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Udacity - Robotics NanoDegree Program

3D Perception Project

Writeup by Ayo Adedeji

Instructions on how to setup Gazebo, ROS and other dependencies can be found here.

Rubric Points

Perception Pipeline Implementation of RoboND Exercises 1, 2 and 3

1. Complete Exercise 1 steps | Pipeline for statistical outlier, voxel grid, passthrough filtering and RANSAC plane fitting implemented:

Below images are based on

Statistical Outlier Removal (k = 50, x = .05)

  • The pcl.StatisticalOutlierRemovalFilter computes the mean distance of each point to k number of neighbors. All points whose mean distance (to neighbors) is greater than the global_mean_distance + x * global_std_dev are considered to be outliers and removed from the point cloud.

# Statistical Outlier Filtering
outlier_filter = point_cloud.make_statistical_outlier_filter()
outlier_filter.set_mean_k(50) # num of neighboring points to analyze
x = .05 # threshold scale factor
outlier_filter.set_std_dev_mul_thresh(x) # outlier > global_mean_distance + x*global_std_dev
point_cloud_filtered = outlier_filter.filter()

Voxel Grid Downsampling (leaf_size = .005)

  • The pcl.VoxelGridFilter class assembles a local 3D grid over a given PointCloud and downsamples the point cloud data based on user specified voxel grid leaf size.

# Voxel Grid Downsampling
vox = point_cloud_filtered.make_voxel_grid_filter()
leaf_size = .005 # voxel (leaf) size
vox.set_leaf_size(leaf_size, leaf_size, leaf_size)
point_cloud_filtered = vox.filter()

PassThrough (y=[-.42, .42], z=[.6, 1.8])

  • The pcl.PassThroughFilter class removes points from point cloud that do not meet constraints / limits for a particular field of the point type.
  • Z-axis filtering in range of [.6, 1.8] ensures only table + objects data make up point cloud
  • Y-axis filtering in range of [-.42, .42] prevents bin recognition

# PassThrough Filter
passthrough = point_cloud_filtered.make_passthrough_filter()
passthrough.set_filter_limits(-0.42, 0.42) # prevent bin recognition
point_cloud_filtered = passthrough.filter()
passthrough = point_cloud_filtered.make_passthrough_filter()
passthrough.set_filter_limits(0.6, 1.8) # only table + objects
point_cloud_filtered = passthrough.filter()

RANSAC Plane Fitting (dist=.01)

  • The pcl.Segmentation class runs sample consensus methods and models. Specifically, the RANSAC algorithm involves iterated hypothesis and verification of point cloud data: a hypothetical shape of the specified model (i.e pcl.SACMODEL_PLANE) is generated by selecting a minimal subset of n-points at random and evaluating the corresponding shape to model fit. The images below the result of plane fitting:
  • Points that correspond to plane (inliers) are extracted to yield point cloud of table
  • Points that do not correspond to plane (outliers) are extracted to yield point cloud of tabletop objects.

# RANSAC Plane Segmentation
seg = point_cloud_filtered.make_segmenter()
inliers, coefficients = seg.segment()
# Extract inliers and outliers
cloud_table = point_cloud_filtered.extract(inliers, negative=False)
cloud_objects = point_cloud_filtered.extract(inliers, negative=True)

2. Complete Exercise 2 steps | Pipeline including clustering for segmentation implemented.

DBSCAN / Euclidean Clustering (dist_tol=.025, min_cluster_size=10, max_cluster_size=5500)

  • The DBSCAN algorithm creates clusters by grouping data points that are within some threshold distance (dist_tol) from the other data points. Cluster inclusion depends on euclidean distance (hence, alternative name Euclidean clustering instead of DBSCAN). There are minimum and maximum cluster size limits: if a point has at least (min_cluster_size - 1) neigbhors within dist_tol than that point is a "core member", otherwise point is designated an "edge member". If a point has no neigbors within dist_tol, that point is designated an outlier (essentially treated as noise)
  • Specific values for threshold distance (dist_tol), min_cluster_size, and max_cluster_size were derived via trial and error. If min_cluster_size is too large, clustering performance degrades drastically. If dist_tol is too large or too small, clustering performance degrades drastically. I found that there was a little more room for error when it came to defining max_cluster_size
  • Below image is based on

# Euclidean Clustering
white_cloud = XYZRGB_to_XYZ(cloud_objects)
tree = white_cloud.make_kdtree()
ec = white_cloud.make_EuclideanClusterExtraction()
ec.set_ClusterTolerance(0.025) # distance tolerance
cluster_indices = ec.Extract() # extract indices for each of the discovered clusters
# Create Cluster-Mask Point Cloud to visualize each cluster separately
cluster_color = get_color_list(len(cluster_indices))
color_cluster_point_list = []
for j, indices in enumerate(cluster_indices):
    for i, indice in enumerate(indices):
cluster_cloud = pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGB()
# Convert PCL data to ROS messages
ros_cluster_cloud = pcl_to_ros(cluster_cloud)
# Publish ROS messages

2. Complete Exercise 3 Steps | Object recognition implemented (extract features, train SVM):

Extract Features

Compute Color Histograms
  • In process of reading RGB data from the point clouds from each snapshot, I converted RGB data to HSV (hue-saturation-value) color space to increase robustness of object recognition (RGB is sensitive to changes in brightness etc.)
  • I used 32 bins, so roughly 12.5% of color data would fall into each bin (initially, I experimented with larger number of bins but didn't see increase in performance enough to justify increase in processing time larger number bins brought on)
 # Compute color histograms
  nbins = 32
  bins_range = (0, 256)
  channel_1_hist = np.histogram(channel_1_vals, bins=nbins, range=bins_range)
  channel_2_hist = np.histogram(channel_2_vals, bins=nbins, range=bins_range)
  channel_3_hist = np.histogram(channel_3_vals, bins=nbins, range=bins_range)
  # Concatenate and normalize the histograms
  hist_features = np.concatenate((
      channel_1_hist[0], channel_2_hist[0], channel_3_hist[0])).astype(np.float64)
  normed_features = hist_features / np.sum(hist_features)
  # Return the feature vector
  return normed_features 
Compute Normal Histograms
  • Surface normal values all fall in range of -1 to 1. Likewise, as opposed to bins_range of (0,256) used for color histograms, for normal histograms I set a bins_range of (-1,1)
# Compute normal histograms (just like with color)
nbins = 32
bins_range = (-1, 1)
norm_x_hist = np.histogram(norm_x_vals, bins=nbins, range=bins_range)
norm_y_hist = np.histogram(norm_y_vals, bins=nbins, range=bins_range)
norm_z_hist = np.histogram(norm_z_vals, bins=nbins, range=bins_range)
# Concatenate and normalize the histograms
hist_features = np.concatenate((
    norm_x_hist[0], norm_y_hist[0], norm_z_hist[0])).astype(np.float64)
normed_features = hist_features / np.sum(hist_features)
# Return the feature vector
return normed_features

Train SVM

  • Sklearn has a nifty function called GridSearchCV that allows one to specify a range of C values, gamma values, and kernels, and essentially extract the classifier (and set of params) that perform best for given dataset. I used this function to help me settle on a sigmoid kernel for trained SVM. GridSearchCV ultimately recommended a sigmoid classifer with C=93 and gamma=.001 with accuracy of 93% for the 2400 feature training_set.sav
  • However, I found that although the classifier recommended by GridSearchCV had high accuracy rates in training (and performed perfectly in and the classifier only correctly recognized 7/8 objects in (consistently misclassified glue for biscuits)
  • Using the classifier recommendation given by GridSearchCV as a basepoint and tinkering around a bit with the values for C and gamma, I settled on a sigmoid classifier with param values of C=40 and gamma=.0001. This classifier has slighly lower accuracy (90%) than the classifier recommended by GridSearchCV but performs perfectly in all three worlds.
  • I assume the classifer recommended by GridSearchCV suffered from overfitting (RBF classifiers as well displayed this problem). Likewise, it makes sense the final classifier I ended with performed better because I lowered C (which controls tradeoff between smooth decision boundary and classifying points correctly; higher C results in greater emphasis on classifying points correctly) and gamma (which defines how far the influence of a single training example reaches; higher gamma results in greater emphasis on fitting close points)
from sklearn import svm, grid_search, cross_validation, metrics
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder, StandardScaler
# Search for best classifier in SVC search space
print 'Searching for best classifier in search space...'
start_time = time.time()
parameters = dict(
  kernel=['linear', 'sigmoid'],
  C=[.5, 1, 5, 10, 80, 85, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 97, 100],
  gamma=[0.01, 0.001, 0.0015, 0.002, 0.003, 0.005, 0.008, 0.0001, .00015, 0.0007, .0008, .0009, 0])
clf = grid_search.GridSearchCV(svm.SVC(probability=True), parameters, verbose=1).fit(X_train, y_train)
classifier = clf.best_estimator_
print '* Best Parameters (kernel, C, gamma):', clf.best_params_
print '* Time elapsed:', time.time() - start_time
Normalized Confusion Matrix (Sigmoid, C=.40, gamma=.0001, accuracy=90%)

3D Perception Results (✔)

  • At first, before I optimized the threshold scale factor for the statistical outlier filter and the leaf size of the voxel grid downsample filter, results for would oscillate 7/8 and 8/8. However, once I optimized these filter parameters, object recognition result for is consistently 8/8.
  • Total object perception and filtering time in pcl_callback() takes a couple of seconds (with most time being spent on conversion of ROS PointCloud2 message to a pcl PointXYZRGB). Statistical outlier filter takes a couple of seconds, whereas passthrough, voxel grid downsample, and segmentation occur on the scale of milliseconds

Collision Map Implementation

  • Collision map helped prevent objects from being knocked over while picking up other objects
  • For each detected object in pr2_mover(), merge ros clouds of table and all other detected objects that come next in detected objects list to build collision map
  • After publishing collision map for a particular object and calling service “pick_and_place_routine”, clear the collision map by calling /clear_octomap
# establish collision map
other_detected_objects = detected_objects[index + 1:]
ros_cloud_other_objects_data = []
if other_detected_objects:
    ros_cloud_other_objects_data = [[xyzrgb for xyzrgb in pc2.read_points(, 
        skip_nans=True, field_names=("x", "y", "z", "rgb"))] for other_object in other_detected_objects]
    ros_cloud_other_objects_data = np.concatenate(ros_cloud_other_objects_data).tolist()
collision_map_pcl_data = pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGB()
collision_map_pcl_data.from_list(ros_cloud_table_data + ros_cloud_other_objects_data)
collision_map = pcl_to_ros(collision_map_pcl_data)
# clear collision map
print '* Clearing collision map'
clear_collision_map = rospy.ServiceProxy('/clear_octomap', Empty)

Next Steps

  • Improve Speed: Writing and compiling code in C++

  • Reducing graphics memory load of project: For this project, I had to operate exclusively in Rviz because VMware virtual machine could not take the graphics memory load that occurred from running gazebo with gui (I had to set gui=false for this project and change the graphics memory settings of the virtual machine to get project to run properly). Optimize project for Gazebo use

  • Add friction to objects / optimize pick up routine: PR2 robot is prone to drop objects in pick and place routine (especially if PR2 robot is not given sufficient time to firmly grasp an object).


3D Perception project for the Robotics Nanodegree Program








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  • C++ 64.5%
  • Python 28.3%
  • CMake 7.0%
  • Shell 0.2%