The purpose of this tool is to facilitate the creation of Kubernetes Clusters in different Cloud Providers.
With Docker installed you just need to build the image locally
docker build -t docker-k8s-bootstrap .
All the commands described in sections below can be run from inside the container with:
docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/work -w /work --entrypoint /bin/bash docker-k8s-bootstrap
The only requirement to run the bootstrap is Terraform
, please check install terraform cli
# Linux Example
curl -o /tmp/ -LO
unzip /tmp/
chmod +x terraform && mv terraform /usr/local/bin/
Depending on the supported cloud provided a specific CLI will be needed:
#login and follow prompts
az login
From the obtained list, select the Subscription Id to be used.
az account list -o table
# Run this if different from actual.
az account set --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION_ID
TENANT_ID=$(az account show --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION_ID | jq -r '.tenantId')
The bootstrap (Terraform) needs Service Principal Credentials. Create one if needed.
SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_JSON=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION_ID")
CLIENT_ID=$(echo $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_JSON | jq -r '.appId')
CLIENT_SECRET=$(echo $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_JSON | jq -r '.password')
- Login to test credentials:
az login --service-principal -u $CLIENT_ID -p $CLIENT_SECRET --tenant $TENANT_ID
az account list-locations -o table
az logout
It is recommended to store the Terraform state files in a remote storage on the cloud, we can create one if needed using the following commands (adjust the names accordingly):
- Login using your user and not the principal created above.
az login
# Create resource group
az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --location eastus
# Create storage account
az storage account create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --name $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME --sku Standard_LRS --encryption-services blob
# Get storage account key
ACCOUNT_KEY=$(az storage account keys list --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --account-name $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME --query '[0].value' -o tsv)
# Create blob container
az storage container create --name $CONTAINER_NAME --account-name $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME --account-key $ACCOUNT_KEY
echo "storage_account_name: $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME"
echo "container_name: $CONTAINER_NAME"
echo "access_key: $ACCOUNT_KEY"
- These values can be used in the values file (infra.yaml)
Reference: store-state-in-azure-storage
Duplicate/edit infra.yaml
file to configure these properties (Azure example):
Property Name | Description |
cloud_provider |
The only valid values for now are azure-private or azure-public . Choosing private will require an existing resource group and vnet/subnet |
subscription_id |
Your account subscription id, e.g. $SUBSCRIPTION_ID obtained above. |
tenant_id |
Your account tenant id, e.g. $TENANT_ID obtained above. |
client_id |
Service Principal Id, e.g. $CLIENT_ID obtained above. |
client_secret |
Service Principal Secret, e.g. $CLIENT_SECRET obtained above. |
location |
Azure Location, a list can be obtained with az account list-locations -o table |
backend.container_name |
The name of the blob container. When not defined, tfstate files will be stored locally in the ./output directory |
backend.resource_group_name |
The name of the resource group where the Azure Storage account is located. |
backend.storage_account_name |
The name of the Azure Storage account. |
backend.access_key |
The storage access key. When not defined an az login will be required prior to the bootstrap execution. |
aks.cluster_name |
Name of the AKS cluster to be created. |
aks.k8s_version |
Kubernetes version to be installed. One of: az aks get-versions -l eastus -o table |
For other properties, check the comments in the properties file and put the appropriate ones in each case.
- Change directory to where
file is located - To check what will be created
chmod +x k8s-bootstrap
./k8s-bootstrap apply --dry-run
- To apply the changes, run and answer the questions.
./k8s-bootstrap apply
- To test the cluster, once the process is completed, run:
export KUBECONFIG=${PWD}/output/kube_config
kubectl get nodes -o wide
- To access the underlying VMs run
eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add ./output/id_rsa
ssh -i ./output/id_rsa -J ubuntu@<bastion_public_ip> ubuntu@<private_vm_ip>
⚠️ Make sure to securely save the tfstate files It will be needed for updates or to delete the cluster.
⚠️ Make sure to remove the assosiation between the Ambassador service and pulic IP
kubectl delete svc -n ambassador ambassador
- Recommended Cleanup
./k8s-bootstrap destroy
- Or this one will delete all the resources directly (not recommended):
az group delete -n <resource-group>
- In case you want to delete a created Service Principal
az ad sp delete --id $CLIENT_ID