Welcome to the 30-Days-Of-Javascript-Challenge, where we'll embark on a journey to master JavaScript, guided by Hitesh Choudhary. This challenge is designed to take us from basics to advanced concepts in just 30 days.
🔗 30 Days Of Javascript Challenge Link
- Day 1: Variables and Data Types
- Day 2: Operators
- Day 3: Control Structures
- Day 4: Loops
- Day 5: Functions
- Day 6: Arrays
- Day 7: Objects
- Day 8: ES6+ Features
- Day 9: DOM Manipulation
- Day 10: Event Handling
- Day 11: Promises and Async/Await
- Day 12: Error Handling
- Day 13: Modules
- Day 14: Classes
- Day 15: Closures
- Day 16: Recursion
- Day 17: Data Structures
- Day 18: Algorithms
- Day 19: Regular Expressions
- Day 20: Local Storage and Session Storage
- Day 21: LeetCode Easy
- Day 22: LeetCode Medium
- Day 23: LeetCode Hard
- Day 24: Project 1 - Weather App
- Day 25: Project 2 - Movie Search App
- Day 26: Project 3 - Chat Application
- Day 27: Project 4 - Task Management App
- Day 28: Project 5 - E-Commerce Website
- Day 29: Project 6 - Social Media Dashboard
- Day 30: Final Social Media Dashboard With Full Features
Throughout the challenge, we'll work on various projects to apply what we've learned:
- Project 1: Weather App
- Project 2: Movie Search App
- Project 3: Chat Application
- Project 4: Task Management App
- Project 5: E-Commerce Website
- Project 6: Social Media Dashboard
- Visit the Challenge Link to sign up.
- Follow the daily lessons and complete the exercises.
- Work on the projects to reinforce your learning.
- Fork the repository.
- Practice each day from the
file under each day folder.
Happy Challenging Learning! 🔥🔥🔥