Had a course on antennas and propogation in 5th semester of my college . Since it was purely mathematical and boring , decided to simulate an antenna myself so that I could have a real life understanding of the subject . So installed HFSS , learnt throught ansys course and simulated an antenna myself .
Decided to make a dipole antenna , since it is omnidirectional and hence useful in a variety of cases . The antenna I have designed is meant for usage in Bluetooth communication . The frequency range of bluetooth communication is around 2.4Ghz .
First I made the initial model without considering the fringing end effects .
As the effective length of dipole antenna would be more than the physical length , I tuned the antenna so that it works the best at the required range , as opposed to the result 2.3Ghz which I got without considering the end effects . I adjusted the length and after a few iterations of tuning , I was able to achieve the required goal .
The properties of the model are as follows :
Finally , I executed the simulation . After about a minute or two , my computer generated the results (yes , antenna simulations take time to run )
Here are the resulting field patterns :
Hence my aim was accomplished !!