6.0.0 (2024-01-19)
remove upgrades
app: update app for v0.50.x sdk changes
logic: standardize uri_encoded/3 errors
logic: add error field to anwser proto type
logic: standardize predicates errors
logic: standardize error messages for some predicates
logic: remove sha_hash/2 predicate
DIDComponents: restrict type-checking for expected atom components
app: re implement app state export (85362d4 )
app: update app for v0.50.x sdk changes (8a39efc )
app: update old migrations (ab068fc )
cmd: update cmd wiring (dca3eb2 )
logic: add crypto_data_hash/3 predicate with SHA-256 support (edb3d55 )
logic: add MD5 algorithm to crypto_data_hash/3 (7e17001 )
logic: add Secp256k1 support (d612819 )
logic: add Secp256k1 support for ECDSAVerify predicate (b9f930b )
logic: add SHA-512 algorithm to crypto_data_hash/3 (93b2d59 )
logic: add string_bytes/3 predicate (2e2bac2 )
logic: add universal Hash function (157ff21 )
logic: add utf8 encoding option for TermToBytes (3b3ca89 )
logic: deprecate sha_hash/2 predicate (9be1b56 )
logic: handle encoding option (d83b5d3 )
logic: implement crypto signature verification (a92ec86 )
logic: manage ecda secp256k1 key for secp_verify/4 (268e493 )
logic: migrate logic module (a2b5286 )
logic: reigster eddsa_verify/4 predicate (2a19e91 )
logic: remove sha_hash/2 predicate (605d0cd )
mint: add new mint function calculation (a2bc105 )
mint: create migration for v3 (3df4557 )
mint: implement token model v2 (473221d )
mint: instantiate default new mint params (6484ce4 )
mint: migrate mint module (ca000b2 )
mint: migrate minter params by removing not used key (e62215a )
mint: new mint params (90456d0 )
mint: register migration handler (e38ae03 )
mint: remove legacy store migration (83bfc00 )
mint: specify token model v2 schemas (36a965f )
prolog: add default value support to GetOption func (9a2dee9 )
remove upgrades (be741a3 )
vesting: update module (96f970c )
wasm: upgrade lib wasmvm in docker build (5c01946 )
Bug Fixes
app: do not try to migrate consensus params (61c6ddf )
build: update chain-upgrade makefile task to make it work with latest version (3ea9694 )
lint: fix unused linter directive (49c1202 )
logic: add return statement for hash errors (9996654 )
logic: fix incorrect handling of empty list (25e476d )
logic: fix some typos in naming and description (e966ad6 )
mint: calculate inflation in percent instead of permille (c555990 )
mint: migration get old mint denom (8bae962 )
store: add ibcfee type storekey to kv store keys (#419 ) (56a5f92 )
test: allow default genesis creation in testutil (bb35f38 )
wasm: bump wasmvm to fixed version (77c58cb )
Code Refactoring
DIDComponents: restrict type-checking for expected atom components (ba5b2a3 )
logic: add error field to anwser proto type (b70ecc9 )
logic: standardize error messages for some predicates (864b059 )
logic: standardize predicates errors (ea7b38d )
logic: standardize uri_encoded/3 errors (b8d8133 )
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