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Unsupervised Medical Imaging: 3D GAN and TransUNET for Advanced COVID-19 CT Segmentation

This repository contains the source code and datasets for our research project on self-supervised segmentation of COVID-19 CT scans using a combination of 3D GAN and TransUNet architectures.


Aymane EL FAHSI, Aymane DHIMEN, Mostapha EL ANSARI, Selma KOUDIA, Adam M. KHALI
Ecole Centrale of Casablanca

Dr. BANOUAR Oumayma
Faculty of Sciences and Technics, Cady Ayyad University

Project Structure

  • Original Data: Original dataset from Mosmed download here. The data we used can be found here download here
  • Preprocessed Data: Preprocessed CT scans prepared for the model download here.
  • Notebooks: Jupyter notebooks detailing each step from preprocessing to predictions.
  • Results: Outputs and visualizations from our experiments.


  • Innovative Approach: Utilizes a self-supervised learning framework to tackle the challenge of limited annotated medical datasets.
  • Advanced Models: Implementation of a 3D GAN for generating pseudo-masks and a TransUNet for precise segmentation of COVID-19 CT scans.
  • Results: Our models demonstrate high accuracy and robustness, surpassing traditional methods in various metrics.



Implementation and Training


Encoder in TransUNet

  1. Initial Convolution:

    • The input image is first processed by a convolution layer, reducing its spatial resolution and extracting basic features.
    • Output: A feature map with increased channels and reduced resolution.
  2. Hierarchical Feature Extraction with CNN:

    • The encoder uses three EncoderBottleneck blocks, progressively reducing the spatial resolution while increasing the feature depth.
    • These blocks create a hierarchical representation of the input, capturing local features at multiple scales.
  3. Vision Transformer (ViT) for Global Context:

    • The deepest feature map (output of the final bottleneck) is reshaped into a sequence of patches and fed into the ViT.
    • Purpose:
      • The ViT captures global contextual relationships across all spatial regions of the image, which traditional CNNs struggle to achieve.
      • It leverages self-attention to learn interactions between patches, providing a more holistic understanding of the input.
    • Steps:
      • The feature map is divided into patches (size = 1, since it’s already reduced to patches).
      • Each patch is linearly embedded into a token.
      • Positional embeddings are added to the tokens to encode spatial relationships.
      • The tokens pass through multiple transformer blocks, performing self-attention and feedforward transformations.
    • Output: A globally enriched feature map.
  4. Post-ViT Processing:

    • The output tokens from the ViT are reshaped back into a 2D feature map.
    • This feature map is passed through a final convolution layer to prepare it for the decoder.

Decoder in TransUNet

  1. Upsampling with Skip Connections:

    • The decoder progressively upsamples the feature maps to restore the spatial resolution of the input image.
    • Skip connections from the encoder are concatenated with the upsampled features at each stage.
    • Purpose:
      • Skip connections help retain fine-grained spatial details from the encoder.
      • The decoder combines global context (from the bottleneck) and local details (from the skip connections).
  2. Decoder Bottlenecks:

    • Each upsampling step is followed by a DecoderBottleneck, which refines the features.
    • Details:
      • Each DecoderBottleneck contains:
        • A bilinear interpolation layer for upsampling.
        • Convolutions to process and refine the upsampled features.
        • Batch normalization and ReLU activation for better training stability.
  3. Final Convolution:

    • After the last upsampling step, a final convolution layer reduces the number of channels to the number of output classes.
    • This produces the segmentation map.
    • Example:
      • If the input is ( [B, 1, 128, 128] ) and the task is binary segmentation, the final output will be ( [B, 1, 128, 128] ), with pixel values representing probabilities of each class.

Key Workflow of the Decoder

  1. Input:

    • The input to the decoder is the bottleneck feature map output by the encoder’s Vision Transformer.
  2. Steps:

    • Step 1: Bottleneck feature map is upsampled.
    • Step 2: Concatenate with the skip connection from the corresponding encoder layer.
    • Step 3: Refine the combined features using convolutions in the DecoderBottleneck.
    • Repeat for each resolution level until the original input size is restored.
  3. Output:

    • A segmentation map of the same spatial resolution as the input image.


Loss Functions Used in TransUNet Training

1. Supervised Contrastive Loss Adapted

  • Purpose: Groups feature vectors of the same class while separating those of different classes.
  • How It Works:
    • Computes a similarity matrix between feature vectors using normalized dot products.
    • Positive Pairs: Feature vectors with the same label.
    • Negative Pairs: Feature vectors with different labels.
    • The loss maximizes similarity for positive pairs and minimizes similarity for negative pairs using:
      L = -log(positive_similarity / (positive_similarity + negative_similarity))

2. Enhanced Contrastive Loss

  • Purpose: Enhances the sensitivity of contrastive learning to positive pairs.
  • Enhancements:
    • Introduces a sensitivity weight that increases the impact of positive similarities.
    • Formula:
      L_enhanced = -log(weighted_positive_similarity / 
                       (weighted_positive_similarity + negative_similarity))

3. Sensitivity-Enhanced Loss

  • Purpose: Penalizes false negatives in segmentation tasks by increasing their weight in the loss function.
  • How It Works:
    • Computes a Binary Cross-Entropy (BCE) loss.
    • Adds a penalty for false negatives using a sensitivity factor ( \beta ).
    • Formula:
      L_sensitivity = BCE_Loss * (1 + beta * False_Negative_Penalty)

Training Procedure for TransUNet

1. Overview

The training process for TransUNet combines contrastive learning and segmentation to optimize the model’s performance. The process involves:

  • Training with contrastive loss to enhance feature extraction.
  • Training with pixel-level losses (MSE and sensitivity-enhanced loss) to improve segmentation accuracy.

2. Training Workflow

Step 1: Contrastive Training

  • Objective: Train the model to learn a meaningful feature representation by grouping similar samples (same class) and separating dissimilar samples (different classes).
  • Steps:
    1. Pass a batch of images ( X ) through the model to extract features.
    2. Apply Enhanced Contrastive Loss:
      • Encourages the model to maximize similarity for features with the same label and minimize similarity for features with different labels.
    3. Compute gradients and update the model weights.

Step 2: Segmentation Training

  • Objective: Improve pixel-wise segmentation accuracy using a combination of MSE and sensitivity-enhanced losses.
  • Steps:
    1. Pass a batch of images ( X ) and corresponding masks ( M ) through the model to generate segmentation outputs.
    2. Apply the following loss functions:
      • Mean Squared Error (MSE): Penalizes intensity differences between the predicted and ground truth masks.
      • Sensitivity-Enhanced Loss: Penalizes false negatives more heavily, improving the model's sensitivity to subtle features in the segmentation mask.
    3. Compute gradients and update the model weights.

3. Combined Loss Function

During training, the total loss is computed as: L_total = L_contrastive + L_mse + L_sensitivity

This ensures that the model learns to:

  • Extract meaningful features.
  • Accurately predict segmentation masks.
  • Reduce false negatives in segmentation.

4. Training Epoch Workflow

Each epoch consists of:

  1. Contrastive Training Phase:
    • Run the contrastive training process for a few iterations.
    • Update the model using the contrastive loss.
  2. Segmentation Training Phase:
    • Run the segmentation training process.
    • Update the model using the MSE and sensitivity-enhanced losses.

5. Key Features

  • Learning Rate Scheduler:
    • Automatically adjusts the learning rate based on performance (e.g., using ReduceLROnPlateau).
  • Visualization:
    • Loss curves and segmentation outputs are plotted periodically to monitor the training progress.
  • Model Saving:
    • The model is saved at regular intervals for checkpointing and future evaluation.

Evaluation of TransUNet with Synthesized Masks

This section evaluates the TransUNet model using synthesized segmentation masks. The masks for non-masked training data were generated using a GAN architecture, retained from the original pipeline.


  1. Data Loading:

    • Input data, synthesized masks, and lung masks are loaded from the MOSMED Dataset.
    • Model predictions for segmentation are generated using the TransUNet.
  2. Evaluation Metrics:

    • The following metrics are computed to assess segmentation performance:
      • Dice Score: Measures overlap between predicted and ground truth masks.
      • Sensitivity: Proportion of correctly identified infected regions.
      • Specificity: Proportion of correctly identified non-infected regions.
  3. Synthesized Masks:

    • For non-masked training data, segmentation masks were synthesized using the GAN-based architecture from the original pipeline. These masks compensate for the lack of ground-truth masks with synthesized pseudo-masks.
  4. Plotting Results:

    • Evaluation results are plotted to analyze the relationship between infection percentage and:
      • Dice scores
      • Sensitivity
      • Specificity


Interested in contributing? We welcome contributions from the community, whether it's improving the codebase, adding new features, or extending the documentation.


For any queries, reach out to us at [] or [].


Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest regarding this project.

Original Notebooks: The notebooks in this repository are based on the original work by the authors of the pipeline we aimed to enhance.

Supervision: This project was conducted under the supervision and guidance of Dr. Oumayma Banouar, Faculty of Sciences and Technics, Cady Ayyad University, [].


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