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rework the langevin interface
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axsk committed Jul 4, 2024
1 parent abacedc commit 17d094e
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Showing 4 changed files with 89 additions and 95 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/ISOKANN.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ include("simulators/langevin.jl") # for the simulators
include("plots.jl") # visualizations


Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/simulation.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -195,12 +195,12 @@ function datasize((xs, ys)::Tuple)
return size(xs), size(ys)

function trajectorydata(sim::IsoSimulation, steps; reverse=false, kwargs...)
function trajectorydata_linear(sim::IsoSimulation, steps; reverse=false, kwargs...)
xs = laggedtrajectory(sim, steps)
SimulationData(sim, data_from_trajectory(xs; reverse), kwargs...)

function trajectoryburstdata(sim, steps, nk; kwargs)
function trajectorydata_bursts(sim, steps, nk; kwargs)
xs = laggedtrajectory(sim, steps)
ys = propagate(sim, xs, nk)
SimulationData(sim, ys, kwargs...)
Expand Down
127 changes: 87 additions & 40 deletions src/simulators/langevin.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
using Parameters
import StochasticDiffEq # does this incur invalidations?
#using Parameters
using StaticArrays: @SVector
using StochasticDiffEq: StochasticDiffEq
import ForwardDiff

# Abstract type defining the Overdamped Langevin dynamics
# mandatory interface methods: potential, sigma, dim, lagtime, dt
abstract type AbstractLangevin <: IsoSimulation end
# interface methods: potential(l), sigma(l), dim(l)

featurizer(::AbstractLangevin) = identity
lagtime(l::AbstractLangevin) = tmax(l)
integrator(::AbstractLangevin) = StochasticDiffEq.EM()
defaultmodel(l::AbstractLangevin; nout, kwargs...) = smallnet(dim(l), nout)

function SDEProblem(l::AbstractLangevin, x0=randx0(l), T=tmax(l); dt=dt(l), alg=integrator(l), kwargs...)
function SDEProblem(l::AbstractLangevin, x0=randx0(l), T=lagtime(l); dt=dt(l), alg=integrator(l), kwargs...)
drift(x,p,t) = force(l, x)
noise(x,p,t) = sigma(l, x)
StochasticDiffEq.SDEProblem(drift, noise, x0, T, alg=alg, dt=dt; kwargs...)
Expand All @@ -18,71 +21,115 @@ function force(l::AbstractLangevin, x)
- ForwardDiff.gradient(x->potential(l, x), x)

propagate(l::AbstractLangevin, x0::CuArray, ny) = gpu(propagate(l, cpu(x0), ny))

function propagate(l::AbstractLangevin, x0::AbstractMatrix, ny)
dim, nx = size(x0)
ys = zeros(dim, ny, nx)
Threads.@threads for (i, j) in [(i, j) for j in 1:ny, i in 1:nx]
ys[:, j, i] = solve_end(l; u0=x0[:, i])
ys[:, j, i] = trajectory(l; x0, saveat=lagtime(l))[:, end]
return ys

""" trajectory(sim, nx)
generate a trajectory of length `nx` from the simulation `sim`"""
function trajectory(sim, nx)
siml = deepcopy(sim)
logevery = round(Int, sim.T / sim.dt)
siml.T = sim.T * nx
xs = solve(siml; logevery=logevery)
return xs
propagate(l::AbstractLangevin, x0::CuArray, ny) = gpu(propagate(l, cpu(x0), ny))

""" trajectory(l::AbstractLangevin; T=lagtime(l), x0=randx0(l), save_start=false, saveat=lagtime(l), dt=dt(l))
generate a trajectory of length `T`, starting at x0 with stepsize `dt`, saving the output every `saveat` time. """
function trajectory(l::AbstractLangevin; T=lagtime(l), x0=randx0(l), save_start=false, saveat=dt(l), dt=dt(l))
sde = SDEProblem(l, x0, T)
sol = StochasticDiffEq.solve(sde; saveat, save_start)
xs = reduce(hcat, sol.u)
return xs::Matrix

function solve_end(l::AbstractLangevin; u0)
StochasticDiffEq.solve(SDEProblem(l, u0))[:, end]
laggedtrajectory(l::AbstractLangevin, steps) = trajectory(l, T=lagtime(l) * steps, saveat=lagtime(l))

# helper functions to generate random initial data

randx0(l::AbstractLangevin) = randx0(l, 1) |> vec

function randx0(l::AbstractLangevin, n)
s = support(l)
x0 = rand(size(s, 1), n) .* (s[:, 2] .- s[:, 1]) .+ s[:, 1]
return x0

supportbox(l, x::Number) = supportbox(l, [-x, x])
supportbox(l, x::Vector) = repeat(x', outer=dim(l))
supportbox(l, x::Matrix) = x

# dispatch potential for higher dimensional arrays
potential(l::AbstractLangevin, x::AbstractArray) = mapslices(x -> potential(l, x), x; dims=1)

### Concrete implementations of the AbstractLangevin type

## Generic Diffusion in a potential
@kwdef struct Diffusion{T} <: AbstractLangevin
sigma::Vector{Float64} = [1.0]
sigma::Union{Number,Vector,Matrix} = 1.0
dt::Float64 = 0.01
lagtime::Float64 = 1.0
support::Union{Number,Vector,Matrix} = 1.0

tmax(d::AbstractLangevin) = tmax(d.potential)
tmax(d) = 1.0

integrator(d::AbstractLangevin) = StochasticDiffEq.SROCK2()
potential(d::Diffusion, x::Vector) = d.potential(x)
dim(l::Diffusion) = l.dim
sigma(l::Diffusion, x) = l.sigma
dt(d::Diffusion) = d.dt
lagtime(d::Diffusion) = d.lagtime
support(l::Diffusion) = supportbox(l,

dt(d::AbstractLangevin) = dt(d.potential)
dt(d) = 0.01
## Double- and Triplewell potentials implemented using the generic `Diffusion`

potential(d::Diffusion, x) = d.potential(x)
sigma(l::Diffusion, x) = l.sigma
dim(l::Diffusion) = l.dim
support(l::Diffusion) = repeat([-1.5 1.5], outer=[dim(l)]) :: Matrix{Float64}
Doublewell(; kwargs...) = Diffusion(;

randx0(l::Diffusion, n) = reduce(hcat, [randx0(l) for i in 1:n])
function randx0(l::Diffusion)
s = support(l)
x0 = rand(size(s, 1)) .* (s[:,2] .- s[:,1]) .+ s[:,1]
return x0
doublewell(x) = ((x[1])^2 - 1)^2

doublewell(x) = ((x[1])^2 - 1) ^ 2

Doublewell(;kwargs...) = Diffusion(;potential=doublewell, kwargs...)
Triplewell(; kwargs...) = Diffusion(;
sigma=[1.0, 1.0],
support=[-2 2; -1.5 2.5],

triplewell(x) = triplewell(x...)
triplewell(x,y) = (3/4 * exp(-x^2 - (y-1/3)^2)
- 3/4 * exp(-x^2 - (y-5/3)^2)
- 5/4 * exp(-(x-1)^2 - y^2)
- 5/4 * exp(-(x+1)^2 - y^2)
+ 1/20 * x^4 + 1/20 * (y-1/3)^4)

triplewell(x) = triplewell(x...)

MuellerBrown(; kwargs...) = Diffusion(;
support=[-1.5 1; -0.5 2],

mueller_brown(x::AbstractVector) = mueller_brown(x...)
function mueller_brown(x, y)
-200 * exp(-1 * (x - 1)^2 + -10 * (y)^2) -
100 * exp(-1 * (x)^2 + -10 * (y - 0.5)^2) -
170 * exp(-6.5 * (x + 0.5)^2 + 11 * (x + 0.5) * (y - 1.5) + -6.5 * (y - 1.5)^2) +
15 * exp(0.7 * (x + 1)^2 + 0.6 * (x + 1) * (y - 1) + 0.7 * (y - 1)^2)

## Example of a custom type for a specific process
Triplewell() = Diffusion(; potential=triplewell, dim=2, sigma=[1.0, 1.0])
struct CustomMuellerBrown <: AbstractLangevin end
defaultmodel(sim::AbstractLangevin; nout, kwargs...) = smallnet(dim(sim), nout)
integrator(m::MuellerBrown) = StochasticDiffEq.EM()
lagtime(m::MuellerBrown) = 0.01
dt(m::MuellerBrown) = 0.0001
dim(::MuellerBrown) = 2
potential(::MuellerBrown, x) = mueller_brown(x)
sigma(l::MuellerBrown, x) = 2.0
support(l::MuellerBrown) = [-1.5 1; -0.5 2]
52 changes: 0 additions & 52 deletions src/simulators/potentials.jl

This file was deleted.

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