From 2cebb9fe47dd82fa2176bf7590d3cba6f6782351 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Corey Pyle Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 10:12:18 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] JavaScript (v3): Integration test fix (#7165) CDK Synth does not behave as we expected. It does not deploy assets. CDK deploy is required in order to upload assets. Removed SDK usage of CFN to create the stack and replaced it with a child process running CDK deploy. --- javascriptv3/Dockerfile | 3 +- .../wkflw-pools-triggers/cdk/lib/stack.ts | 2 +- .../wkflw-pools-triggers/cdk/stack.yaml | 288 ------------------ .../scenario-auto-confirm.integration.test.js | 32 +- 4 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 303 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 javascriptv3/example_code/cross-services/wkflw-pools-triggers/cdk/stack.yaml diff --git a/javascriptv3/Dockerfile b/javascriptv3/Dockerfile index 3cc3833909c..cc228690150 100644 --- a/javascriptv3/Dockerfile +++ b/javascriptv3/Dockerfile @@ -22,4 +22,5 @@ COPY --chown=automation:automation ./workflows /workflows # Set default command # `npm i` needs to be run in the container. Otherwise it causes a dependency issue: -CMD npm i --prefix /javascriptv3 && npm run --prefix /javascriptv3 integration-test +# `aws-cdk` is required by some integration tests in order to deploy resources +CMD npm i -g aws-cdk && npm i --prefix /javascriptv3 && npm run --prefix /javascriptv3 integration-test diff --git a/javascriptv3/example_code/cross-services/wkflw-pools-triggers/cdk/lib/stack.ts b/javascriptv3/example_code/cross-services/wkflw-pools-triggers/cdk/lib/stack.ts index cec1696724c..f85c2f73e86 100644 --- a/javascriptv3/example_code/cross-services/wkflw-pools-triggers/cdk/lib/stack.ts +++ b/javascriptv3/example_code/cross-services/wkflw-pools-triggers/cdk/lib/stack.ts @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export class PoolsAndTriggersStack extends Stack { constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) { super(scope, id, props); - this.createFunction("AutoConfirmHandler"); + this.createFunction("autoConfirmHandler"); this.poolsAndTriggersBase.outputs(this); } diff --git a/javascriptv3/example_code/cross-services/wkflw-pools-triggers/cdk/stack.yaml b/javascriptv3/example_code/cross-services/wkflw-pools-triggers/cdk/stack.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 08854bbaccb..00000000000 --- a/javascriptv3/example_code/cross-services/wkflw-pools-triggers/cdk/stack.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,288 +0,0 @@ -Resources: - PoolsAndTriggersBasedocexamplecustomusers6450C4F6: - Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table - Properties: - AttributeDefinitions: - - AttributeName: UserEmail - AttributeType: S - KeySchema: - - AttributeName: UserEmail - KeyType: HASH - ProvisionedThroughput: - ReadCapacityUnits: 5 - WriteCapacityUnits: 5 - TableName: doc-example-custom-users - UpdateReplacePolicy: Delete - DeletionPolicy: Delete - Metadata: - aws:cdk:path: PoolsAndTriggersStack/PoolsAndTriggersBase/doc-example-custom-users/Resource - PoolsAndTriggersBasedocexamplepoolsandtriggers537A7FEC: - Type: AWS::Cognito::UserPool - Properties: - AccountRecoverySetting: - RecoveryMechanisms: - - Name: verified_email - Priority: 1 - AdminCreateUserConfig: - AllowAdminCreateUserOnly: false - DeletionProtection: INACTIVE - EmailVerificationMessage: The verification code to your new account is {####} - EmailVerificationSubject: Verify your new account - Schema: - - Mutable: false - Name: email - Required: true - SmsVerificationMessage: The verification code to your new account is {####} - UserPoolName: doc-examples-pools-and-triggers - VerificationMessageTemplate: - DefaultEmailOption: CONFIRM_WITH_CODE - EmailMessage: The verification code to your new account is {####} - EmailSubject: Verify your new account - SmsMessage: The verification code to your new account is {####} - UpdateReplacePolicy: Delete - DeletionPolicy: Delete - Metadata: - aws:cdk:path: PoolsAndTriggersStack/PoolsAndTriggersBase/doc-example-pools-and-triggers/Resource - PoolsAndTriggersBasedocexamplepoolsandtriggersclientDC762CAB: - Type: AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient - Properties: - AllowedOAuthFlows: - - implicit - - code - AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient: true - AllowedOAuthScopes: - - profile - - phone - - email - - openid - - aws.cognito.signin.user.admin - CallbackURLs: - - - ClientName: doc-example-pools-and-triggers-client - ExplicitAuthFlows: - - ALLOW_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH - - ALLOW_REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH - SupportedIdentityProviders: - - COGNITO - UserPoolId: - Ref: PoolsAndTriggersBasedocexamplepoolsandtriggers537A7FEC - Metadata: - aws:cdk:path: PoolsAndTriggersStack/PoolsAndTriggersBase/doc-example-pools-and-triggers-client/Resource - PoolsAndTriggersBasedocexamplepoolsandtriggerslambdaroleE5B33257: - Type: AWS::IAM::Role - Properties: - AssumeRolePolicyDocument: - Statement: - - Action: sts:AssumeRole - Effect: Allow - Principal: - Service: - Version: "2012-10-17" - ManagedPolicyArns: - - Fn::Join: - - "" - - - "arn:" - - Ref: AWS::Partition - - :iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole - RoleName: doc-example-pools-and-triggers-lambda-role - Metadata: - aws:cdk:path: PoolsAndTriggersStack/PoolsAndTriggersBase/doc-example-pools-and-triggers-lambda-role/Resource - PoolsAndTriggersBasedocexamplepoolsandtriggerslambdaroleDefaultPolicy7DBD0FD6: - Type: AWS::IAM::Policy - Properties: - PolicyDocument: - Statement: - - Action: - - dynamodb:BatchGetItem - - dynamodb:BatchWriteItem - - dynamodb:ConditionCheckItem - - dynamodb:DeleteItem - - dynamodb:DescribeTable - - dynamodb:GetItem - - dynamodb:GetRecords - - dynamodb:GetShardIterator - - dynamodb:PutItem - - dynamodb:Query - - dynamodb:Scan - - dynamodb:UpdateItem - Effect: Allow - Resource: - - Fn::GetAtt: - - PoolsAndTriggersBasedocexamplecustomusers6450C4F6 - - Arn - - Ref: AWS::NoValue - Version: "2012-10-17" - PolicyName: PoolsAndTriggersBasedocexamplepoolsandtriggerslambdaroleDefaultPolicy7DBD0FD6 - Roles: - - Ref: PoolsAndTriggersBasedocexamplepoolsandtriggerslambdaroleE5B33257 - Metadata: - aws:cdk:path: PoolsAndTriggersStack/PoolsAndTriggersBase/doc-example-pools-and-triggers-lambda-role/DefaultPolicy/Resource - AutoConfirmHandlerE436DFD8: - Type: AWS::Lambda::Function - Properties: - Code: - S3Bucket: - Fn::Sub: cdk-hnb659fds-assets-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region} - S3Key: - Environment: - Variables: - TABLE_NAME: doc-example-custom-users - Handler: index.handler - Role: - Fn::GetAtt: - - PoolsAndTriggersBasedocexamplepoolsandtriggerslambdaroleE5B33257 - - Arn - Runtime: nodejs20.x - DependsOn: - - PoolsAndTriggersBasedocexamplepoolsandtriggerslambdaroleDefaultPolicy7DBD0FD6 - - PoolsAndTriggersBasedocexamplepoolsandtriggerslambdaroleE5B33257 - Metadata: - aws:cdk:path: PoolsAndTriggersStack/AutoConfirmHandler/Resource - aws:asset:path: asset.84a8b65cf18df89d90819bf96e9edd69bdc3aca847cf6cdbd6bb9825907809ae - aws:asset:is-bundled: true - aws:asset:property: Code - AutoConfirmHandlerInvokeJ9h1Fmrpvqfr9TPEEx65FOCskl35ksvNASPE0Ak2kIDCC10771: - Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission - Properties: - Action: lambda:InvokeFunction - FunctionName: - Fn::GetAtt: - - AutoConfirmHandlerE436DFD8 - - Arn - Principal: - Metadata: - aws:cdk:path: PoolsAndTriggersStack/AutoConfirmHandler/InvokeJ9h1Fmrpvqfr9TPEEx6+5FOCskl35ksvNASPE0Ak2kI= - CDKMetadata: - Type: AWS::CDK::Metadata - Properties: - Analytics: v2:deflate64:H4sIAAAAAAAA/01Oy07DMBD8lt6dJW2F4EojcYQqhXPk2E61ibOLsg5VZfnfkROIOM3szkNzgP3jM5Q7fZPC2KHw2EK8BG0GpW/SRHsnPbJtIX7o1jtVdbSQpAxfCQND/BQ3nZl91jb+RyqPjsJ/af0khXqEWPPaueCZPZp7PleWlNdja3VDbF0v8LbA60wmIJOSY6NFXBB4yaDkCKfZDC6ctLjfKMSqoy2Rm900oggypaRqJzxPxqml4BL0FemaXe9z+JqX1Zul6qhispiLksqLoJeH70MJ+ycod70gFtNMAUcH9Yo/prhxn1wBAAA= - Metadata: - aws:cdk:path: PoolsAndTriggersStack/CDKMetadata/Default - Condition: CDKMetadataAvailable -Outputs: - AutoConfirmHandlerName: - Value: - Ref: AutoConfirmHandlerE436DFD8 - AutoConfirmHandlerArn: - Value: - Fn::GetAtt: - - AutoConfirmHandlerE436DFD8 - - Arn - TableName: - Value: doc-example-custom-users - UserPoolId: - Value: - Ref: PoolsAndTriggersBasedocexamplepoolsandtriggers537A7FEC - UserPoolArn: - Value: - Fn::GetAtt: - - PoolsAndTriggersBasedocexamplepoolsandtriggers537A7FEC - - Arn - UserPoolClientId: - Value: - Ref: PoolsAndTriggersBasedocexamplepoolsandtriggersclientDC762CAB -Conditions: - CDKMetadataAvailable: - Fn::Or: - - Fn::Or: - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - af-south-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - ap-east-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - ap-northeast-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - ap-northeast-2 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - ap-northeast-3 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - ap-south-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - ap-south-2 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - ap-southeast-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - ap-southeast-2 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - ap-southeast-3 - - Fn::Or: - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - ap-southeast-4 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - ca-central-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - ca-west-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - cn-north-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - cn-northwest-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - eu-central-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - eu-central-2 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - eu-north-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - eu-south-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - eu-south-2 - - Fn::Or: - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - eu-west-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - eu-west-2 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - eu-west-3 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - il-central-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - me-central-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - me-south-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - sa-east-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - us-east-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - us-east-2 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - us-west-1 - - Fn::Equals: - - Ref: AWS::Region - - us-west-2 -Parameters: - BootstrapVersion: - Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value - Default: /cdk-bootstrap/hnb659fds/version - Description: Version of the CDK Bootstrap resources in this environment, automatically retrieved from SSM Parameter Store. [cdk:skip] - diff --git a/javascriptv3/example_code/cross-services/wkflw-pools-triggers/tests/scenario-auto-confirm.integration.test.js b/javascriptv3/example_code/cross-services/wkflw-pools-triggers/tests/scenario-auto-confirm.integration.test.js index 582bf49666a..2fa9cfb268b 100644 --- a/javascriptv3/example_code/cross-services/wkflw-pools-triggers/tests/scenario-auto-confirm.integration.test.js +++ b/javascriptv3/example_code/cross-services/wkflw-pools-triggers/tests/scenario-auto-confirm.integration.test.js @@ -1,13 +1,11 @@ // Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -import { readFile } from "node:fs/promises"; import { dirname, join } from "node:path"; +import { spawn } from "node:child_process"; -import { describe, it, expect, beforeAll, afterAll } from "vitest"; +import { describe, it, beforeAll, afterAll } from "vitest"; import { - Capability, CloudFormationClient, - CreateStackCommand, DeleteStackCommand, DescribeStacksCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-cloudformation"; @@ -24,16 +22,24 @@ describe("Scenario - AutoConfirm", () => { const stackName = "PoolsAndTriggersStack"; beforeAll(async () => { - const path = join(__dirname, "../cdk/stack.yaml"); - const stack = await readFile(path, { encoding: "utf8" }); + const cdkDeploy = spawn("cdk", ["deploy", "--require-approval", "never"], { + cwd: `${__dirname}/../cdk`, + }); + + cdkDeploy.stderr.on("data", (d) => { + console.error(d); + }); + + await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + cdkDeploy.on("exit", (code) => { + if (code === 0) { + resolve(); + } else { + reject(); + } + }); + }); - await cloudformationClient.send( - new CreateStackCommand({ - StackName: stackName, - TemplateBody: stack, - Capabilities: [Capability.CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM], - }), - ); await retry( { intervalInMs: 2000, maxRetries: 100, backoff: 5000 }, async () => {