo rosdep init
rosdep update
You will need to install some additional ROS packages to use all applications used in this course.
sudo apt install ros-noetic-gmapping
The ROS Tutorials are a great way to get familiar with basic ROS functionalities. In addition to our course material, it might make sense for inexperienced students to look into these specific beginner tutorials:
(1, 3 - 8, 11 - 16)
The rest is nice to know, but not specifically required for our course.
For later integration of the navigation stack, please make yourself also familiar with the actionlib tutorials.
Once you have set up your workspace, go to your 'catkin_ws/src' folder and clone our repositories:
## Change into your catkin workspace (replace your path if necessary)
your_user@your_machine:$ cd catkin_ws/src
This codebase:
your_user@your_machine:$ git clone https://github.com/autonohm/mrc_n_codebase.git
Our python simulator:
your_user@your_machine:$ git clone https://github.com/autonohm/ohm_kobuki_sim.git
You will be programming for our Kobuki robot. It is equipped with a mobile processing unit, a 2D-LiDAR sensor, a WiFi module and a differential drive.
You will need to set up the navigation stack for the provided robot and write your own statemachine to connect to the master control.
The statemachine is responsible to connect to the master control server, get the tasks (the goal poses) from it, confirm when a goal is reached, and finally set the status to finished.
Clone this template repository to your local machine and rename it according to your group id. In your private account, set up a private repository with this exact name. Change the remote adress of your repository to the adress you just created and add your colleagues to allow them collaborating with you.
Also add us so we can access and review your work:
- Marco Masannek (marcomasa)
- Dong Wang (wayne-dwa)
- Rolf Schmidt (rs-grimbart)
- Hannes Haag (hannes3010)
You will find detailed instructions in the template repository.
The master control node acts as the task server. Once you built this pkg, you can start the node using the provided launchfile:
your_user@your_machine:~$ roslaunch mrc_n_codebase master_control.launch
The output of the node should look like this:
* /master_control_server/max_goal_deviation_angular: 0.2
* /master_control_server/max_goal_deviation_linear: 0.1
* /master_control_server/robot_frame_id: base_link
* /master_control_server/target_task_name: mockup_test
* /master_control_server/topic_confirm_goal_reached: master_control/co...
* /master_control_server/topic_connect: master_control/co...
* /master_control_server/topic_get_tasks: master_control/ge...
* /rosdistro: noetic
* /rosversion: 1.16.0
master_control_server (mrc_n_codebase/master_control_node.py)
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [31269]
setting /run_id to 73507568-6d19-11ef-84f0-145afc8ede9d
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [31296]
started core service [/rosout]
process[master_control_server-2]: started with pid [31300]
[INFO] [1727103559.011682]: [MCS] Reading files from folder: /home/marco/mrc_ws/src/mrc_n_codebase/master_control_tasks
[INFO] [1727103559.013987]: [MCS] Reading File from /home/marco/mrc_ws/src/mrc_n_codebase/master_control_tasks/mockup_test.txt
[INFO] [1727103559.015688]: [MCS] Successfully read tasks from 1 files and found the target task [mockup_test]
[INFO] [1727103559.036435]: [MCS] Started..
If you open RVIZ and add the topic type 'TF', you should be able to see the goal poses visualized:
Robots must connect to the server using the provided 'mcs_connect' service, providing their name.
From the terminal, this can be done using:
your_user@your_machine:~$ rosservice call /master_control/connect "robot_name: 'test_robot'"
success: True
The node should output the following:
[INFO] [1725714158.608101]: [MCS] Robot [test_robot] has connected!
However, you will need to connect to the server from your own statemachine file!
The target task from the server can be queried using the provided service:
your_user@your_machine:~$ rosservice call /master_control/get_tasks "robot_name: 'test_robot'"
success: True
The node should output the following:
[INFO] [1725714162.910627]: [MCS] Returning Task [mockup_test] including [2] goals
If you did not use the connect service or if you provide the wrong robot name, the node will reject the request:
your_user@your_machine:~$ rosservice call /master_control/get_tasks "robot_name: 'abc'"
success: False
goals: []
The node should output the following:
[ERROR] [1725715131.461621]: [MCS] This robot [abc] has not connected before. Rejecting task request!
Once your robot has reached a goal, you are supposed to confirm this with the server. You just have to tell the server which goal pose you think you reached, and the server will check wether or not you are within the given allowed deviation.
your_user@your_machine:~$ rosservice call /master_control/confirm_goal_reached "goal_name: 'start'"
success: True
If that is the case, your exact score (consisting of the time to reach and the achieved precision) will be saved. You will get your final score once you set your status to finished.
[INFO] [1727103660.134773]: [MCS] Trying to confirm reaching the goal pose [start]..
[INFO] [1727103660.136486]: [MCS] Successfully reached the goal pose [start]!
[INFO] [1727103660.137412]: [MCS] ------
[INFO] [1727103660.138331]: [MCS] Goal Name: start
[INFO] [1727103660.139200]: [MCS] reached: True
[INFO] [1727103660.140409]: [MCS] time in s: 9.901
[INFO] [1727103660.141522]: [MCS] Linear Dev: 0.02
[INFO] [1727103660.142530]: [MCS] Angular Dev: 0.1
[INFO] [1727103660.143791]: [MCS] ------
If your robot did not reach the goal pose, the service will return 'False' and the main node will print your error:
[INFO] [1727103673.018535]: [MCS] Trying to confirm reaching the goal pose [goal]..
[ERROR] [1727103673.020986]: [MCS] The angular goal deviation [1.6700000000000004] is too large!
Once your robot has reached all goals (therefore finishing his task), you are supposed to tell the server by executing the following service:
your_user@your_machine:~$ rosservice call /master_control/set_finished "{}"
success: True
This triggers stopping the time and printing your statistics if you reached all goals:
[INFO] [1727103684.741420]: [MCS] Received a finished signal. Checking goals
[INFO] [1727103684.743319]: [MCS] ------
[INFO] [1727103684.744438]: [MCS] Goal Name: start
[INFO] [1727103684.745496]: [MCS] reached: True
[INFO] [1727103684.746802]: [MCS] time in s: 9.901
[INFO] [1727103684.747765]: [MCS] Linear Dev: 0.02
[INFO] [1727103684.748923]: [MCS] Angular Dev: 0.1
[INFO] [1727103684.750384]: [MCS] ------
[INFO] [1727103684.751503]: [MCS] ------
[INFO] [1727103684.752592]: [MCS] Goal Name: goal
[INFO] [1727103684.753794]: [MCS] reached: True
[INFO] [1727103684.754973]: [MCS] time in s: 30.896
[INFO] [1727103684.756028]: [MCS] Linear Dev: 0.02
[INFO] [1727103684.757647]: [MCS] Angular Dev: 0.03
[INFO] [1727103684.760067]: [MCS] ------
[INFO] [1727103684.763425]: [MCS] Robot [test_robot] Reached all goals!
[INFO] [1727103684.765509]: [MCS] Total Time: 34.53
[INFO] [1727103684.767484]: [MCS] Linear Deviation - Total [0.04] - Median [0.02]
[INFO] [1727103684.769005]: [MCS] Angular Deviation - Total [0.13] - Median [0.065]
The following output of the master control server would be produced when running through the mockup task, with some initial troubles aligning with the goal orientation:
[INFO] [1727103559.011682]: [MCS] Reading files from folder: /home/marco/mrc_ws/src/mrc_n_codebase/master_control_tasks
[INFO] [1727103559.013987]: [MCS] Reading File from /home/marco/mrc_ws/src/mrc_n_codebase/master_control_tasks/mockup_test.txt
[INFO] [1727103559.015688]: [MCS] Successfully read tasks from 1 files and found the target task [mockup_test]
[INFO] [1727103643.800978]: [MCS] Started..
[INFO] [1727103646.320201]: [MCS] Robot [GROUP_A] has connected!
[INFO] [1727103650.233422]: [MCS] Returning Task [mockup_test] including [2] goals
[INFO] [1727103660.134773]: [MCS] Trying to confirm reaching the goal pose [start]..
[INFO] [1727103660.136486]: [MCS] Successfully reached the goal pose [start]!
[INFO] [1727103660.137412]: [MCS] ------
[INFO] [1727103660.138331]: [MCS] Goal Name: start
[INFO] [1727103660.139200]: [MCS] reached: True
[INFO] [1727103660.140409]: [MCS] time in s: 9.901
[INFO] [1727103660.141522]: [MCS] Linear Dev: 0.02
[INFO] [1727103660.142530]: [MCS] Angular Dev: 0.1
[INFO] [1727103660.143791]: [MCS] ------
[INFO] [1727103673.018535]: [MCS] Trying to confirm reaching the goal pose [goal]..
[ERROR] [1727103673.020986]: [MCS] The angular goal deviation [1.6700000000000004] is too large!
[INFO] [1727103681.128977]: [MCS] Trying to confirm reaching the goal pose [goal]..
[INFO] [1727103681.131180]: [MCS] Successfully reached the goal pose [goal]!
[INFO] [1727103681.132690]: [MCS] ------
[INFO] [1727103681.133888]: [MCS] Goal Name: goal
[INFO] [1727103681.135098]: [MCS] reached: True
[INFO] [1727103681.136310]: [MCS] time in s: 30.896
[INFO] [1727103681.137337]: [MCS] Linear Dev: 0.02
[INFO] [1727103681.138695]: [MCS] Angular Dev: 0.03
[INFO] [1727103681.139889]: [MCS] ------
[INFO] [1727103684.741420]: [MCS] Received a finished signal. Checking goals
[INFO] [1727103684.743319]: [MCS] ------
[INFO] [1727103684.744438]: [MCS] Goal Name: start
[INFO] [1727103684.745496]: [MCS] reached: True
[INFO] [1727103684.746802]: [MCS] time in s: 9.901
[INFO] [1727103684.747765]: [MCS] Linear Dev: 0.02
[INFO] [1727103684.748923]: [MCS] Angular Dev: 0.1
[INFO] [1727103684.750384]: [MCS] ------
[INFO] [1727103684.751503]: [MCS] ------
[INFO] [1727103684.752592]: [MCS] Goal Name: goal
[INFO] [1727103684.753794]: [MCS] reached: True
[INFO] [1727103684.754973]: [MCS] time in s: 30.896
[INFO] [1727103684.756028]: [MCS] Linear Dev: 0.02
[INFO] [1727103684.757647]: [MCS] Angular Dev: 0.03
[INFO] [1727103684.760067]: [MCS] ------
[INFO] [1727103684.763425]: [MCS] Robot [GROUP_A] Reached all goals!
[INFO] [1727103684.765509]: [MCS] Total Time: 34.53
[INFO] [1727103684.767484]: [MCS] Linear Deviation - Total [0.04] - Median [0.02]
[INFO] [1727103684.769005]: [MCS] Angular Deviation - Total [0.13] - Median [0.065]
This is an example of how your statemachine should and could look like:
To launch the competition configuration for the simulated environment, just launch the modified launchfile:
your_user@your_machine:~$ roslaunch mrc_n_codebase master_control_sim_comp.launch