This is a quick job test. The goal is to implement a selectable and expendable list of music genres. I also implemented the rest of the page's elements to have a better view of what it looks.
Clicking a chip select the corresponding genre. Cliking again unselect it.
Cliking the chip's + buton expend it to show the sub-selected chips. Cliking it again collapse. Previous Step and CONTINUE buttons change the step number in the store which update the step counter on the top of the title.
The Create-React-App process is straightforward :
git clone
cd radionomy-test
npm install
npm start
- Add:
- Animations.
- Others Steps (at least placeholders).
- Auto-complete field to search a genre.
- Station-Type and Stream-Speed selection.
- PropTypes and tests.
- Fix:
- Limit the number of genre that can be select.
- Limit the steps navigation between 1 and 5.
- Handle the real data's JSON.
- make Chips' + button bigger.
- Don't allow to collapse a parent chip that has subChip selected. Alternative behavior: style the parent chip specialy to let know a genre is selected inside.
I changed the data structure as bellow to store each genre, it's data and it's state. I choosed to flattent it (the original file was made of nested objects) to ease the later mapping throught the list. It's only a mock for now but it wouldn't be very difficult to create a function that fetch the datas from an API and re-arrange it in this shame.
'genres' : [
// Name and ID
"name": "Blues",
"ID": 190,
// Helper to render first the Parent genres
"isParentGenre": true,
// Used by the subGenres to store their Parent ID
"parentGenreID": null,
// Store the states of the genre
"expended": false,
"selected": false,
The previous shame is easy to use but most of the time I perform an action or render a Chip I need to map through all the genre list. Although I didn't notice any performance issue, I whould now use a dedicated array. It will slightly complexify the store, but it will be way easier and quicker to use later on.
// Selected and Expended genres ID's stored in an array.
`selectedGenres` : []
`ExpendedGenres` : []
'genres' : [
"name": "Blues",
"ID": 190,
"parentGenreID": null,
I might also consider moving the ID's as a name for the genre's object. That could be even faster and easier to use.
`selectedGenres` : []
`ExpendedGenres` : []
'genres' : [
190: {
"name": "Blues",
"parentGenreID": null,
191: {...},
192: {...},
193: {...}