Presentation 2015 - why Py2.7 / bytestring sandwich / defaultencoding(utf-8)
- Format is reveal.js
- Source is markdown
- Converter is pandoc =>
brew install pandoc
(comes with reveal output template)
git clone
./ # in one terminal
vi show.markdown # in another, write YOUR content
file:///<path to unicode_in_axiros>/reveal.js/index.html # in browser to see presentation
- source is in show.markdown, free to modify. markdown works
- ./ checks for changes of show.markdown and rebuilds reveal.js/index.html - which you open in the browser to see the presentation. requires pandoc with reveal output plugin
It did not work out of box with the reveal.js version in this repo, so inserts content into fitting index.html.tmpl
Structure of presentation must exactly follow this scheme:
- h1 (#) Only Title, no other text on slide
- h2 (##) Title with content
- h2 (##) Title with content
- h1 (#) Next Title
- (...)
No h3 allowed.
- Check impress.js
- CSS currently out of the box, would require some effort to allow more content on slides, scrolling and better CI
- Real cool would be this, i.e. the possibility to show live, working code, incl. updated charts, within the slideshow.
But no time currently to have a look :-(