s2convert_tools в основном нацелен на эффективную конвертацию материалов. Пока программа работает посредством zip архивов, но планируется уйти от этого в пользу работы с единичным файлом/материалом.
s2convert_tools поддерживает то же, что и Zip2Mat, то есть:
- Automatically extracts & moves all of your files into the right place so that you don't have to
- Bulk importing: drag & drop multiple zip files so that you can batch import textures
- Converts textures into .tga images (Source 2 likes these more than jpegs or pngs or whatever)
- Support for the 'VR Simple' shader
- A super simple, intuitive interface
- Tested & works with CC0Textures, TextureCan, TextureHaven, among others (most of the 3dassets.one results should work without issue)
- Normalize file names (so that your project folder isnt a mess)
Because I'm lazy and can't be bothered to link all of the maps up manually. And you probably don't either.
You can download the latest release with this repo's contents and compile it yourself, or download the zip.
As a quick note, don't bother using jpegs. Importing them into Source 2 causes the whole engine to hang for ~20 seconds, and they look like shit anyway.
Zip2Mat simply searches for common aliases for the different map types (i.e. color -> colour, diffuse, col, albedo, etc.) and then generates a vmat file using the T4 text template system.