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Please note: This is a temprorary fork of rgossiaux/svelte-heroicons until v2 support is merged.

Yet another Svelte wrapper for Heroicons.

This library differs from others in a couple main ways:

  • The icon components forward common event listeners to the underlying SVG, so you may use on:click and so on;
  • The API is closer to the official React wrappers, making it easier to use when converting Tailwind UI components to Svelte in conjunction with svelte-headlessui;
  • It's based on Heroicons 2.1.1


npm install -D @babeard/svelte-heroicons@next


Heroicons contains three types of icons: outline, solid, mini, and micro. They can be imported from @babeard/svelte-heroicons/outline, @babeard/svelte-heroicons/solid, @babeard/svelte-heroicons/mini, and @babeard/svelte-heroicons/micro respectively.

All icon names are CamelCased and end with the word Icon; for example, the academic-cap icon on is imported as AcademicCapIcon.

  import { MegaphoneIcon } from "@babeard/svelte-heroicons/solid";
  import { CheckIcon } from "@babeard/svelte-heroicons/outline";
  import { ChatBubbleLeftIcon } from "@babeard/svelte-heroicons/mini"

<CheckIcon />
<MegaphoneIcon class="my-class" aria-hidden="true" />
<ChatBubbleLeftIcon />

Upgrading to v2

With the new release of hericons, there are some breaking changes to be aware of.

See the heroicons v2 release notes for additional information.

New Icon Styles

There are now 3 styles of icons to choose from instead of 2

  • Outline — line icons with a 1.5px stroke, drawn in a 24px view box.
  • Solid — solid icons with filled shapes, drawn in a 24px view box.
  • Mini — solid icons with filled shapes, drawn in a 20px view box.
  • Micro — solid icons with filled shapes, drawn in a 16px view box.

Note: The old Solid with the view box size of 20px was essentially renamed to Mini in v2.

Icons Renamed

Many icons were renamed to more literal names. For exmaple, MailIcon has been renamed to EnvelopeIcon, and SearchIcon has been renamed to MagnifyingGlassIcon.

Old Name New Name
AdjustmentsIcon AdjustmentsVerticalIcon
AnnotationIcon ChatBubbleBottomCenterTextIcon
ArchiveIcon ArchiveBoxIcon
ArrowCircleDownIcon ArrowDownCircleIcon
ArrowCircleLeftIcon ArrowLeftCircleIcon
ArrowCircleRightIcon ArrowRightCircleIcon
ArrowCircleUpIcon ArrowUpCircleIcon
ArrowNarrowDownIcon ArrowLongDownIcon
ArrowNarrowLeftIcon ArrowLongLeftIcon
ArrowNarrowRightIcon ArrowLongRightIcon
ArrowNarrowUpIcon ArrowLongUpIcon
ArrowSmLeftIcon ArrowSmallLeftIcon
ArrowSmRightIcon ArrowSmallRightIcon
ArrowSmUpIcon ArrowSmallUpIcon
ArrowSmDownIcon ArrowSmallDownIcon
ArrowsExpandIcon ArrowsPointingOutIcon
BadgeCheckIcon CheckBadgeIcon
BanIcon NoSymbolIcon
BookmarkAltIcon BookmarkSquareIcon
CashIcon BanknotesIcon
ChartSquareBarIcon ChartBarSquareIcon
ChatAlt2Icon ChatBubbleLeftRightIcon
ChatAltIcon ChatBubbleLeftEllipsisIcon
ChatIcon ChatBubbleOvalLeftEllipsisIcon
ChipIcon CpuChipIcon
ClipboardCheckIcon ClipboardDocumentCheckIcon
ClipboardCopyIcon ClipboardDocumentIcon
ClipboardListIcon ClipboardDocumentListIcon
CloudDownloadIcon CloudArrowDownIcon
CloudUploadIcon CloudArrowUpIcon
CodeIcon CodeBracketIcon
CollectionIcon RectangleStackIcon
ColorSwatchIcon SwatchIcon
CursorClickIcon CursorArrowRaysIcon
DatabaseIcon CircleStackIcon
DesktopComputerIcon ComputerDesktopIcon
DeviceMobileIcon DevicePhoneMobileIcon
DocumentAddIcon DocumentPlusIcon
DocumentDownloadIcon DocumentArrowDownIcon
DocumentRemoveIcon DocumentMinusIcon
DocumentReportIcon DocumentChartBarIcon
DocumentSearchIcon DocumentMagnifyingGlassIcon
DotsCircleHorizontalIcon EllipsisHorizontalCircleIcon
DotsHorizontalIcon EllipsisHorizontalIcon
DotsVerticalIcon EllipsisVerticalIcon
DownloadIcon ArrowDownTrayIcon
DuplicateIcon Square2StackIcon
EmojiHappyIcon FaceSmileIcon
EmojiSadIcon FaceFrownIcon
ExternalLinkIcon ArrowTopRightOnSquareIcon
ExclamationIcon ExclamationTriangleIcon
EyeOffIcon EyeSlashIcon
FastForwardIcon ForwardIcon
FilterIcon FunnelIcon
FolderAddIcon FolderPlusIcon
FolderDownloadIcon FolderArrowDownIcon
FolderRemoveIcon FolderMinusIcon
GlobeIcon GlobeAmericasIcon
HandIcon HandRaisedIcon
InboxInIcon InboxArrowDownIcon
LibraryIcon BuildingLibraryIcon
LightningBoltIcon BoltIcon
LocationMarkerIcon MapPinIcon
LoginIcon ArrowLeftOnRectangleIcon
LogoutIcon ArrowRightOnRectangleIcon
MailOpenIcon EnvelopeOpenIcon
MailIcon EnvelopeIcon
MenuAlt1Icon Bars3CenterLeftIcon
MenuAlt2Icon Bars3BottomLeftIcon
MenuAlt3Icon Bars3BottomRightIcon
MenuAlt4Icon Bars2Icon
MenuIcon Bars3Icon
MinusSmIcon MinusSmallIcon
MusicNoteIcon MusicalNoteIcon
OfficeBuildingIcon BuildingOfficeIcon
PencilAltIcon PencilSquareIcon
PhoneIncomingIcon PhoneArrowDownLeftIcon
PhoneMissedCallIcon PhoneXMarkIcon
PhoneOutgoingIcon PhoneArrowUpRightIcon
PhotographIcon PhotoIcon
PlusSmIcon PlusSmallIcon
PuzzleIcon PuzzlePieceIcon
QrcodeIcon QrCodeIcon
ReceiptTaxIcon ReceiptPercentIcon
RefreshIcon ArrowPathIcon
ReplyIcon ArrowUturnLeftIcon
RewindIcon BackwardIcon
SaveAsIcon ArrowDownOnSquareStackIcon
SaveIcon ArrowDownOnSquareIcon
SearchCircleIcon MagnifyingGlassCircleIcon
SearchIcon MagnifyingGlassIcon
SelectorIcon ChevronUpDownIcon
SortAscendingIcon BarsArrowUpIcon
SortDescendingIcon BarsArrowDownIcon
SpeakerphoneIcon MegaphoneIcon
StatusOfflineIcon SignalSlashIcon
StatusOnlineIcon SignalIcon
SupportIcon LifebuoyIcon
SwitchHorizontalIcon ArrowsRightLeftIcon
SwitchVerticalIcon ArrowsUpDownIcon
TableIcon TableCellsIcon
TemplateIcon RectangleGroupIcon
TerminalIcon CommandLineIcon
ThumbDownIcon HandThumbDownIcon
ThumbUpIcon HandThumbUpIcon
TranslateIcon LanguageIcon
TrendingDownIcon ArrowTrendingDownIcon
TrendingUpIcon ArrowTrendingUpIcon
UploadIcon ArrowUpTrayIcon
UserAddIcon UserPlusIcon
UserRemoveIcon UserMinusIcon
ViewBoardsIcon ViewColumnsIcon
ViewGridAddIcon SquaresPlusIcon
ViewGridIcon Squares2x2Icon
ViewListIcon Bars4Icon
VolumeOffIcon SpeakerXMarkIcon
VolumeUpIcon SpeakerWaveIcon
XIcon XMarkIcon
ZoomInIcon MagnifyingGlassPlusIcon
ZoomOutIcon MagnifyingGlassMinusIcon


See for the full list of icons.


As with the main Heroicons library, this library is MIT licensed.


All credit goes to Tailwind Labs for designing the icons and to the original ancestor to this fork rgossiaux/svelte-heroicons.


Yet another Svelte wrapper around Heroicons (







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  • Svelte 79.4%
  • JavaScript 20.6%