WoW Chat, browser game client based on WoWser.
Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE for more information.
Wowser is a proof-of-concept of getting a triple-A game to run in a webbrowser, attempting to tackle a wide variety of challenges: data retrieval, socket connections, cryptography, 3d graphics, binary data handling, background workers and audio, to name a few.
Wowser is aiming to be both a low-level API as well as a graphical client, interacting with compatible game servers.
Wowser is compatible with all server based on Mangos 335 such as AzerothCore, TrinityCore and Mangos itself. Of course other servers that use the same opcode specifications of projects above, are also supported .
At present, this project is capable of:
- Authenticating by username / password.
- Listing available realms.
- Connecting to a realm.
- Listing characters available on a realm.
- Joining the game world with a character.
- Chat in game on following channels: Guild, Say, Wispers, World (hardcoded custom channel)
- Logging game world packets, such as when a creature moves in the vicinity.
Wowser is presumed to be working on any browser supporting JavaScript's typed arrays and at the very least a binary version of the WebSocket protocol.
Clone the repository:
git clone git://
Download and install Node.js – including
– for your platform. -
Install dependencies:
npm install
Install [StormLib] and [BLPConverter], which are used to handle Blizzard's game files.
Create a copy of conf/conf.js.dist file and name it conf/conf.js (don't delete the .dist file) then configure it.
Webpack's development server monitors source files and builds:
npm run web-dev
Wowser will be served on
To utilize raw TCP connections a WebSocket proxy is required for JavaScript clients.
Websockify can - among other things - act as a proxy for raw TCP sockets.
For now, you will want to proxy both port 3724 (auth) and 8085 (world).
If you want to connect this web client to a server in the same machine you can change the authserver port from 8085 to 8086 in the auth realmlist table using:
UPDATE `realmlist` SET `port`=8086 WHERE `id`=1;
Run proxy for localhost:
npm run proxy 3725
npm run proxy 8086
While login using the web client, use the port 3725.
Run proxy for a public server:
npm run proxy 3724 server.realmlist:3724
npm run proxy 8085 server.realmlist:8085
replacing server.realmlist with the realmlist of the server.
When contributing, please:
- Fork the repository
- Open a pull request (preferably on a separate branch)