- The mean, through all the clusters, of their mean dispersion.
- The range is [0,+∞).
- The difference between two successive slopes to be maximized.
- Shows for a given clustering its fraction of maximal possible increase over minimal distances which within-cluster distances between pairs of points have.
- The range is [0,1].
- To be minimized.
- Is proportional to the quotient of the between-group dispersion and pooled within-cluster dispersion.
- The range is [0,+∞).
- To be maximized.
- Is the quotient of the mean within-cluster and between-cluster distance.
- The range is [0,+∞).
- To be minimized.
- Is based on the mean of the quotients between between-group dispersion and TSS for each variable of the data.
- The range is [0,+∞).
- To be maximized.
- Deals with those clusters which are “close” in terms of their barycenters to each other but have very distant points within.
- The range is [0,+∞).
- To be minimized.
- Operates with quantities that only depend on the average distances between a given observation and other observations inside its own and also inside the nearest cluster.
- The range is [0,1].
- To be maximized.
- Deals with those clusters which contain the closest points belonging to different clusters and also with clusters that have very distant points within.
- The range is [0,+∞).
- To be maximized.