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Upgrade process

Marko Petrlić edited this page Oct 11, 2023 · 2 revisions

Runtime upgrades

Substrate development framework supports forkless upgrades of the runtime. Update is triggered when spec_version field of RuntimeVersion in runtimeime/src/ is incremented.

Upgrade process

Since we have block size limits, runtime upgrade is a three step process. Preferred way to upgrade runtime is through governance/democracy feature. For each step, submit preimage with changes, and use preimage hash to submit proposal. Steps are:

  1. Submit dataAvailability/submit_block_length_proposal proposal with increased block size limits (eg. 512 rows x 256 columns)
  2. Submit system/set_code proposal with uploaded da_runtime.compact.wasm
  3. Submit dataAvailability/submit_block_length_proposal proposal with block limits reverted to initial setting

For development purposes, its possible to use sudo calls with unchecked weight to increase block size limits and upload new runtime. In that case, steps are:

  1. Use sudo/sudoCall to invoke dataAvailability/submit_block_length_proposal with increased block limits (eg. 512 rows x 256 columns)
  2. Use sudo/sudoUncheckedWeight(call, weight) with 0 weight to invoke system/set_code and upload da_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm
  3. Use sudo/sudoCall to invoke dataAvailability/submit_block_length_proposal and revert block limits to initial setting

Verify upgrade

To check if runtime is upgraded, query system/version:SpVersionRuntimeVersion constant. This should return latest version values.