This is Windows batch that aims to help people to run Particl Desktop on Windows easily.
When the Particl Desktop application starts for the first time, it downloads the latest version of the Particl Core and starts it.
Next the Particl Core will attempt to sync the blockchain from the scratch/genesis.
The Windows Defender reacts to it really aggressively and becomes very resource intensive bringing the total sync of 1.2 GB of data to 12-24hrs as it starts scanning on the fly the blocks.
This batch file adds the Particl Core and Particl Desktop folders (including their corresponding executables) to the Windows Defender exclussion list.
In addition, it adds a few rules to the Windows Firewall that allow the in/out bound traffic towards Particl Core and Particl Desktop related services.
- Download a Particl Desktop build in compressed file (.zip) form from here: - Extract the Particl Desktop files to some folder but do not start it yet..
- Download the addDefenderRule.bat and place it also in that folder.
- Run the addDefenderRule.bat by double clicking the file.
- Execute/run the "Particl Desktop.exe" for the first time.