Recommendation(Click-Through Rate Prediction) Framework for Go, including:
- Model Training & Prediction
- Item2vec Embedding
- Feature-Engineering
- Common Cost Functions and Metric Functions: AUC, Accuracy, MSE, RMS, Binary Cross Entropy, etc.
- Common Models
GAUC on MovieLens 20M: 0.771258
- Simple 2 layer MLP test on MovieLens
- Dropout and L2 regularization
- Batch Normalization
GAUC on MovieLens 20M: 0.760381
- YouTube DNN test on MovieLens
- Dropout and L2 regularization
- Batch Normalization
GAUC on MovieLens 20M: 0.790542
- DIN test on MovieLens
- Euclidean Distance and Cosine Similarity based attention
- Dropout and L2 regularization
- Batch Normalization
You can run the MovieLens training and predict demo by:
# download and unzip the SQLite DB file
wget && \
# compile the go-ctr and put it in the current directory
GOBIN=`pwd` go install && \
Wait for the message shown: Listening and serving HTTP on :8080
Then test the API in another terminal:
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"userId":108,"itemIdList":[1,2,39]}' \
Should get the response like this:
So, with a higher score, user #108 may prefer movie #1 over #2 and #39.
To create a deep learning based recommendation system, you need to follow the steps below:
if you prefer show me the code
, just go to MovieLens Example
Implement the
interface including func below:GetUserFeature(context.Context, int) (Tensor, error) GetItemFeature(context.Context, int) (Tensor, error) SampleGenerator(context.Context) (<-chan Sample, error)
Call the functions to
model, _ = recommend.Train(recSys) recommend.StartHttpApi(model, "/api/v1/recommend", ":8080")
If you want better AUC with item embedding, you can implement the
interface including func below://ItemEmbedding is an interface used to generate item embedding with item2vec model //by just providing a behavior based item sequence. // Example: user liked items sequence, user bought items sequence, // user viewed items sequence type ItemEmbedding interface { ItemSeqGenerator() (<-chan string, error) }
All you need to do is implement the functions of the gray part:
For more usage, please refer to the docs
- Pure Golang implementation, battery included.
- Parameter Server based Online Learning
- Training & Inference all in one binary powered by golang
- Databases support
- MySQL support
- SQLite support
- Database Aggregation accelerated Feature Normalization
- Feature Engineering
- Item2vec embedding
- Rule based FE config
- DeepL based Auto Feature Engineering
- Demo
- MovieLens Demo
- Apple M1 Max
- Database: SQLite3
- Model: SkipGram, Optimizer: HierarchicalSoftmax
- WindowSize: 5
- Data: MovieLens 10m
read 9520886 words 12.169282375s
trained 9519544 words 17.155356791s
Search Embedding of:
59784 "Kung Fu Panda (2008)" Action|Animation|Children|Comedy
1 | 60072 | 0.974392 | Wanted (2008) Action|Thriller
2 | 60040 | 0.974080 | Incredible Hulk, The (2008) Action|Fantasy|Sci-Fi
3 | 60069 | 0.973728 | WALL·E (2008) Adventure|Animation|Children|Comedy|Romance|Sci-Fi
4 | 60074 | 0.970396 | Hancock (2008) Action|Comedy|Drama|Fantasy
5 | 63859 | 0.969845 | Bolt (2008) Action|Adventure|Animation|Children|Comedy
6 | 57640 | 0.969305 | Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) Action|Adventure|Comedy|Fantasy|Sci-Fi
7 | 58299 | 0.967733 | Horton Hears a Who! (2008) Adventure|Animation|Children|Comedy
8 | 59037 | 0.966410 | Speed Racer (2008) Action|Adventure|Children
9 | 59315 | 0.964556 | Iron Man (2008) Action|Adventure|Sci-Fi
10 | 58105 | 0.963332 | Spiderwick Chronicles, The (2008) Adventure|Children|Drama|Fantasy
- Dataset: MovieLens 100k, split by 80%+20% userId randomly
- Code: example/movielens
- Training time: 28s
- AUC: 0.782
To make this project work, quite a lot of code are copied and modified from the following libraries: