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florin-botea edited this page Jan 21, 2022 · 3 revisions

Working with Validation.

use Aweb\Nexus\Validator;

You can make validations using Validator::make() method or Request::validate() (is calling Request::validate() and in case of error, redirects back with errors). Feel free to add your custom language files on nexus/lang folder and editing Aweb\Nexus\Validator to load them. English is default language for displayed errors.

Validator::make accepts as input validation data as first parameter, rules as second parameter, custom rule-messages as third and validated fields aliases as last parameter. See v1.0.0 for documentation about how it works.

Validation custom messages are templates of messages which will be populated with validated data. Fields are auto-aliased like this:

  • calling $this->language->all()
  • foreach validated key, check if there is an custom alias passed and use it
  • elseif entry_{validated_key} exists on loaded language, use it so, you have to load languages having named form-fields translated prefixed with entry_ in order to auto-alias them.
$validator->validate(Request::post(), [
    'name'                  => 'required',
// will search for an 'entry_name' on language keys and the message will be: 'The Name is required'

Validation errors are flashed on Session and available to display by calling Validator::error($key), or Validator::error() for accessing all errors as array. If you want to print a specific html string under each validated input, like <span class="text-danger">error here</span>, you can call echo Validator::errorDisplay($key)

<div class="form-group">
    <input type="text" name="name" class="form-control">
    <?php echo Validator::errorDisplay('name'); ?>

This will print the red text message only in case of error.

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