Infrastructure (Kubernetes)
- Docker:
- Virtual Box if you don't already have it:
brew install --cask virtualbox
- Minikube:
brew install minikube
- Kubernetes cli tools:
brew install kubernetes-cli
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd ../core && ./ && cd ../infra &&
cd ../chat && ./ && cd ../infra &&
cd ../channel && ./ && cd ../infra &&
cd ../user && ./ && cd ../infra &&
cd ../gqlapi && ./ && cd ../infra &&
cd ../websockets && ./ && cd ../infra
cd images/custom-jre15
minikube config set disk-size 20GB
minikube config set memory 6144
minikube delete
minikube start
cd ../chat && ./ && cd ../infra &&
cd ../channel && ./ && cd ../infra &&
cd ../user && ./ && cd ../infra &&
cd ../gqlapi && ./ && cd ../infra &&
cd ../websockets && ./ && cd ../infra
minikube ip (IP for all services)
kubectl get services --namespace=baat (Port for each service is different)
Update `` with minikube IP & ports for dependent services.
kubectl port-forward service/gqlapi 8081:8080 --namespace=baat
kubectl port-forward service/websockets 8082:8080 --namespace=baat
kubectl port-forward service/user 8083:8080 --namespace=baat
kubectl port-forward service/chat 8084:8080 --namespace=baat
kubectl port-forward service/channel 8085:8080 --namespace=baat
Update `` with localhost and above port.
kubectl create namespace baatlogging
kubectl create -f k8s/logging/elastic-deployment.yml --namespace=baatlogging
kubectl create -f k8s/logging/kibana-deployment.yml --namespace=baatlogging
kubectl create -f k8s/logging/fluentd-rbac.yml
kubectl create -f k8s/logging/fluentd-demonset.yml
minikube dashboard
From AWS management console (IAM):
1. Create user (baat-user)
2. Create group (admin) (AdminAccessAll), and assign user.
Command line:
1. brew install weaveworks/tap/eksctl
2. aws configure (and setup access key password to this user)
Create cluster, it will use autoscaling without any policy, but keep instances in min/max.
To enable pod and cluster auto scaler they need to be setup seprately.
eksctl create cluster \
--name baat \
--version 1.13 \
--nodegroup-name baat-workers \
--node-type t3.medium \
--nodes 3 \
--nodes-min 1 \
--nodes-max 4 \
--node-ami auto
cd ../chat && ./ && cd ../infra
cd ../channel && ./ && cd ../infra
cd ../user && ./ && cd ../infra
cd ../gqlapi && ./ && cd ../infra
cd ../websockets && ./ && cd ../infra
Update `` with IPs or DNS of dependent services's Load balancers.
Best to create a separate cluster
AWS managed:
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f k8s/dashboard/eks-admin-service-account.yaml
kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $(kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep eks-admin | awk '{print $1}')
kubectl proxy
And put the token.
kubectl get svc --all-namespaces
kubectl delete svc `service-name`
eksctl delete cluster --name baat
kubectl run -it --rm --image=mysql:5.6 --restart=Never mysql-client -- mysql -h <<database host e.g. user-db>> -p<<password>>
minikube service <<service name>> --url