bootbox-react is a wrapper of the bootboxjs <> module for React. Fancy alerts, confirm and prompt dialogs built on top of Bootstrap. Check the website for more information.
- Install:
npm i --save bootbox-react
import React, {useState} from 'react';
import Bootbox from 'bootbox-react';
function App() {
const [showConfirm, setShowConfirm] = useState(false);
const [showAlert, setShowAlert] = useState(false)
const [showPrompt, setShowPrompt] = useState(false)
const handleConfirm = () => {
console.log("You clicked Yes!");
return setShowConfirm(false);
const handleCancel = () => {
console.log("You clicked No!");
return setShowConfirm(false);
const handleClose = () => {
console.log("You closed Alert!");
return setShowAlert(false);
const handlePrompt = (result) => {
console.log(`User input: ${result}`);
return setShowPrompt(false);
<button onClick={ () => setShowConfirm(true) } Confirm </button>
<Bootbox show={showConfirm}
message={"Do That?"}
<button onClick={ () => setShowAlert(true) } Alert </button>
<Bootbox show={showAlert}
message={"This is a simple alert"}
<button onClick={ () => setShowPrompt(true) } Prompt </button>
<Bootbox show={showPrompt}
message={"What's your name"}
export default App
Name | show | type | message | onSuccess | onCancel | onClose | onPrompt | cancelClassNames | successClassNames | cancelLabel | successLabel |
PropType | bool | string | string | function | function | function | function | string | string | string | string |
Is Required | required | required | required | required for 'confirm' | required for 'confirm' | required for 'alert', optional for others | required for 'prompt' | optional | optional | optional | optional |
Accepted Values | true, false | "alert", "confirm", "prompt" | "Your message" | callback function to handle Yes | callback function to handle No | callback function to call when box is closed | callback function to handle user's input | classname(s) to apply to "No" button" | classname(s) to apply to "Yes" button" | Custom label to apply to "No" button | Custom label to apply to "Yes" button |
Default | false | null | "" | null | null | null | null | "btn-danger" | "btn-primary" | "No" | "Yes" |