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Module-05 : Change Logics to Lambda (time durations : 40 mins)

In this module, we will cover how to create Lambda project using AWS plugin and add custom event for it.

  • Create a Lambda project using AWS plugin for Eclipse
  • Create a custom event for Lambda and Lambda invocation service interface
  • Create a 3 Lambda project to replace the application logics

Invoking AWS Lambda Functions from Java

If you start from module-05 (from completed source code)

0. If you don't have a DynamoDB table then, create it (You can skip it, if you already have the table)

0.1. Create DynamoDB table in your region

1. Create a "PhotoInfo" table
2. Specify "id" as a primary partition key

1. Run application

mvn compile package -Dmaven.test.skip=true

java -jar target/module-05-0.1.0.jar

2. Run unit Test and Curl

2.1 Run in in src/testjava

unit test

2.2 Curl

  • bucket=your bucket name
  • prefix= your file prefix (for exmple, images/a.jpg)
  • region = your region
curl 'localhost:8080/workshop/trans/integrated?bucket=<your_bucket>&prefix=<prefix>&region=<region>'
  • You definitely got error above 2.1 and 2.2, it is because you don't have Lambda functions
  • You need to create this following step 2

3. Upload 3 Lambda Services

  • Upload 3 lambda functions using module-05-lambda-dymanodb, module-05-lambda-rekognition, module-05-lambda-translate

module-07-lambda-dymanodb : MyFunction-workshop-dynamodb module-07-lambda-rekognition :MyFunction-workshop-rekognition module-07-lambda-translate : MyFunction-workshop-translate

3.1. Upload 3 translate

1. Right Click and select Upload Lamdba

unit test

2. Specify a name as "MyFunction-workshop-translate"

unit test

3. Specify Role, and S3 bucket.

If you don't have a role for Lambda then, create it first

3.2 Repeat above step for MyFunction-workshop-dynamodb and MyFunction-workshop-rekognition

3.3 Rerun 2.1 and 2.2

2. SAM for Lambda

In this Test, we introduce how to deploy Lambda project using SAM file and aws cloudformation.

We will have 3 steps to complete this section

    1. Crate Jar file using "module-05-lambda-translate-sam"
    1. Packaging and upload file to S3 and get a delploy input file using "aws cloudformation package"
    1. Deploy and create Lambda using "aws cloudformation delply"

2.1. Create a jar for Lambda

1.Run Maven building command
cd module-05-lambda-translate-sam

mvn clean compile package -Dmaven.test.skip=true

2.Check output jar file in "target" folder
ls -al target

2.2 Packaging your Lambda project

  • When you create a package for Java, all necesary files should be in your working directory, for example, complied classes and libraries.

    1. Prepare packaging
mkdir temp

cd temp

mv ../target/module-05-lamdba-translate-sam-1.0.0.jar .

unzip module-05-lamdba-translate-sam-1.0.0.jar

rm -rf *.json module-05-lamdba-translate-sam-1.0.0.jar

cp ../lambda-package-example.yaml .
  • If you want change a function name then edit lambda-package-example.yaml
  • FunctionName: "CHANGE NAME AS YOU WANT"
  • Role : "your lamdba role"
  • S3_BUCKET: "your bucket"
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      Handler: com.amazonaws.lambda.LambdaTranslateHandler::handleRequest
      Runtime: java8
      FunctionName: workshop-translate    
      Role : arn:aws:iam::550622896891:role/Alexa-DevOps-Role
      MemorySize : 1024
      Timeout : 30   
          S3_BUCKET: s3://seon-virginia-01
        ContactTag: workshop-translte  
  1. packaging
aws cloudformation package --template lambda-package-example.yaml --s3-bucket <your bucket> --output-template template-export.yml

2.3 Deploy Lambda using "aws cloudformatin deploy"

aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./template-export.yml --stack-name <your stack name> --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

2.4 Check a creation result and test the function

  1. Test a function in your console using following input
    "text" : "Hello, hello",
    "translated" : "",
    "sourceLangCode" :"en",
    "targetLangCode" : "es"

3. SAM for API GW

ref :

3.1 Use module-05-lambda-api-sam

1. Check sam-api-lambda.yaml (see the differences)
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: RESTful API backed by AI and DynamoDB


    Runtime: java8

    # enable CORS; to make more specific, change the origin wildcard
    # to a particular domain name, e.g. "''"
      AllowMethods: "'*'"
      AllowHeaders: "'*'"
      AllowOrigin: "'*'"

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      Handler: com.amazonaws.lambda.Translate::handleRequest
      Runtime: java8
      FunctionName: workshop-hello
      Policies: TranslateReadOnly
      MemorySize : 1024
      Timeout : 30   
          Type: Api
            Path: /hello/do
            Method: post      
          S3_BUCKET: s3://seon-virginia-01
        ContactTag: workshop-translte            
2. Check step-input.json in src/main/resources
3. Packaging and deploy 

rm -rf ./temp/*
mvn compile package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
cd temp

cp ../target/module-05-lamdba-api-sam-1.0.0.jar .
unzip *.jar
rm *.jar

cp ../sam-api-lambda.yaml .

aws cloudformation package --template ./sam-api-lambda.yaml --s3-bucket <Your Bucket> --output-template template-export.yml

aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./template-export.yml --stack-name <Your Stack Name> --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
4. Test a URL with curl in your console in API GWs

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"text" : "Hello, hello","sourceLangCode" :"en", "targetLangCode" : "es"}' \
  <Your invoke url>/hello/do

4. Create API key

  1. Deploy your API again with key required true
  2. Run a curl
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"text" : "Hello, hello","sourceLangCode" :"en", "targetLangCode" : "es"}' \
  <Your invoke url>/hello/do
  1. you will get a following message
{"message": "Forbidden"}

  1. Create API key and curl again
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "x-api-key: <your key>" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"text" : "Hello, hello","sourceLangCode" :"en", "targetLangCode" : "es"}' \
  <Your invoke url>/hello/do

  • Usage plan With usage plans you can set throttling and request quota limits on a per-API-key basis. There are no additional charges for enabling Usage Plans. Click "Enable Usage Plans" to migrate your existing API keys to a usage plan.

If you start from previous module (not completed source code)

1. Create a first Lambda project

1.1. Create a Lambda project using AWS Eclipse plugin

1. Open AWS Explorer in your Eclipse
2. Right click on AWS Lambda and create a new Lambda Project "module-05-lambda-custom"
3. Select "Custom Event" and create a project

create a Lambda project

4. Before uploading a Lambda function, you need to create a Role for your Lambda Function.
5. Upload function to "<YOUR REGION>" name as "My-Custom-Function" (choose a Role created step 4)

create a Lambda project

6. Test a Lambda function in local and on AWS

1.2. Create a Lambda Invoking Classes

  • To invoke this function from Java code, we’ll first define POJOs representing the input and output JSON

    1. Create a new and in "" (important) You must implement a constructor in CustomEventOutput


public class CustomEventInput {
  private List<Integer> values;
  public List<Integer> getValues() {
      return values;
  public void setValues(List<Integer> values) {
      this.values = values;

public class CustomEventOutput {
	public CustomEventOutput()  // must 
  private Integer value;
  public CustomEventOutput(int value) {
  public Integer getValue() {
      return value;
  public void setValue(Integer value) {
      this.value = value;

1.3. Define Lamdba Invoking service interface

  • Define an interface representing our microservice, and annotate it with the name of the Lambda function to invoke when it’s called

    1. in ""
public interface MyLambdaServices {
	CustomEventOutput myCustumFunc(CustomEventInput input);

- You are able to add more LambdaFunction in this Services

1.4. Create Unit test code for Lambda

  • We invoke our service using this unit test code;

    1. Create a unit test,
public void callCustomLamdba()
  final MyLambdaServices myService = LambdaInvokerFactory.builder()
  CustomEventInput input = new CustomEventInput();
  List<Integer> list = new ArrayList();

  CustomEventOutput output = myService.myCustumFunc(input);  
  assertEquals((int)output.getValue(), (int)5);

2. Implement 3 Lambda functions

2.1. Implement 3 Lambda functions

  • We implement 3 Lambda functions for DynamoDB, Rekognition and Translate. This Lambda function will replace

  • Retrieve information from images

  • Translate text

  • Save image meta information to DDB

  • Create model class for each service in package

Here is one Lambda function example (DynamoDB)

  public DDBEventOutput handleRequest(DDBEventInput input, Context context) {
  		DDBEventOutput customEventOutput = new DDBEventOutput();
  		try {
  			PutItemResult result = persistData(input);
  		} catch (Exception e)
  			customEventOutput.setResult("FAIL : error!");

  		return customEventOutput;
  private PutItemResult persistData(DDBEventInput input) throws ConditionalCheckFailedException {
    Map<String, AttributeValue> item1 = new HashMap<String, AttributeValue>();
    item1.put("id", new AttributeValue().withS(UUID.randomUUID().toString()));
    item1.put("bucket", new AttributeValue().withS(input.getPrefix()));
    item1.put("prefix", new AttributeValue().withS(input.getPrefix()));
    item1.put("text", new AttributeValue().withS(input.getText()));
    item1.put("translated", new AttributeValue().withS(input.getTranslated()));
 		PutItemRequest request = new PutItemRequest().withTableName(TABLE_NAME).withItem(item1);
 		PutItemResult output = amazonDynamoDB.putItem(request);
 		return output;
  private void initDynamoDbClient() {
  		amazonDynamoDB = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard().withRegion(region).build();

We need to change MyLambdaServices to add 3 implemented Lambda services

DDBEventOutput myDynamoDBFunc(DDBEventInput input);	
RekoEventOutput myRekognitionFunc(RekoEventInput input);
TransEventOutput myTranslateFunc(TransEventInput input);	

2.2. Upload 3 Lambda Services

  1. Upload 3 functions from a lambda-custom-project
  2. Select a handler classs to upload like a below image Upload Lambda function

2.3. Create a Test Code

1. code snippet

This is a code snippet for testing Lambda function

public void callRekognitionLamdba()
	final MyLambdaServices myService = LambdaInvokerFactory.builder()
	RekoEventInput input = new RekoEventInput();
	RekoEventOutput output = myService.myRekognitionFunc(input);  

Run a unit test

2. implement a services to call Lambda

Create IntegratedTransLambda in hello.logics package Crate a unit test for IntegratedTransLambda

	IntegratedTransLambda tr;
	public void testRetrieveAndSave()
		String result = tr.RetrieveAndSave(bucket, photoPath, region);
		assertEquals(result, "SUCCESS");