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Install Node or NVM
If using nvm, you can type the following to match the node version used in development
nvm install
nvm use
- Install Server dependencies
npm install
- Install Client dependencies
cd view
npm install
Create a database, schema and database user with access to this schema using your favourite PostgreSQL interface
You can optionally seperate schema for testing purposes.
Do note however, that, any data present in the test schema will be erased whenever the server test script is run.
Use the file in models/db-setup.sql
to set up the required database tables and relationships for each schema.
And then store the login information in a .env file at the base of the project. See .env.example
for an example.
This codebase is setup to work with the node environement and postgres environment both having their timezones set to 'UTC'.
Thus, in order for it to work correctly, both the postgres database and node environment must be set to UTC in order to work.
Add the following line to the .env
file at the base of the project
TZ = 'UTC'
In postgresql.conf make sure the variable timezone
is set to UTC
, as follows. The location of this file will vary depending on your PostgreSQL setup.
timezone = 'UTC'
Another variable that needs to be added to the .env
file is the Session Secret.
This variable is used for enabling secure session authentication between a logged in user and the application.
This variable should be set to a long string of characters that cannot be guessed by a malicious user.
In production, it is wise to alter this value on a regular basis. Note, however, that whenever this variable is changed all users will be forced to log in again in.
To run the application in development mode, run the following in this order.
Start up the PostgreSQL database server (if not already running)
Start up the development server
From the base of the project run the following from the terminal
npm start
- Start up the client in development mode
In a separate terminal window, switch to the view sub-directory and then run
npm start
Before running the server tests, make sure your PostgreSQL database server is running.
Then, from the base of the project type the following to run all the tests
npm test
Tests can be filtered so that only certain tests are run, as follows...
npm test -- --grep "<string to match in test description>"
e.g. run only tests at the API path /api/v1/users
npm test -- --grep "/api/v1/users"
From the view sub-directory, run the following
npm test
To switch to the view sub-directory, type the following from the base of the project
cd view
You can check you are in the right folder by running the following command