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Refactor the RabbitMQClient hierarchy to make the worker and publishe…
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Push up the publisher's logic to reconnect to RabbitMQClient
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jvanecek committed Jul 27, 2024
1 parent 9cf586d commit f12e539
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Showing 4 changed files with 86 additions and 217 deletions.
12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions source/Ansible-RabbitMQ-Tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,17 +20,13 @@ RabbitMQTextReverser >> channel [
^ channel

{ #category : 'private' }
RabbitMQTextReverser >> configureConnection: builder [


{ #category : 'initialization' }
RabbitMQTextReverser >> initializeWorkingWith: aTestCase [

testCase := aTestCase.
self initializeConnection
testCase := aTestCase.
self initializeConfiguredBy: ( Dictionary new
at: #hostname put: 'localhost';
yourself )

{ #category : 'private' }
Expand Down
112 changes: 46 additions & 66 deletions source/Ansible-RabbitMQ/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ Class {
#superclass : 'Object',
#instVars : [
#category : 'Ansible-RabbitMQ',
#package : 'Ansible-RabbitMQ'
Expand All @@ -23,15 +25,21 @@ RabbitMQClient class >> isAbstract [

{ #category : 'private - configuring' }
RabbitMQClient >> configureConnection: builder [
RabbitMQClient >> connectivityErrors [

self subclassResponsibility
^ NetworkError , ConnectionClosed , AmqpDisconnectedError

{ #category : 'private - configuring' }
RabbitMQClient >> connectivityErrors [
{ #category : 'private' }
RabbitMQClient >> ensureChannelOpen [

^ NetworkError , ConnectionClosed , AmqpDisconnectedError
| reconnect |

reconnect := [
self ensureConnectedAndOpen.
channel := connection createChannel
channel ifNil: reconnect ifNotNil: [ channel whenOpenDo: [ ] whenClosedDo: reconnect ]

{ #category : 'private' }
Expand All @@ -57,96 +65,68 @@ RabbitMQClient >> ensureConnectedAndOpen [

{ #category : 'initialization' }
RabbitMQClient >> initializeConnection [

builder := AmqpConnectionBuilder usingAMQP091Protocol.
self configureConnection: builder.
connection := builder build
RabbitMQClient >> initializeConfiguredBy: anOptionsDictionary [

options := anOptionsDictionary.
builder := AmqpConnectionBuilder usingAMQP091Protocol.
builder hostname: ( options at: #hostname ).
builder portNumber: ( options at: #port ifAbsent: [ 5672 ] ).
builder username: ( options at: #username ifAbsent: [ 'guest' ] ).
builder password: ( options at: #password ifAbsent: [ 'guest' ] )

{ #category : 'private - connecting' }
RabbitMQClient >> logFailedConnectionAttempt: attemptNumber dueTo: error [

LogRecord emitError: ( 'Attempt #<1p>/<2p> to connect to RabbitMQ failed: <3s>'
expandMacrosWith: attemptNumber
with: self retryCount + 1
with: self retryCount
with: error messageText )

{ #category : 'private - connecting' }
RabbitMQClient >> openConnection [

self withSuccessfulConnectionDo: [ :succesfulConnection |
LogRecord emitInfo: 'Connecting to RabbitMQ' during: [
try: [ succesfulConnection open ]
onConnectivityErrorDo: [ :attemptNumber :error |
self logFailedConnectionAttempt: attemptNumber dueTo: error ]

{ #category : 'private - configuring' }
RabbitMQClient >> options [
RabbitMQClient >> retryCount [

^ Dictionary new
^ options at: #maximumConnectionAttemps ifAbsent: [ 3 ]

{ #category : 'private - configuring' }
RabbitMQClient >> retryCount [
{ #category : 'private - testing' }
RabbitMQClient >> shouldLogDebuggingInfo [

^ self options at: #retryCount ifAbsent: [ 2 ]
^ options at: #enableDebuggingLogs ifAbsent: [ false ]

{ #category : 'controlling' }
RabbitMQClient >> start [

self openConnection.
whenConnected: [
LogRecord emitInfo: 'Connected to RabbitMQ'.
self startProcessing
whenNot: [ :error |
LogRecord emitError:
( 'Cannot connect to RabbitMQ, <1s>' expandMacrosWith: error messageText ).
AmqpDisconnectedError signal: error messageText

{ #category : 'private' }
RabbitMQClient >> startProcessing [

self subclassResponsibility
self ensureChannelOpen

{ #category : 'controlling' }
RabbitMQClient >> stop [

whenConnected: [ connection close ]
whenNot: [ LogRecord emitWarning: 'RabbitMQ connection was already closed.' ]
ifNil: []
ifNotNil: [
whenConnected: [connection close]
whenNot: [LogRecord emitWarning: 'RabbitMQ connection was already closed.']]

{ #category : 'private - connecting' }
RabbitMQClient >> try: aBlock onConnectivityErrorDo: failBlock [
{ #category : 'private - accessing' }
RabbitMQClient >> timeframeBetweenAttempts [

Retry value: aBlock configuredBy: [ :retry |
upTo: self retryCount;
on: self connectivityErrors evaluating: failBlock.
self options at: #retry ifPresent: [ :action | action value: retry ]
^ Duration milliSeconds: ( options at: #timeSlotBetweenConnectionRetriesInMs ifAbsent: [ 300 ] )

{ #category : 'private - connecting' }
RabbitMQClient >> withSuccessfulConnectionDo: aBlock [

try: [ connection whenConnected: [ aBlock value: connection ] whenNot: [ :error | error signal ] ]
onConnectivityErrorDo: [ :attemptNumber :error |
self logFailedConnectionAttempt: attemptNumber dueTo: error.
LogRecord emitWarning: 'Reconnecting socket to RabbitMQ'.
connection initializeSocketConnection
RabbitMQClient >> try: aBlock onConnectivityErrorDo: failBlock [

Retry value: aBlock configuredBy: [ :retry |
upTo: self retryCount;
backoffExponentiallyWithTimeSlot: self timeframeBetweenAttempts;
on: self connectivityErrors evaluating: failBlock.
options at: #retry ifPresent: [ :action | action value: retry ]
115 changes: 1 addition & 114 deletions source/Ansible-RabbitMQ/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,13 +8,7 @@ as the producers and consumers can operate independently.
Class {
#name : 'RabbitMQPublisher',
#superclass : 'Object',
#instVars : [
#superclass : 'RabbitMQClient',
#category : 'Ansible-RabbitMQ',
#package : 'Ansible-RabbitMQ'
Expand All @@ -29,72 +23,6 @@ RabbitMQPublisher class >> configuredBy: aConfigurationAction [
^ self new initializeConfiguredBy: options

{ #category : 'private - accessing' }
RabbitMQPublisher >> channel [

^ channel

{ #category : 'private - accessing' }
RabbitMQPublisher >> connectivityErrors [

^ NetworkError , ConnectionClosed , AmqpDisconnectedError

{ #category : 'private - connecting' }
RabbitMQPublisher >> ensureChannelOpen [

| reconnect |

reconnect := [
self ensureConnectedAndOpen.
channel := connection createChannel
channel ifNil: reconnect ifNotNil: [ channel whenOpenDo: [ ] whenClosedDo: reconnect ]

{ #category : 'private - connecting' }
RabbitMQPublisher >> ensureConnectedAndOpen [

| createConnection |

createConnection := [
try: [
connection := builder build.
connection open]
onConnectivityErrorDo: [:attemptNumber :error |
self logFailedConnectionAttempt: attemptNumber dueTo: error]].

ifNil: createConnection
ifNotNil: [connection whenConnected: [] whenNot: createConnection].

whenOpen: []
whenNot: [connection closeReason ifNil: [connection open] ifNotNil: createConnection]

{ #category : 'initialization' }
RabbitMQPublisher >> initializeConfiguredBy: anOptionsDictionary [

options := anOptionsDictionary.
builder := AmqpConnectionBuilder usingAMQP091Protocol.
builder hostname: (options at: #hostname).
builder portNumber: (options at: #port ifAbsent: [5672]).
builder username: (options at: #username ifAbsent: ['guest']).
builder password: (options at: #password ifAbsent: ['guest'])

{ #category : 'private - logging' }
RabbitMQPublisher >> logFailedConnectionAttempt: anAttemptNumber dueTo: anError [

LogRecord emitError: ( 'Attempt #<1p>/<2p> to connect to RabbitMQ failed: <3s>'
expandMacrosWith: anAttemptNumber
with: self retryCount
with: anError messageText )

{ #category : 'publishing' }
RabbitMQPublisher >> publish: aMessageCollection onQueueNamed: aQueueName [

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,49 +50,8 @@ RabbitMQPublisher >> publishOnly: aMessage onQueueNamed: aQueueName [
properties: (connection protocolClass basicPropertiesClass new deliveryMode: 2)

{ #category : 'private - accessing' }
RabbitMQPublisher >> retryCount [

^options at: #maximumConnectionAttemps ifAbsent: [3]

{ #category : 'private - testing' }
RabbitMQPublisher >> shouldLogDebuggingInfo [

^options at: #enableDebuggingLogs ifAbsent: [false]

{ #category : 'connecting' }
RabbitMQPublisher >> start [

self ensureChannelOpen

{ #category : 'connecting' }
RabbitMQPublisher >> stop [

ifNil: []
ifNotNil: [
whenConnected: [connection close]
whenNot: [LogRecord emitWarning: 'RabbitMQ connection was already closed.']]

{ #category : 'private - accessing' }
RabbitMQPublisher >> timeframeBetweenAttempts [

^Duration milliSeconds: (options at: #timeSlotBetweenConnectionRetriesInMs ifAbsent: [300])

{ #category : 'private - connecting' }
RabbitMQPublisher >> try: aBlock onConnectivityErrorDo: failBlock [

value: aBlock
configuredBy: [:retry |
upTo: self retryCount;
backoffExponentiallyWithTimeSlot: self timeframeBetweenAttempts;
on: self connectivityErrors evaluating: failBlock]

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