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Serverless SaaS - Reference Solution

This serverless saas reference solution is built using SaaS Builder Toolkit (SBT) control plane and core application plane components.

We have also created a workshop that you can use as a reference to understand this reference solution in a step-by-step fashion. Workshop is available here.

Feedback & Feature request | Documentation


  • This reference architecture uses Python. Make sure you have Python 3.9 or above installed.
  • Make sure you have AWS CLI installed.
  • Make sure you have the latest version of AWS CDK CLI installed. Not having the release version of CDK can cause deployment issues.
  • Make sure you have the latest version of git-remote-codecommit installed.
  • Make sure that you have Node 18 or above.


To deploy this reference solution run below script. Replace the "" email address with yours. This email address will be used to setup an admin user in the control plane of this reference solution.

cd scripts

This script will deploy the following:

  • Creates a codecommit repo in your AWS account and pushes this reference solutions code to the repo
  • Clones SaaS Builder Toolkit(SBT) control plane repo and installs control plane which has all shared services and control plane UI.
  • Deploys cdk stack serverless-saas-ref-arch-bootstrap-stack which provisions
    • SaaS Builder Toolkit(SBT) core application plane component which provides infrastructure to provision/de-provision a tenant
    • Infrastructure to host a saas application UI and also deploys this saas application UI.
  • Deploys pooled tenant cdk stack serverless-saas-ref-arch-tenant-template-pooled, which deploys cognito userpool and multi-tenant order & product services.
  • Deploys cdk stack ServerlessSaaSPipeline which provisions Tenant Pipeline.This pipeline uses CodePipeline and is responsible for auto updating the stack for all the tenants in an automated fashion.

Steps to Clean-up

Run below script to clean up

cd scripts